Why most of Humans die until 2050

It is clear that humanity shall die out until 2099 to 100 percent.

But why should perhaps 80 percent of the number of 20 billions of folks be dying in this period in all nations, from today to 2050?

The answer is relatively simple:

1. Question of Number and Growth

It is NOW that we have 7 billion and soon 8 billion for a last time. It is said that we shall have double the need of energy around 2050, double the nourishment, double of tourism and double needs for resources. This is a joke, since from the year 2015 onwards, the number of pops on this globe with be found to be reduced sharply and anyhow, the bankruptcies of States and Banks shall stop any development and growth of humanity for ALL TIMES.

2. Water and Droughts

The greatest number of folks shall die from missing water, catastrophe being enforced to the maximum in times of droughts. Assume a millennium drought in China and in India. Some 10 million to 500 million of people can die within only 6 months. If same happens in the USA, today only little number would die, but about 50 millions in the year 2030. In Switzerland nobody would die from droughts since we have water in any circumstances. Most folks shall die on our globe from now to 2099 from droughts and missing water.

3. Climate and mistakes from the past

The effects of the ecologic crimes of humans against the geo-sphere shall be seen with an elapse of time of say 50 years. And so we will see - apart from droughts - some millennium floods, super-storms and monster-waves and shocks from cold, more and more, higher and higher, and great number of folks shall die from drowning, effects from storms, freezing and so on. We have no cash anymore to protect ourselves from the collapse of weather machine and rotten gone climate.

4. Errors of the past in Technology and Life-style

It was simple idiotic to let tourism and air travel get on, to invent cruiser ships and electro cars when long ago the effects were known. Planes killed the weather machine as did the cruiser ships. Electro cars were the gadgets said to stop the "Climate-Change" when in  fact it destroyed the rest of seldom earths, baldly needed in future for alternative electricity production. Such vital errors and 1000 others, stupid planning by zero-heads, shall decimate humans as well.

5. Pandemics and gene-manipulation

All major diseases are still on this surface of our globe - and so Pandemics shall come over humans and animals, and because the cash of the world was used for armies, for police, for security and for interest charges, there are no means to stop the pandemics, partly produced by the idiocy of gene-manipulations with plants, nourishment, animals and humans. There would be spread by globalisation some viruses that never more can be stopped. It may well be that more folks will die from diseases than from missing drinkable water.

6. Suicides and civil wars

When it comes to the point when resources are missing in all places on the globe, the armies and police and security shall be used to kill other folks, to kill each other and to kill one self by suicide. I do not know from what source the killing is most effective, but there is little doubt that the number of pops murdered by force, shall be very important.

7. Missing Cash and financial needs

Missing cash not only in matters of education, professions and pension funds, but more for infrastructure, health care and hospitals and cleaning water etc. shall have a late effect of not being able to help and save the sick and dying persons anymore. Since lots of resources are gone out, and since some major heads of science die too, the situation will accelerate in direction of complete helplessness for humans when also infrastructures go into pieces.

When we see how crazy VIPs and NGOs and governments and scientists and stupid media discuss "REALITY" today, I wonder why we had time until the year 2000, before the murdering of humans and the planet became visible. Most probably it was the effect of the sheer reserves of water, air, place and resources that deleted the final collapse for so long.

In Times after 2050 and before 2099

I would say that about 20 percent of humanity dying from 2050 to 2099 just are killed, when the number of humans fell under 2 billion of heads, by the late effects of the collapse of climate, weather machinery, sickness without counter-measures and still suicides and civil wars and terrorism.

Is there a solution to any of these facts?

Well, my books could have helped but only if applied on a global basis around the year 1975 or 1999 at the latest - point of no return. As it stands now, the finance crash is a fact, followed by a crash and bubble blowing up in all nations all economy and industry.

Further, the automatism of collapse of climate and weather cannot be stopped, not with quadrillions of Dollars that are of zero value, but with help of my books some sort of a smoothing of the situation could have been planned.

How do you want to reverse the fact of water gone out in the grounds, of poisoned water in lakes and rivers, of resources used up in only 100 years, of finances stolen from folks by rotten Jews and their Chicago School helpers' helper?

Some words for the use of Religions:

Sure it were mainly the Jews that produced the Finance Crash in theory and practice, but this is only part of the game for going down to hell. All religions and esoteric shit of the globe did absolutely all, to come to the results described here and in my books.

It was craze from the Start to make God or Allah or Buddha or esoteric shit responsible for the behaviourism of idiotic apes on this globe. We had the choice. More is that nothing killed more humans in history, than the craze of religion, to pretend we had a God, we knew who God would be and that HE or the Popes ordered us to kill all witches, all natural folks, all the idiots not believing in OUR God. And so from the start, the philosophers should have recognized that our Earth is killed through the following matters:

- Fanatic behaviour in politics, religion and esoteric shit of all sorts

- Science and technology, using up all water, air, oil, gas, the nature and the planet

- Cash industry of fools, believing in richness, when producing poverty all over

- Growth of life-style gadgets and pops, on a very limited place like the Earth

- Believing in feasibilities and theories that were never in times somehow feasible.

And so it can be said without a drop of tears in your eyes:

The major error and nail to the coffin of humanity were not only the religions, but mainly the philosophers and scientists believing in a world that did never exist in all times since Adam and Eve to the final year for humanity - around 2099.

Those responsible for my 10 books having got rotten in my house for some 20 years and more, shall be massacred by those who may recognize the error. But in view of 20 billion of killed folks from now to 2099, this does not make any difference to humanity anymore.

Hope you appreciated the lecture of this article. I appreciated the writing of it in only 20 minutes on February 9, 2012 - 5 o'clock in the morning, sitting in my bed and having my brave dog aside me, sleeping and giving noises from time to time.

We should appreciate the present times before the great horror of dying away shall start for humanity - what in fact began long time ago.... - guess Plato started the Crime...

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth