Naomi Klein -
Shock and Awe about a wise "Literature Doctrine"
(Why the Theories of Klein are not worth the paper written on ----- same goes for Jared Diamond and Harald Welzer etc.)
First of all: The book "Shock doctrine" of Naomi Klein will prove to have been the best book of the 20th Century. Not of 21st Century, where "CHAOS" will be the best. But the stupidity in a murderous capitalism, spread out from USA over the whole globe, the total cynicism of a few crazy VIP with immense power, has never been spelled out better than in her book. It confirms in all respects my oeuvre "Macht x Dummheit = Selbstzerstörung", of which I have translated some passages for Editors Letters like this one.
The oeuvre of Klein is excellent, it is gigantic - and it is shocking. It shows how the U.S. folks take our world for a cash-casino where ALL could win millions, if lucky, and all will lose at the end - and how a nation of about 300 million idiots crept in the assholes of about 10 governments with useless Think-tanks, under Republican or Democratic spell, and wanted to dictate to the whole world a Friedman-Hayek-Popper idiocy in economics, where cash and stock exchange count all - but truth, ethics, nature, humanity and civil rights are regarded as poor and futile junk.
However, even Naomi Klein will have to learn: If Homo non-sapiens goes down the drain, due to shock-capitalism of Bush, pseudo-democracy of Merkel, Abzocker-freedom of Swiss dwarfs, Sozi-shocks of Putin and Hu, Security bubble for the rich VIP in Israel or Neo-stupid democrazy as per Hugo Chavez throughout New South America, is without any importance for the years to come, leading down to a zero-world for 100 percent of humans. But let's start with some minor matters.
First fundamental truth: One nation, the USA , has tried to take for fools all other countries, with their self-invented theories of shattering down other lands by holocausts and shocks, to get per U.S. privatisation all wealth in those continents in a few hands of skunks. This trial of the most stupid and criminal population on Earth was without success, as everyone can see today when Americans are hated everywhere, because politics in Washington and London tried to take as hostage: Culture in Europe, sciences of Stockholm and Oslo, religion in Rome, Tibet and Mecca and philosophies of modernist low-thinkers - and attempt to sell for fools the rest of world by applying a criminal U.S. ideology of economic dullness - that was spread, with initial success, over the whole globe.
Nothing of all this was mentioned by Naomi Klein in depth in her famous book, not describing the real sources and effects of this doctrine. Well, be just: She mentioned about 10 percent of the backgrounds, not more. Even worse: She is not the sole brain of her own oeuvre - she is only "the writer". God thanks for that! Because her writing is marvellous and this book reads itself like a romantic novel. Her style is so attractive that I cried all the time about my poor means in literature. For sure, it is not her goal to make understand systems, when facts seem to give all answers, as already Levy, Glucksmann, Chomsky and some other "bright" writers pretended before her. But if you wish to make understand folks' "reality" and crimes, there must be offered more than logics-missing piecemeal "concreteness".
And get another truth: Who was the "BRAIN" of "Shock doctrine" - or as I have read it, in German "Schock Strategie"? The "brain" was: Hundred of authors, scientists, professors, lectors, correctors, friends, editors, journalists etc. - a bunch of good-hearted people in the service of only one human being - Naomi Klein. As usual: The winner takes it all.
What will this book change in our world? Here the answer: Absolutely nothing! Why? Because it tells us only a history of facts that are true. That's great, isn't it? Well, this is the major intellectual misunderstanding of these modern times, since her efforts are not worth the paper used. Because never concreteness and truth ever changed anything in our world, governed by mighty and greedy gangsters in politics, economics and culture, elected or accepted by masses of majorities, living in dullness and ignorance.
Lesson One: We had the burning of witches over centuries, truthfully reported in all books of history. Result: Ratzinger is still the greatest junk-pope of Catholic belief, pretending that all other religions would worship some better devils. And the commune creeping in the ass of all Popes, priests, and crimson business, not only in this Crusade of an invented God, but all religions on Earth continue to help the eternal perpetrators to kill the poorest population on Earth, who will soon exterminate the richest Abzockers, responsible for poverty - and no "security industry" could ever be capable to protect those egoistic new-rich skunks from being slaughtered.
