GROWTH - Meadows against Solow - and the 99 Percent
Recently a TV Journal about Economics in Switzerland brought a dispute between Dennis Meadows of the former Club of Rome against the Dynamite Prize Robert Solow about the sense and the effect of eternal GROWTH.
Further I read in New York Times some article of Shaila Dewan and Robert Gebeloff with title "Where the Wealthy 1 Percent Are, and Who They Are" and found it not normal at all.
Here my comments to prove that both men of great FAME have no idea about the past and the present and the future of human mankind - followed by a critic, what the famous 99 percent really are:
Dennis Meadows
In general, Meadows stipulated about Growth that the Breakdown is programmed - as already written in the Book "The Limits of Growth" of the Club of Rome. For him, still growing today would be a model of death. We have to go back in number and habits. For him, the Earth can only live on the actual western life standards when having only 3 billion of folks.
Somehow Meadows is on the same level like attac, most of NGOs, IPCC and the Occupy illusionists and stars. They all are worried that the style of living of the last 50 years could not get on in eternity of next million of years.
Now, from my view, the evidence that a mass humanity above one billion can never work, was written by me around 1975, based on knowledge existent long before the Limits of Growth appeared. It was evident that we should require 10 planets in a future of 100 years to survive. It was evident that humans would use up all resources - and if thrown from a Skyscraper, they would only shout on the 10th floor: "Until here, all went perfect".
It is difficult to criticise our friend Meadows because he foresees too much of the truth. But he looks for me like the idiots Roubini or Krugman or Soros in matters of Finances. When the child has already fallen into the well, they started to shout: "We can foresee the end of the Games on Wall Street by the Jews." Well, to shout when being on the 10 floor falling from the World Trade Center, is not really an achievement, when I wrote in my books the reasons for the complete breakdown of CAPITALISM already around 1980, and went into all details about critics of theorists in economics in all my books, including the geopolitical situation, the end with ecology and the stupidity of our Elite and their Masses.
For me, to see a future for THIS humanity, like Meadows, attac, NGOs and Occupy do, is some sort of stupidity of the greatest - the fine result of totally blinding parents, Dynamite Prize Holders, Universities, managers, politicians and internet and TV full of intellectual Murdoch SCRAP.
Robert Solow
This man represents the usual 99 percent who until short would pretend the following:
Robert Solow claims that Growth is absolutely required for the wellbeing of human mankind. There is no risk, how the further growth would lead into an precipice. He believes that oil and other resources and energy can easily be replaced by other stuffs and methods. He claims that we are living today in the best of all possible worlds.
Solow is the perfect incarnation of WEF Schwab and all other heads that ever appeared in Davos or at the Wall Street Jungle. He believes in GROWTH like in a religion, as already Karl Popper preached and even more our holy Milton Friedman.
What in this reasoning is very crazy, can be stated like follows:
Solow and his idiots are thrown from a Skyscraper and shout too on the 10th Floor downwards: "To this point, all went well" - but for the reason that such types can see by error down at the bottom not sheer concrete street, but plenty of cushions to stop them softly.
Further, the logics that humanity can only be refinanced and the total bankruptcy of the Globe prevented by eternal growth, is correct. Only for the difference in mind, that the effect is total death of finances until 2018 and total breakdown of Economics by 2025 and total death of humanity in ecology by 2099.
But to prove all this, it needs brains, much above the poor sights of Meadows and Solow.
I think the mechanics of the world are so easily to be read, when we think of fundamental developments, that today, even a child of 10 years could get the relevant points. But when we are surrounded by hollow heads like Meadows and Solow, being the stars of intellect of our Earth, there is never any hope that our humanity can still be saved from the complete breakdown of all systems.
And do not forget:
- Growth is just ONE idiocy. The others are greed, stupidity, non-feasibility, explosion of pops, craziness in education, limits - our Planet gave us since 100000 years, for which the Species proved to be completely blind.
We go to hell in finances, in economics, in culture, in philosophy, in religion, in politics and in ecology, not only because of missing resources, but because we have a rotten Climate, no water, no nourishment and all oceans and landscapes rotten and coming catastrophes - full of accelerating "Millennium" droughts and floods and storms.
And absolutely no way out - I give a Million Dollars to any person proving me, how this stupid humanity can still today escape from complete death of some 20 billions of folks to come, before this world-theatre has ended for all times.
And now some words to the Shit written in NEW YORK TIMES:
What is the nature of the 99 PERCENT - versus One Percent?
There is no point in discussing, that among the one Percent are excellent heads, very normal folks doing much good for the masses of the 99 percent, and get rich therefore - this was clear from the start:
When looking the documentaries about Daimler, Benz, Diesel, Ford, Edison etc. it is clear that these folks may have ended among the famous ONE PERCENT, because they did, not like the Abzock-Bankers and Jews, real good things. Many of them are responsible for millions of jobs and full employment in many areas of the Globe from 1920 to 2011.
Yes - but a thinking brains should not only have looked down on the income in Dollars per Year, as do Shaily Dewan and Robert Gebeloff, but can see that the invention of cars and planes and cruiser ships and atom works and armies and finance matters like ABS, CDO and CDS, all this and much more must by nature and automatism lead to a situation, where the whole nations go into bankruptcy, the planet kicks the bucket with rotten Climate and Weather Machinery and the resources of billions of years in creation are used up and can never more be replaced, even more, when new techniques require for example Seldom Earths - gone out already too.
I think that total blindness and stupidity of Meadows, Solow, attac, WEF, NGOs and all government organisations, of the CEOs, the Elite of rotten heads and their masses surpassing soon 10 billion, all this idiocy is a program of God and Allah and Buddha and cannot be stopped at any time in our future.
Further, the way back should have been started before the point of no return around 1975 - friends.
Today, the program of mutual death is completed, all the more that never before the Earth was destructed more than in the year 2012, when all nations around USA and Europe will fall into bankruptcy, followed by implosion of China, India, Africa, South America and the craze goes on, the destroying of a little Planet.
When I wrote in my Literature that the complete collapse of the financial systems of the Globe would only represent the Peak of the Iceberg and be followed by death of economics, politics, culture and ecology, being 10 times worse in effect than the one of finances, not one person without any brains understood what I was saying in my literature.
Did I say all this - to become famous? - Idiots - it's the only thing to be done, the only sense in life what a man can do, when he has intellect and knowledge. I would decline, not like Meadows and Solow with their shit-heads, any Prize of Honour ever given to me. It does not make sense accepting Prizes from idiots, spitting on ones grave.
To have written this text here, in addition to 1000 other English texts, in addition to my 10 books, is more than humanity can ever stand, when later being perhaps explained, why they were dead in fact, already NOW.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on January 25, 2012