Hope for USA

America is DEAD 


USA is dead, the Empire going to tumble –  pulling down the rest into misery. 

It does not matter if Trump or Harris will be president, watch how a nation crashes slowly down to earth:

1. USA has debts of 35 trillion Dollar. Note that Treasury Bonds are completely worthless. Should China sell their 3 trillions, USA would be broke. 

2. Infrastructure rotten: 40 years all money in military, arms, wars, murder und nothing for the poor, youth, education, health care – USA killed 20 millions since 1945 – go to hell. 

3. USA used up water and produced climate collapse, killing softly USA by heat waves, droughts, floods, typhoons etc. -- USA is out. 

4. Jewish Stock Exchanges at Wall Street are some casino, over-valuated by factor 3. Silicon Valley bullshit like Nvidia, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Airbnb, Uber, Tesla etc. are in principle without value and should be gone from the map. 

5. USA used up own energy for nothing. Becoming dependent from Arabia and Russia later just to survive. 

6. Economic Wars against China, EU, BRICS – what the hell USA believes in profit of death. 

7. Like China, some breakdown in real estate is coming, debts no longer payable, just as interest on huge amounts – like in Japan, England, China, Italy or France and all the rest. And some take Switzerland as better example – but this land is just as broke as USA, only in comparison seems to be no crook-State, the bloody Swiss Tax Fraud nation just seems to be better off, what a dream. 

8. Their going together with Israel and Netanyahu and other cripple nations makes commerce with rotten USA impossible in the future. 

9. Migration makes out of USA some second Mexico.


The list could be endless. 

The greatest cripple nations including Jews were after 1945 some USA and Israel, taking other nations for fools. 

No chance and cash for the poor- but all for billionaires. 

USA surpasses Hitler Germany in misery since 1600 to this day by far. 

Criminal Trump and stupid Harris will accelerate the downfall of this rotten nation without ethics and commonsense. 

USA go to hell – just as fast as possible. 

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written on July 25, 2024 


Forget Kamel Harris 

Harris is no advantage to Biden or Trump: 

She will be worse in matters of Ukraine against Russia and Putin. 

She will more creep in the asses of Jews and Israel as the rest. 

She will be more woke as any other person. 

She will not prevent the complete downfall of USA in finances, economics and climate collapse. 

She will be just as dull in matters of China and Europe as the rest. 

Anyway, USA can never more be saved from going down to hell for ever. 


Kindischer Wahlkampf in den USA – Childish US Elections 

Da kämpfen eine mittelmässig dumme Frau mit Namen Kamel Harris und ein Schwerstverbrecher und Konkursit und Steuerbetrüger und maus-arme Gestalt Donald Trump um die «Ehre», ein total verblödetes Volk in die Misere zu treiben und die ganze Welt ist fasziniert von diesen Vollaffen. 

Es ist egal wer gewinnt: Wenn ein Empire so Idioten nötig hat, die weit unter Putin und Jinping figurieren, dann kann man nur hoffen, dass die USA nach schneller einbricht, als ich längst vermutete. 

Aber leider waren der Nigger Obama nicht besser und kroch einfach den Juden der Wall Street in den Arsch. 

Der senile Biden hasste Putin und sorgte für einen Angriffskrieg der NAZO in der Ukraine. 

BUSH war so stumpfsinnig und schwachsinnig, dass er Kriege führte gegen Staaten, die mit 9-11 nichts zu tun hatten. 

Schon Clinton kroch in den Arsch der Juden aus Israel, die einen Genozid planten schon damals und er rieb einfach nur immer am Schwanz. 

Noch schlimmer der Ronald Reagan, der per Neoliberalismus die ganze Welt in den Orkus trieb – an welchem wir heute verrecken. 

Also ob Harris oder Trumpy oder ein Hund oder eine Sau – es kommt nicht besser…. 

René De-La-Vie – Côte de White House 

August 2024