Hitparade - Economic Swines

Hitparade of - greatest Economic Swines

Poor white and black and Chinese and Indians are SLAVES - when the rich class pays no taxes on trillions of Dollars!

When we want to be real about this funny chapter, we must start with Obama.


Is it correct to say that Obama is the greatest Swine in Economics of all Times? - We have to be careful:

When I write about the subject on Obama, it is true - when other write, it is a lie.

Okay - Obama promised wonders for the globe. But he continued the GW Bush politics and helped the destruction of the world Financial Systems with help of Junk-Jews on Wall Street, other Bankers and politics of the worst. This is true and seen back from the year 2050, there is no doubt about the real facts about this Statement.

But we have to consider whether it was the intention of Obama to be the greatest Swine in history in Economics - or if he was just a victim of circumstances. The second is the case and therefore, we have to come to the philosophies.

All US Presidents like Trump or Obama who let torture to death innocents per thousands in camps worldwide, are to be tortered with all participants, in the same way - Friends.

Ethics and Character

It is funny that not FACTS count with the Chaos and the Collapse of World Finance and World Economics since 2000 - but to some extent ETHICS and CHARACTER.

Obama has an excellent character and his sense for ethics is average. It is just bad luck that he is forced to creep in the assholes of the Jewish Lobby, otherwise he can forget about being U.S. President of American idiots.

This principle applies to the whole world: Destruction of all Finances of Workers, Employees, Pension funds, States and Banks happen - without regard to the question, if it is done by criminals, Mafia, GW Bush, Karl Popper or Milton Friedman or Rupert Murdoch.

Therefore, ethics and philosophies have almost no importance WHEN IT HAPPENS, but it was all we have to consider from Philosophies - from the Old Greek to Greenspan and Habermas, BEFORE IT HAPPENED.

Difficult I know - but I am not here to help idiots trying to think - I am here to set up a HITPARADE OF THE SKUNKS OF THIS WORLD.

Hitparade of Swines

1. Place - the Junk-Jews and the "BIG 6" of WEF

From theory, capitalism and neoliberalism were installed in full by Jews: Marx, Hayek, Keynes, Friedman, Karl Popper, Greenspan, the bankers on Wall Street, all Jewish Finance ministers of USA and the inventors of Junk-Papers like ABS, CDO and CDS, still in 20 trillion of Dollars in all Balance Sheets of the Globe and just now giving this financial world the rest.

And naturally we have to consider the Media under Influence of Jews, the hedge funds, the bankers in Switzerland being responsible for tax fraud worldwide and WEF Schwab in Davos and Crook Joe Ackerman in Germany and - and - and - and….

It's the JEWS and the "BIG 6" of WEF - Stupid!

2. Place - Media and Murdoch

The Media of the World are Murdoch. The major idiots are FOX TV, SUN, Wall Street Journal and all coming from Murdoch, Berlusconi and other big Swines of Media.

But in the second row were idiots like FAZ, Le Monde, The Economist, NYT, Wash Post, NZZ, Weltwoche etc. - they all were on the side of the Jews and Bankers and today, they do as if they would never have pushed this deadly sort of Cash-Thinking, shareholder value, profit admiration, God of Growth and Greed and ass leaking of the ones who had the power and the stupidity - according to my book "Power x Stupidity = Self destruction".

3. Place - Bankers and CEOs

The Bankers, mainly Jews, were the ones and still are the ones, who bring today Europe, USA, Japan, China and India into full bankruptcy until 2018.

The CEOs of the Globe are responsible for destroying all resources and energy stuffs of a little planet within 100 Years, to the favour of the richest and tax-free Scrap and paid by the idiots of workers and other Slaves. They all will be massacred by the masses, as soon as those reach 90 percent of World-Poverty.

4. Place - Politicians

The politicians treaded history like Obama and GW Bush - as complete swines. Instead of life quality of the 100 generations to come, their only interest was to stay at power with their rotten Republicans, Democrats and Palin Tea Party Shit.

And this goes for Blair, Cameron, Narkozy, Hollande, Merkel and Kohl, the 7 Dwarfs of Berne, Hu and Wen, Singh, Lula and Berlusconi and the whole cake of incompetent Swines in Politics of this rotten Globe.

5. Place - Intellectuals

What? - Sorry, what? - Intellectuals - what is THIS? I tell you some: Never in my life I saw an "intellectual" - they all are Dynamite Swines, ass creepers of Scientists and philosophers, that preached capitalism and as alternative some idiotic socialism. Their message: All for the dirty humans and nothing for the Holocaust of Animals and the protection of our planet - that goes to Hell now.

6. Place - Internet

The greatest Greenhorns of the world are the believers in the NET, such as Occupy, Pirates, Palin and Romney and even Obama has shit in his brains in view of Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter and other intellectual shit of the worst.

And do not believe that the greatest economic Swines would not be in the NET, stealing our cash, mafia methods of the worst, taking all youth and old folks for idiots - for good reasons so - and anyway - apart from the invention of cars, planes and cruiser ships, the internet is some of the most stupid things ever seen by my fine Dog.

Seen as a JOKE: As soon as I will be the Dictator of the globe, I will re-open Auschwitz on order of the masses and let thousands of rich and tax-free perpetrators (see Black List) go sniff some fine gaz.


Well, it is really not easy to bring into this world the PROOF of who the greatest Swine in Economics could be, because the Swines in Politics are greater and the ones destroying our ECOLOGY are the greatest.

PLUS - the Ratzinger Swine is the greatest killer in religion, only surpassed by the Sharia-Swines and the Jewish Swines around Israel -  and the ones who pretend that Gandhi was a good Idea, just as great as Buddha and Bandela, when they all just pushed atomic power and the slavery of the Poor and Middle Class.

The only persons for not destroying our basis of economics, are Hillary and the other female skunks. They love consumerism, sex, events and non-sense, in other words, the real Swines must be MALES.

And this shows why FEMALES have no role on this Globe for very good reasons - these tarts can go any time.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on April 20, 2012