Dambisa MOYO - Female idiocies out of Africa
There is an argument of mine that women are of no use when it goes about an analysis of philosophy about the true State of
Women have no brains for abstract procedures and therefore - any analysis coming from women can be sent in the basket.
Negroes are not some more stupid people than Whites or Chinese, but they have even less of an idea about collapses and catastrophes to come. Naturalism is no substitute for reasonableness.
Men may be able to think about reasons for the criminal State of our Earth. But their technological and cash idiocy prevents any true analysis - 99 percent of world POPS simply cannot think about complex CHAOS matters.
Economist Dambisa MOYO
First - she is very pretty indeed - a very fine woman and sooo intelligent. She was in Oxford , she wrote about the "Dead Aid" in Africa with lots of truth and she tries to analyse the economic situation of some lands and the world, from a standpoint of Milton Friedman, Karl Popper and herself. In other words, Dambisa MOYO is the living example, why our world goes down to hell and nobody can see it.
But such an attack must have grounds, and these grounds deliver an interview that Negro Woman gave to the Tages-Anzeiger in Zurigo on March 26, 2012. It's just another stupid analysis out of thousands I had to correct in my life, including the ones of Keynes, Friedman, Marx, Popper and some other about 50 idiotic VIPs, but what's all about her intellectual Junk becomes only transparent when I go NOW into the details.
Bankruptcy of USA
MOYO: USA are in misery in financial matters, They made too many of mistakes in the recent past. But USA are not lost, they may find ways for Growth and financial resources, same goes for other lands like USA . There are always solutions. I am just warning that the bankruptcy of USA might be one out of several options.
DELAVY: USA are bankrupt since many years. The towers of debts of the nation USA, the 50 States, towns, Chapter 11, rotten estate market, private debts make it, that each American owes to the world in average ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The reasons of the bankruptcy are the politics of neoliberalism of government, bankers, Jews on Wall Street. China gave the rest with their exports. China copied the slavery State Japan by cheap production and destroyed industry not only in USA , but too in Italy , Europe and the lands who had the SAY in the past in matters of economy. But USA are just as bankrupt - without recall - like Greece, England, Italy, China, India, Europe and Africa - for reasons to be stated in this report.
Downfall of "The West"
MOYO: I am sure that "The West" throws around the situation to become better. We have three sources for welfare: Work - Capital - Productivity. When we look at these 3 factors, we quickly recognize the problem: USA and Europe have too many of debts. Looking at WORK: We have a problem of quality and of quantity. The second means we get too many old folks. The first, folks get the wrong education in professions. State employees get too high of salaries. To prevent a War in Economy, "The West" has to learn from China and India and ME - etc.
DELAVY: All this is big shit. When China has become the supplier for cheap products of the world, it's due to the criminal mind of Chinese and the immense stupidity of "The West". Growth was the deadly TOOL for the downfall in finances, economics and the ecologic destruction of the Globe. First Europe exhausted the planet, than came USA and China killed the rest. No hope in matters of Climate, Resources and Water. The question of quality and quantity of Workers and Systems would only be of importance in a perfect world or if we had 10 planets. The way it is, whatever USA and Europe do, the free fall to hell is a MUST and cannot be prevented by any measures you and Dambisa may think of.
War of Economies between the nations
MOYO: Yes, there is some sort of War of Economics. The BRIC States show to "The WEST" how to behave. They found ways of productivity and growth. China is immensely rich (she does not say "in worthless Dollar treasury bonds - that Cow) - when Europeans and Americans learn to work harder, they may find the return to global happiness.
DELAVY: Happiness was past. In economics, USA and Europe are in the deadly DILEMMA. If they try to roll back the craze by lowering the debts, indeed Growth will fall and deficits explode. If however they increase the debt-line for further Growth, they accelerate the downfall of the planet, the debts of past dull politics in best times, increased by the crimes of Wall Street, the end result will be inflation and Greece being in all nations with write-offs of all debts. According to the principles of "Highest Accounting", this means the destruction of all fortunes of rich and poor folks in all States of the Globe. And this exactly is the final disaster in Finances, not to be prevented by any G-20 or G-0, whatever Negroes do in Africa .
MOYO: China artificially keeps low its value of their currency and thus there is not much for USA to go up with exports again and lower the gigantic Trade Deficit with China and other nations. We have a free Market, but with subventions in agriculture, USA and Europe deregulate the fine neoliberal market. China is more clever and they do the right things and anyway etc.
DELAVY: My God, what a fine analyses. First, China is just one step in front of its implosion. They must purchase land and water outside frontiers, the treasury bonds are pure shit, resources and energy still too cheap by the factor of 100 - and the poor masses shall explode any moment, and a drought may kill hundred of millions. But fine MOYO is talking of a world that did never exist. And the subventions in Europe and USA are required, otherwise all farmers and peasants would be dead since a long time. This intellectual shit out of the Chicago School of Jews can be thrown in the basket and it's a shame, such a beauty and Negro like Dambisa is even duller than Popper, what I thought would not be possible.
The idiots are not the Bankers and the Jews - but the Consumers
MOYO: This the argument of Dambisa. The Wall Street Trillion Dollar crimes would have nothing to do with Bankers, Jews and the neoliberal System. The bankers were forced by governments to give easy credits to the idiotic consumers, who were too dull to see the deadly TRAP they are falling into. The greed of small people and the stupidity of governments led to subprime crises, Lehman Brothers, UBS and Mandela - etc.
