Harris lets look Trump very old

How Trump gets old by Bidens retreat 


Finally, the Putin hating Biden realized how he could never win against Trump and that in his State of health, he would collapse during the next four years.


Now we have a totally new situation. 

I do not like Kamala Harris and did never think, she would be the next president. 

But in fact, there is no other person to show off this bloody criminal Trump in the next months like her. 

Naturally, the democrats can elect some other person, but people in the character aera of Trump, are no advantage to Trump himself. 

Anyway, USA is going down the drain in the next future. 

25 trillion Dollar debts means like in China or Japan or other bloody nations the ruin of the State and the end of humanity, when we regard on the collapse of climate and the fact, that civilisation cannot survive the present century. 

Take Harris and forget the rest. 

René Delavy - Côte d’Azur 

written on July 22, 2024 


Forget Kamel Harris 

Harris is no advantage to Biden or Trump: 

She will be worse in matters of Ukraine against Russia and Putin. 

She will more creep in the asses of Jews and Israel as the rest. 

She will be more woke as any other person. 

She will not prevent the complete downfall of USA in finances, economics and climate collapse. 

She will be just as dull in matters of China and Europe as the rest. 

Anyway, USA can never more be saved from going down to hell for ever. 


When will darling TRUMPY be back?

TRUMP back to Power 


There are about 100 persons on Earth, being able to think normally. 

The rest is fully crazy and stupid and childish – according to my “8 steps of intellect”.

One of the most childish persons ever, is naturally our Dony Trumpy, on level of Hitler, Mussolini, Reagan, Thatcher, Truss etc. 

But Trump is the only person who would: 

1. Stop the NAZO from being in existence. 

2. Get a deal of peace with Putin and stop the craze in the Ukraine. 

3. Stop the crazy masses from south of USA to get in this rotten land. 

4. Finalize the Jewish neoliberalism in as much as he would liberize all rich persons and companies from taxes. 

5. Start a civil war of militarized Evangelicans against WOKE bullshit of USA and smash this Empire to hell for all times. 

Therefore, US idiots should now do all to get our fine Trumpy back to power – to stop a long misery - by a happy Hollywood end.

And read the following text too.... 


René Delavy – Côte de Mar al Lago 

November 8, 2022  


What TRUMP did best – What TRUMP did worst  

The most stupid folks on Earth elected Trump for President. 

But remember: Obama, Bush, Reagan, Hillary, Clinton, Nixon, JFK were worse and even more stupid as Trump. 

Now, let’s learn what my dearest Sugar TRUMP-Chauvin did best and worst: 


What TRUMP did best: 


It was time to stop China taking over the total western industry with cheap products and leading to the total bankruptcy of USA and Europe industry. 


For reasons of finance favours for the Trump clan, this idiot wanted finally some peace with Russia and Putin. Would he have been able to do so, we would have the best agreement ever with Ex-Soviet Union. 

International Trade 

It is true that all rotten and criminal Trade contracts are big shit and lead to total destruction of our finance world and ecologic situation, exhausting all lands and being alone in the interest of the Jews, the Rich Class and the Conglomerates and bankers. To stop that Bullshit was just great. 


It is true that the US Junk never should have had SLAVES and Red Indians in USA to kill. But considering the true nature of “”Black” (means Death) folks, it would have been better to return them to Africa instead of having killed them by white idiots. 

Feminists and Queer 

It was about time to end up with that Me Too shit and the LGBTIKJDX-Shit and language of political correctness and junk-females in all universities of USA and England. Trump made the misery transparent. 


Trump loves big events in politics, sports, shit events of youth, congresses, religion with masses. Due to the politics of Trump, such events in future can produce any time a wave of pandemics over the globe. This stops the Junk Events for all times. 

I think we are through and already finished. 


What TRUMP did worst:  

Cheating his electors 

Trump did nothing in favour of the poor whites and blacks who voted for him. The only thing was lowering the taxes for his rich bastards and by tricks getting stock exchange high. But the poor got nothing, no social help, not better health conditions, no better jobs, but destroying land and water and climate for all times. 


The shit politics with the Junk Jews of Wall Street and WEF and Israel will lead to the complete bankruptcy of USA and terror in the Middle East for all times. No good idea to creep in the assholes of Jews. 

Rich Class and taxes 

To lower the taxes for the rich Jews, the rich Class and Conglomerates that before were already tax-free under help from the “BIG 6” und 60 tax oasis like Switzerland, Hong Kong, Delaware etc. was the worst crime of Trump. 

Iran and North Korea 

To try to kill Iran and to creep in the asshole of a dictator in North Korea shows to what extent Trump has shit in his brains. 


Trump is responsible for 200’000 and more dead folks in USA, the 2nd wave to come, the destruction of what was still there in economics in USA and this Empire goes now to hell for all times. 


Fracking is down for all times, tourism and cruise ships and TESLA of Shit Zuckerberg, sorry, Musk, in USA as well, Trump destroyed about 40 percent of US jobs that were misery even before. Killing folks by missing rights and health care is some other crime of Trumpism. 

Stock Exchange 

By increasing artificially all the values of shares and bonds and derivatives for companies and banks that go nearer to bankruptcy each new day, was the worst achievement of the most stupid politician ever – Donald Trump. 

