Rating Offices without FACES

The Rating Offices consisting of Standard and Poor's, Moody's and Fitch have no Faces.

We do not know who are the persons or VIPs to be killed by Middle Class and Poor, for their deeds under influence of Jewish Bankers on Wall Street, City of London and Zurich Bahnhofstrass in Geneva.

The Rating Offices have sold derivatives, structured shit like ABS, CDO and CDS under Triple AAA and so are responsible for the 200 trillion Dollars Crash of Finances worldwide.

The Rating Offices are under influence of the Jewish Ministers of Obama and GW Bush and they do all to satisfy stupid USA to show - that not USA is totally broke but Europe.

Rating Offices are responsible for the Crash of Greece, Italy, Spain, England, Ireland, France and the rest of Europe until End of 2012 - whereas USA and Japan and China are dead as dead can be since several years.

There is no doubt:

- The total Crash cannot be prevented in the World, to say the complete Breakdown of Banks, Hedge funds, pension funds, savings of Middle Class and Poor and of Nations.

Further, all States on the Globe can only achieve prevention of total bankruptcy - by ZERO INTEREST POLITICS - and this is impossible as long as we have stupid Rating Offices, Jewish WEF in Davos and criminal Hedge Funds..

But Putin and Hu and Wen and Singh and Obama and Merkel do all for the Rating Offices as criminal Junk having all power, like the tax-free Skunks of the Globe with help of Switzerland and 50 Tax Paradises and IRS - International Robbery Services - urinates on all States and common Folks of the Globe and shall be massacred by the ones, on which the Rating Offices, IRS, WEF, Obama and his Jewish Ministers are pissing with help of Murdoch, Fox TV, Tea Party and NYT since 20 years.

Have some other sights? - Just go to Hell - Idiots!

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on January 18, 2012