DELAVY: More and more I lose control. Idiotic Republicans under Ronald, Greenspan, Murdoch, GW Bush, Clinton as another shitty Democrat, do not excuse the highly criminal energy of the Wall Street, City of London and Zurich banking, when giving credits to any worker, women, white, negro and African, dear MOYO. It is a shame to use the idiocies of Thatcher and Pinochet against the weak consumers, when all the guilt is with the bankers, the Jews and those who had the cash given at low interest rates by Governments. This is big shit copied from FOX TV, SUN, ZEIT, Le Monde, NZZ, WEF Schwab Davos and some poor Negroes down in Mali - just go to hell with such an intellectual SCRAP.
There is not enough Globalisation in the World yet
MOYO: The major problem is not the globalisation, to say the theories out of USA down to China , Russia , Brazil and Mali , but NOT enough of globalisation. Give all freedom to the market mechanics (speech of Popper in Zurich around 1980) and all shall be fine. There are too many controls of State and too much of protectionism. We do not have a G-20 World, but a G-0 world, where the right means for total liberty are not yet developed etc.
DELAVY: You can see that I can no longer give loud (wuff) what says a woman of Chicago School under torture in the Mechanic School of Buenos Aires. It was not G-8 or G-20 that destroyed all mechanics in Finances, Economics, Ecology and resources exhausted in only 100 years of crazy humanity, but it was simply the stupidity of all bankers, Jews, governments, WEF, NGOs and Think Tanks of the Globe who - automatically - must have led to the present situation of free downfall to hell. And whatever Dambisa and other WEF Schwab and Joe Ackerman and Obama bin Laden would do or recommend, would accelerate the voyage down to hell and nobody can see the point yet. Globalisation was the means to spread the misery of USA idiocies in Economics over all other States and who cannot see the truths - shall now die from own stupidity.
No - Africa is not lost - on the contrary
MOYO: NGOs and other idiots should have left Africans alone. They made more harm, in giving wrong AID to Negroes from the Maghreb down over Sahel to South Africa . If Africans would have been left alone, they would not be in the present misery.
DELAVY: Well, very good argument, but false. Not only the NGOs were responsible, but the neoliberal shit of IMF and Worldbank convinced to follow the path of USA , Chile , Argentine and Switzerland - as this proved to be deadly politics. But worse is the behaviourism of Negroes. As written in my second report in WN in March 2006, copying some of my texts of 1970, I showed the idiocy of NGOs, helping Africa in destructing Africa . But it was Mandela how gave for free all the richness of South Africa to the White Cash Skunks in London . And it was the free will of African Negroes to explode in numbers. And it was our negroes who transferred all Cash on Swiss bank accounts and sold land to Chinese and killed thus their own Negroes. In addition is the ecologic Collapse to come with droughts and water-floods in all lands, naturally the deed of USA and Europe, followed by China and India, but the Africans followed the same path - because women have no brains and men believe in the Man in the Moon. Hope you - MOYO - can now read my lips.
What's wrong about Greece ?
MOYO: Well the downfall of Greece could have been prevented with the right measures of "The West". Get lowering the social charges, lets starve the poor workers, and for sure less of employees of State, working harder as do the imploding Chinese workers as SLAVES out of Africa - and above all - get more of future Growth - and all shall be fine and we will have a masterpiece of Life, like in the 1960ies in the USA. And Negroes shall be happy for all times. What we need are some females more in the Chicago School of Popper and Friedman, and all shall be fine again.
DELAVY: Greece is just the normal example of USA , Ireland , England , Italy , Spain , Portugal and all the Rest. By living on the account of deficits, of debts, of the force of other lands, on the free goods of our Planet, on the illusions of the Cash Boys at Wall Street, the Atom Bombs ABS, CDO and CDS invented by MOYO, in fact by women of Morgan Bank - well, do it and live on in luxury. And now roll back the deadly developments of 1960 to 2012, that brought Japan from top to hell, USA from top to hell, Russia from top to hell, Greece and England and Italy and Spain and Africa from top to hell, followed by fine China and India and other BRIC SHIT and all will be MOYO-fine in all over Globe.
And just now some other matter:
- The Financial Situation of the World in the year 2012 is peanuts as compared to the coming Crash of world Economics. But this again will be little shit as compared to the today's completed - not "Climate Change "- but the complete destruction of Climate and Weather Machine, not to be stopped or mended with quadrillions of Dollars, even if the nations would not yet be financially dead as dead can be.
Well, there are other anti-semitic, anti-female and anti-globalisation texts in my Gazettes, but do not read it, stay dull like NYT and Murdoch and -
Who has never understood the situation of the World and the stupidity of MOYO, NYT, Murdoch, Fox TV, Obama and all governments of the Globe so far, cannot be saved.
Women and Negroes should keep shut their mouth. Only persons with intellect should dictate the reality of a World in FREE FALL to Hell, without recourse, without recall, without any further perspectives.
Don't think I hate Dambisa Moyo. It's simply sad that I gave all reasons for the coming downfall of humanity in my oeuvre and it was left aside. Therefore, today the humans go down the Drain - and leave this Earth by 2099 - and nothing can be done.
Moyo will lose her beauty, she will fall in pieces and die. And she will never have understood in what world she was living - and in vain in existence, in the Eyes of God or Allah.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on March 27, 2012