If Greece and USA would be NORMAL

By reading the following texts, you will recognize the problems too of Germany, Italy, England, Switzerland, India, China - in short - of all other nations of the globe.

How to act if Lands would be "normal"?

Well, read the basic rules about Greece and USA - and you have it all.


If Greece would be normal, no cash would be given by Europe and IMF. The Greece would get the billions from their own richest class who were cheating with taxes since 60 years and having over 100 billions of Euros alone on Swiss Banks' administrators of fortunes.

If Greece would be normal, they would not pay back - for the moment - any debts but get ZERO interest rates, not influenced by criminal Rating Offices and hedge funds. The only way to get on their feet again, is to stop worldwide the spiral of interests by greedy Jews.

If Greece were normal they would not plan a war against Turkey with one of the most expensive armies of the World by head of population. Other idiocies like Olympic Games and other shit would never have been financed - and the right folks would pay taxes.

If Greece were normal the government could explain to their folks why it was a crime to take trillions of Euros on the market by dirty tricks, to finance the luxury of that idiotic Greek State. The folks would understand why to take an effort to come out of misery within the next 10 years.

If Greece were normal the idiocy of democrazy or dictatorship of dull majorities would be broken by some wise guys telling the dull idiots, what the real situation of Greece and Europe could well be.


If USA would be normal they would understand that the total debts of State, Companies und Private make one million Dollars in average for each American, as explained 100 times in my letters, even by World News.

If USA were normal, the richest Junk of idiots of USA protected by Republicans and the Tea Party would not hide the cash in Switzerland and 100 other Tax Paradises, still some 100 trillions of Black Money worldwide today and USA could come out of this presently total bankruptcy State.

If USA were normal they had like all other lands of the Globe full transparency with the Cash-Flow with Switzerland, especially as companies in ZUG would be concerned, where trillions are white washed with help of Swiss Banks and 7 Dwarfs Government.

If USA were normal they would fix their rotten infrastructure and give work for all Americans, well paid by idiots like Soros, Buffett and some other 10000 criminal billionaires - protected by the Jews Geithner, Summers, Obama and Hillary Clinton.

If USA were normal the Americans would kill all Jews and Bankers on Wall Street having stolen all cash from Middle Class and Poor, from Pension Funds and salaries of Workers, from State of GW Bush and his god-damned Kissinger and Rove - and some other WEF-Jews of Davos.

If USA were normal they would send goddamned Israelis in the Mediterranean Sea since these idiots are responsible for the Crash of the World Finances on Wall Street, City of London, Zurich Bahnhofstrasse and the Jews Joe Ackerman Bank in Frankfurt.

It the USA were normal they would forget to increase their bankruptcy by the financing of the most gigantic Army of all times, just useful to kill USA itself plus some civil persons in all lands, Vietnam, Chile, Argentina, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and else.

If USA were normal they would kill or at least let starve the Chinese for having with rotten Cheapness productions used up the world ecologic reserves and resources and energy for letting kill all industries in the USA and in Europe.


Greece and USA have no future, are bankrupt and rotten and so is it for all lands, inclusive China, India and Europe.

And this is very good so: Stupidity of philosophers, of politicians, of scientists and of bankers must have an effect - and the planet can go now in pieces and it will for sure - but this is another story.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on February 19, 2012