Father of Family - called USA

Since 99 percent of Americans don't get their true situation, I try to explain them their splendid future in FINANCES.

As written in my books and in many of my Editors Letters, there are some 10 Principles of "Highest Account" - one of which reads:

- In Highest Accounting, all is absolutely the same:

- Father of Family, a small company, a huge conglomerate, a bank too big to fail and a State like USA or any other nation.

That's already all. But see now what happens:

Father of Family

Normally, a father of family functions like follows: He has a Job and a House, he gets good earnings, he has a pension fund, the whole family has health care, boys and girls go to school and make a carrier, the mother is happy and everything under control.

But it may happen that the father loses his job and his house, he drinks a lot, he goes in the casino and plays his fortune away, he takes huge debts on the account of his family and the ones of his brothers and sisters and finally he goes into bankruptcy and the whole family breaks into pieces.

This second case represents and is today's USA.


USA was an Empire after the WW II - and they made the greatest cars, planes, had cash like hell, the biggest conglomerates of the globe, big banks on Wall Street, a gigantic Army and influence all over the place and huge deficits each new year, rich not paying taxes, a collapse of banks and stock exchanges out of greed and stupidity, some wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, religious and financial help to Israel and some other 100 States out of deficits, but USA was being financed by huge trade and finance deficits by brothers Japan, Korea, Europe and the sister China who bought their worthless State Bonds against delivering cheap products killing the world market.

Then USA under Ronald and GW Bush had the bright Idea to increase its debts from year to year, up to 250 trillions of Dollars, to say on the level of ONE million Dollars in Average for each American, if counted correctly:

- debts of nation USA, debts of 50 States, of all towns, all counties, pension funds, rotten infrastructure, electricity and water supply, mortgages not covered by value of real estate, interest charges due on debts, chapter 11, all banks rotten 2008 and to be saved by deficits of the State, leasing, credit cards, rotten health care, rotten army, rotten police forces and rotten and blind State of USA - governed by idiots and fools.

But this is only the beginning. Now comes the real thing:

- More and more jobs get lost, more and more people lose themselves in poverty, more and more U.S. infrastructure gets rotten, the banks and insurance fall in bankruptcy, the interest rates mount to heaven thanks Rating Offices and the Greed of Jews, the income out of taxes gets down to hell, not only because the Palin Republicans do not want get money from the richest class, and even the army still is holy, Israel still asks for cash, the deficits instead of being lowering, explode like hell more from year to year - in short - we have the

- Scenery of Greece - times 1000.

And since Europe is lost in finances too, China and India and Brazil see themselves confronted with an imploding Bubble and the rest of world can no longer pay for the interest charges, plus the high prices for scarce becoming oil, gas, resources of all sorts and any adventure of shitty hedge funds, derivatives, conglomerates going to hell, little affairs closing up, real estate market collapsing, interests no longer payable and no one able to give any credits, we all can now see a situation, where the whole capitalism rushes to hell and there was never an alternative for a better System.

Now USA is broke like the Father of Family, the lost debts in the same amount of some 250 trillions of Dollars, according to another Rule of "Highest Account", destroy the fortune of all rich and non-rich folks on Earth and the whole package goes down to hell in a few years - and it was good so.
Now, the major Problems with "Highest Accounting" are the normal Yes- and No-Sayers: The Yes-Sayers get nothing of the intellectual building around the principle - and still pretend: "Oh Yes, each child knows that those principles are right." - The No-Sayers get even less of this very important theory, but say: "What a Junk! A nation or a bank is not the same as a father of family - therefore the theory is false and idiotic." - And so they never get the idea, the Yes- and the No-Men, and therefore don't get just one percent of the problem.

The whole thing could have been prevented if USA had the chance of disposing of just one simple and functioning BRAIN.

Unfortunately, USA had only Junk Heads in Media, criminal shit in politics and Finance-Jews in banks on Wall Street - what else than the complete and final breakdown could have hoped for - these rotten idiots out of USA?

Still today, not one person sees the logic of these lines....

Assuming all of the mentioned facts would come out differently and USA finds ways to come up again, the coming Collapse of Weather and Climate will do the rest - and the finance collapse comes later too - but this is another fine chapter....

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on February 12, 2012