Lesson Two: We had World War One and WW II, then Vietnam, and Rwanda, and Ex-Yugoslavia, and Russians gulags, and Chinese Maoist culture revolution, and the massacres in Cambodia, about 20 African countries going down IMF, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Nicaragua, Guatemala etc. torturing schemes of CIA, including Tibet, Chechnya, Darfur - almost all these political shocks and awes in the interest of Western capitalistic schemes - and we had stories about those catastrophes in various "famous" books. But till today, nothing had and nothing will ever happen to better behaviourism of humanity.
Lesson Three: We experienced torture and holocausts in all lands of the world, we saw odd theatre pieces, funny ballets, worthless literature, we had Susan Sontag, Sartre, Derrida, Machiavelli, Chomsky, Rorty and Rove - and all the girls and guys, dear Naomi mentions in her thank-giving chapter at the end of "Shock doctrine" (not mentioning my name what will be ridiculous, seen in 5 years from now) - with the searched result to get the Prize of Dynamite, like Al Bore, because afterwards, our world will be re-established again and the U.S. can pass on with destructing all democracies on this globe, with Shock Therapies of the most evil kind, hoping to deregulate and privatize all wealth on Earth, in favour of one per mille of richest Junk.
I don't want to be misunderstood: Naomi Klein is the best this humanity could think of, but all "Pinochets" as GW Bush, Putin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Milosevic, Perle, Kissinger, McNamara, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Clinton, Blair, Greenspan, Friedman, Popper, Fukuyama, Huntington etc. will, further - like in the past - get away with it, having until end of life a luxurious existence, getting richer and richer, not touched by millions of victims they tortured to death, killed in atrocious ways, destructed according to their plans, sent in suicide by wilfully shattering all well-done infrastructure.
Whoever committed such deeds should be tortured to death itself - and not brought in front of a humanesk and good-hearted "Human rights tribunal" for Power-VIP only, like in Den Haag. In the name of Catastrophe-capitalism, already all slaughterers of millions, in after-war Hitler-Germany and Tenno-Japan, could get away with it...
One of the major errors (if not to say "kind of stupidity" of Naomi Klein and her team) was the idea that all the concepts of the Chicago Boys and their Shock strategy were generated on a basis of higher INTELLIGENCE! Great and goddamned Hell! There was never any intelligence in the USA, but sheer STUPIDITY, starting with ships full of hypocrites coming from Old Europe, over African slavery exports, Washington Consensus, put in power by greedy Stockholm-boy Milton Friedman, taken over by CIA-FBI mad-gone officers, dictated by all Presidents of the USA, reaching finally top-cretins like Ronald Reagan and GW Bush, IMF, Worldbank, WEF and all those Heritage Funds of Ford Companies putting their workers by the end in slums - and many other skunks. Who does not see it, right at the beginning, that the shattering down of nations, companies, infrastructure, social systems and individuals etc. will always leave a mess, now reaching a degree where no future system can correct this misery anymore, is just as dull as the average voters in democracies of Western regimes and their cynical governments and parliaments.
Don't ever again assume INTELLIGENCE, dearest Naomi, when human common-sense can see to what extent our dull western systems are governed by the most idiotic brains ever found in humanity. Any old Greek or Kant or Descartes would see it within seconds. But the level of human intelligence has gone into the cellar since 1900, each year a little more... in the same way as greed and cash and immense tower of debts exploded to heaven.
But you are right, Naomi: The powerful VIP, this human junk, will go on being worshipped by over 50 percent of people - and mostly by Media like New York Times, Washington Post, Le Monde diplomatique, The Economist, Guardian, BBC, CNN, Fox-TV, Hollywood, Bollywood, FAZ, El Pais, La Stampa, NZZ - short all media of this Murdoch-Berlusconi Media-scrap in this superficial Universe, around the year 2000 (see my letter "World Media have become Boulevard Junk").