White lives Matter 

The White shit of USA goes now below 50 percent of all folks in USA. This is not so good for White who never will have any influence in that country for ever. But this is for the crimes to Red Indians, Vietnam, Iraq, Chile, Argentine etc. and all Niggers and stealing all land from Mexicans. 

Other big shit 

Trump does not believe in any God but himself. So, his bluff about Evangelicans and the stupid abortion junk, when Africa and the rest explode in numbers and kill our planet, will be seen later as his greatest death-“achievement” ever. 



Trump is in his person at the same time the best and worst politician of the world ever.... 

And US Shit will elect him a second time. Anyway, there comes no better bullshit in this rotten nation to be destroyed by God. 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written on June 14, 2020

TRUMP - Bilanzanalyse - Trump is broke

Bilanzanalyse zu Donald Trump

Trump was broke during his total business life - a criminal, a bluffer, a terrorist and dull like hell

Assets of Trump always belonged to Banks and Russians (debts higher than assets!)

Es folgt hiermit die Analyse der Finanzlage des zukünftigen US Präsidenten TRUMP aus meiner Sicht und jener von Mr. Fox (nachfolgender Text), seines Zeichens einer der besten Accountants der Schweiz:

Analyse von Delavy

Als weltbester Wirtschaftsprüfer will ich, Master Delavy, die Bilanz von Donald Trump untersuchen und sagen, wie es um diesen Betrüger und Wall Street Idioten steht.

Einmal davon abgesehen, dass die Juden der Wall Street und der Finanzindustrie viel schlimmer dastehen als Donald, ebenso die Schattenbanken von China und die reale Schuldensituation von Nationen wie die korrupten USA, China, Indien, Brasilien, Japan und dem Rest, amüsiere ich mich dabei, die Bilanz von Donald Trump zu prüfen.
Aktiven (Trump Assets)

Gemäss dem Tages-Anzeiger besitzt Donald an die 3700 Millionen Dollar.

- Etwa ein Drittel der Summe besteht aus Einzelobjekten in New York und San Francisco.

- Etwa ein weiteres Drittel besteht aus Hotels, Casinos, Golfplätze und noch unverkauften Wohnungen in Florida und Las Vegas.

- Der Rest ist der unnütze Marktwert des Namen TRUMP mit 250 Mio Dollar und Managementverträge und anscheinend etwas Flüssige Mittel.

Da lacht sich der Fachmann schon jetzt zu Tode.

Ich habe Dutzende von Gebilden in den Konkurs rasen sehen, die diese Assets-Konstruktion hatten.

Doch nun kommen wir zu den idealen Schattenseiten von Donald -

Also die Passiven oder die Schulden und das fehlende Eigenkapital:

Kein Mensch weiss, wie hoch verschuldet dieser Kriminelle ist - bei Banken, Aktionären, Russland, China, hedge funds und sonstigen dreckigen Juden.

Meine Annahme ist, dass der Mensch weit über 3000 Mio. Schulden hat bei diesen Idioten - und dies wohlverstanden als Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten. 

EQUITY of Donald is zero since 2010
Das Eigenkapital von Donald

Jedermann weiss, dass Donald seit Jahren keine Steuern leistete. Also kann man hieraus schliessen, dass der Mann kein positives Vermögen zu versteuern hat und die Schulden und Zinsen und Chargen dermassen gewaltig sind, dass der Mann gar kein Einkommen oder Vermögen besitzt. Und wenn es nicht so wäre, würde ein gegenteiliges Urteil auf purem Bluff basieren.

Nun kommt der Hammer:

Bald kollabiert der Immobilienmarkt von China und sämtlichen Megastädten der Welt inklusive Dubai und Doha. Man wird sehen, dass dies das Immobilienvermögen von Donald dezimiert.

Dann kommen die höheren Zinsen auf seinen Mega-Schulden.

Dann kommen der Tourismus und somit die Golfplätze und Casinos ins Schleudern, die Marke Trump ist ohnehin ein Badwill und zudem kommen die Verbrechen der Vergangenheit auf den Tisch und vielleicht wird er endlich vor Gericht gezogen für die dreckigen Geschäfte bei den vier vergangenen Konkursen dieses Idioten.

Selbst im besten Falle aller Fälle, ist dieses Arschloch bankrott schon heute, den Mann kann man spülen - er wird das Ende seiner Machtübernahme mit Hilfe von Hohlköpfen nicht erleben.

Sodann muss gesagt sein, dass Obama ein mindestens so blödes Arschloch war und jedem Juden in den Arsch gekrochen ist seit 2008 und dass die Hillary einfach eine feministische Schweinin war, die den Schwanz jedes Juden der AIPAC und des WEF schon im Maul hatte.

Nun habe ich es hingekriegt, dass mein Report kein Aas mehr ernst nimmt und genau diesen Effekt in dieser Drecksmenschheit wollte ich erzeugen - und bin wahnsinnig stolz, wie ich diese Manövriermasse von geistesschwachen Paranoiden einfach immer dort habe, wo ich sie will.

Man wird noch staunen - Schwachsinnige der Medien....

TRUMP possesses ZERO in the Trump Clan assets!!!!!

Trump is poor and criminal and a tax fraudist and dictator
All Republicans who protected Trump must be thrown in jail

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written in November 2016