Here the LIST of major errors and mistakes in the reasoning of Naomi Klein and her great team:
1. Like Al Bore, Michael Moore, Jared Diamond, Stephen Hawking, Fukuyama , Habermas, Levy, Finkielkraut and many other NGOs like WWF, attac, Greenpeace, Amnesty International, Bread for children etc., my darling Naomi Klein just covers DETAILS of the whole, about 5 to 10 percent of actual reality. She admits that she wanted to see all REALITY from the angle-point of Friedman-Chicago Boys logics. That's absolutely great and worth a prize of dynamite. But it covers not 10 percent of our downfall to hell from now on to the year 2050. And without seeing the curtain torn on our total chaos of civilisation (book "CHAOS"), you can't understand any isolated part of the drama.
2. The business of all these writers, including of all philosophers since 200 years is "CONCRETENESS". They just tell "what is". Not more. However, to explain "what is" in depth, we require "ABSTRACTEDNESS" on the highest scale of intelligence. Females can't reach this due to their brain structure. Males can't reach this due to their general stupidity. So we may have on this globe 10 persons, if at all, still able to reflect in long "chains of origins and effects" (Ursachen-Wirkungs-Ketten). But only at times when about 50 percent of world population would understand these chains, self-reflection on our reality would become into play and fundamental changes would start far too late - because the "point of no return" has passed long-time ago, about 1975 - and the falling down the drain without rescue is taking place since then, on an accelerated scale.
3. All writers try to cover the COMPLEXITY of reality in a total mental chaos by focusing on some details. Some have created New-speak about "Easter Islands ", some of a "Rifle doctrine", some speak erroneously about "Climate Change", because they don't understand that they should speak about a "Unbalancing of our GEO-SPHERE" as a result of poisoning us with billions of tons of oil and gas, where temperature (climate-change!) makes only 5 percent of the game and future damages. The collapses of the economics, resources, ecology, politics, explosion of poverty, unbalanced weather with dryness, water-floods, storms, make some other 45 percent - and the rest of 50 percent of reasons for the future break downs can be read in my Editors Letters.
4. To restrict our world on ECOLOGY, or little parts of it, like Al Bore or Diamond, or on Reagan's AMERICANISM, like Michael Moore, or on Washington interests, like Bush and his crazy criminal bunch, or on VATICAN-City, like Ratzinger and his beloved Catholic dictators - as major criminal deeds of our time, is nuisance. To restrict the world on one stupid error in ECONOMICS, focusing on Friedman alone, would just be another criminal deed, blinding us for reality. To see all from an angle of ENTERTAINMENT, like Spielberg and Stone and all other idiotic Directors in Hollywood , Bollywood and Hong Kong , is a criminal act of another third kind. To restrict "high" LITERATURE about feeling good, crimes as a joke-game for elderly Ladies and other superficial junk of wrong concreteness, like do 99 percent of the writers on Earth, is comparable to let allow all youth virtually kill and torture humans and animals per play-stations, imported from Japan, China and Korea. All that scrap makes all humans blind to the real happening on this Globe. The adult world has become a fool-house.
5. One of the greatest weaknesses of the book "Shock doctrine", criticizing the neo-liberal theories of the CHICAGO or Berkeley School of Friedman and Sachs, is the fact that Klein is intellectually not able to explain "WHY" this U.S. theory, in organising our world anew with globalisation, privatisation, deregulation etc., is pure junk. She only describes on the ground of finest RECHERCHES (deeper studies), "WHAT" happened, what were so far the results, of this greedy theory in favour of some happy few and disfavour for the rest of over 90 percent new-poor on Earth. This writing can never suffice to make understand the mechanics in economics. In my books, written long time ago, I showed all of the reasons why these economic THEORIES of Friedman, von Hayek, Keynes, Marx and the PHILOSOPHY of Popper and some other "Leaders to hell" would be utterly wrong. And you can read it too in my letters "Nothing but a silent cry", "Principles of Cheapness", "Rich VIP devour the poor of the world", "Richness in Cash increases - Globe's wealth in free Fall" etc. The press of the world should have jumped on those letters, given in independent WorldNews alone. Instead, the Feuilleton full of incapable culture-heads in emptiness, worships a book of Naomi Klein and her 200 co-writers, that explains almost nothing and will lead nowhere, making forget the most intelligent works that were ever written about these topics - containing ten times more about all other low-thinking devices in the present only-valid scheme "Going down the drain of Humanity".
6. Jesus: how poor the writing of Naomi Klein is with regard to one of most underestimated matters: HUMAN TORTURE (of course for a good-human, torture on animals is not part of her game). She restricts Torture to be "afraid of death", risking to come soon. What a poor sight! A human really heavily tortured, or burnt alive in India or Rome, or starved to death in China, or being violated by hundred of children-soldiers in Africa and then mutilated with a grin by all cold-blooded Aids-"Mbekis" of this continent, may have just one great wish by their ending: To be dead as quickly as ever possible. Take this: If tortured people - who survived by accident - tell, that the worst was to be humiliated psychologically, than I wish that all Naomi Kleins of this world be tortured to death a little bit. The truth is: Not one person can imagine what it means to have extreme pain, when torturers think nothing else (what was done in Chile and Argentina and almost any other place) but to increase the level of pain and as long-lasting to the maximum, which most of times means death. Tortured people's Brain is in an odd state, afterwards, so anything they are able to tell about their own experience, must by nature be a distortion of facts - they can't come back to "our reality" anymore until their natural death.
Read here why: Just make a self-trial, dear Reader and dearest Naomi Klein: Put your hand over a candle until you can't stand it anymore and imagine our body in a fire. Or put your head under water until you think to suffocate and imagine how a CIA-guy or his servants and dictators in 50 States, continue over a minute drowning you down under. Now you realize for the first time: The dying in Auschwitz meant, twenty minutes of highest pain, standing on the corps and heads of your own children, dying on the bottom, if only you will have some seconds more of breathable air. It means under the Roman Popes to have the flames on any part of skin of your body, when bound on a funeral pile alive, dying over minutes, when one second seems to be a year of atrocious pain.
Same procedure in the Marine schools of torture in Santiago, Buenos Aires, Montevideo and other 100 towns and prisons when CIA-torturers had the allowance from Kennedy, Nixon and Bush (Guantanamo, Egypt, New Europe etc.) to apply the most atrocious pains and methods ever thinkable in a human brain, comparable to the method of Hu and Wen in China, when they take skins of living dogs and cats and throw the naked body on a fire and try to do the same with humans. Remember: The Chinese blow of real estate market is near and may explode the Olympic Games 2008, even before opening.
Naomi: Compared to this all, al-Qaeda is pure romantics coming from Hollywood and blown up by Bush and his shit-in-brains in order to blind U.S. folks. So, don't ever write again on low scale about pain of human beings, of animals and of the nature, when trying to explain your "reality" on this beautiful globe, in our perverse Universe, wanting to impress feeling-less fools like the famous Anti-Darwinists in Rome , Delhi , Beijing and Mecca - and the worst being in Washington or Beverly Hills in Los Angeles .
This sort of pain is soon coming over wide over 90 percent of world population, in the next less than hundred years to come - whether Naomi writes other books or not - as a result of the collapses and catastrophes, explained in detail in all of my literature. I could continue this listing about the erroneous approach of this famous book of Naomi Klein. But I stop here, based on highest esteem I have for her work and the one of all her helpers. However, I want to claim here, that her book will not change one jota to reality.
The perpetrators will continue to devour the POOR, middle-class will continue to vote for those liars powered by army, security and oil-industry. The victims will thus bring themselves slowly into poverty, exploding towards 2025. Then we will see about 90 percent of world population in misery, after all collapses went through in economics, ecology, cultures, resources, politics - based on an immense stupidity in the heads of far above 50 percent of members of our "Democracy = Dictatorship of dull majorities". No difference to schemes said by junk-brains to be "un-democratic", like in Russia, Venezuela or China, where the coming and inevitable blow of a huge real-estate bubble, will throw our planet in economic misery for all times.
And before 75 percent of world intelligentsia will not have grasped my "Power x Stupidity = Self destruction", the downfall to hell is assured and will continue - even if 20 new Naomi Kleins would pop up at the horizon with mediocre literature, get their poor Pulitzer Prizes and being worshipped for throwing sand in the eyes of those who did not even seize half of the real intelligence in such books - and for sure not bright enough for grasping one percent of a Letter like this one here.
Author of "CHAOS" // "PLADESNIEKANT" // "10 Maxims for continuation of Life"
Published as 400 other texts of Delavy with WorldNews and Pravda around 2008
Published as 400 other texts of Delavy with WorldNews and Pravda around 2008