René Delavy


This is the State of Humanity after the year 2000

A proof about the future World-Collapse in the 21st Century

considering Every day's World - Systems - the Unknown


A global FUN ERA


The world on Earth is some Madhouse – as it was in all past times 

We don’t see it in this way, because our Status quo – if once he became true – never can be crazy enough – and contrary to this fact, the mass of folks can never perceive what there is - REALITY.

Taylor Swift - US bullshit

Critics on Tayler Swift 


How can a very stupid American woman become the most famous person on Earth?

All Books of René Delavy


Publikationen von René Delavy

Ab Januar 2022 alle im Markt!

Die Idee meiner Literatur war es, die Welt aufzuklären über die Denkfehler bezüglich des Fortganges einer Selbstvernichtung der Menschheit im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert. Es sollte erwirkt werden, dass die Regierungen und Konzerne noch eine Chance bekommen, die explodierende Bevölkerung  unter Kontrolle zu bringen - bevor es zu spät ist und uns alles um die Ohren fliegt.

CRAZE around Donald TRUMP

Crime craziness about Donald TRUMP 


Never saw more WOKE idiocy around the greatest criminal in history about a politician – as with fine Donald Trump. 

This man should be death sentenced 10 times for what he did.

Leaders of a Final Globe

Bullshit Leaders to kill the World 

You may know my text about the best and worst presidents of USA, however in the light of the DRAMA in Israel today, we have to extend such statistics on the Globe and find the true killers of humanity just NOW:

Le Holocaust de Giles

Le criminel Giles Keppel – Holocausts 


Qu’il est beau, ce Monsieur, et à quel point, il ne sait rien. 

J’ai son livre dans la main et je vais l’enterrer pour de bon.

How to prevent World End

Saving the World 


One could have the opinion that Delavy should not write about the coming apocalypse and how humanity may die within the next 100 years, but deliver some ideas, how humans and the planet could be saved in the next future.

10 Commandments of DEATH

10 Commandments of DEATH -
How folks die in the 21st Century

By 2099 all humans will be dead.

Pandemics may be one reason, but there are 10 other catastrophes coming on us, each of them will kill billions of folks and there are no means to prevent such death of humanity and most of nature and animals of our planet Earth.

Read the 10 Commandments of Death and be prepared to disappear from this universe!

Intellect - 8 Steps of Thoughts

Understanding intellect

or: 8 Steps of intellectual facts on Earth

8 Steps to heaven or 8 Steps to hell? The definition of intellect can go very queer ways, but most of studies about intellect are not worth starting the game.

This is a translation out of the German Book "CHAOS", published in the year 2004, Chapter  "Erkenntnis über das Seiende" (Understanding existence), article "Die Stufen des Denkens" (The Steps of intellectual perception). It shows, viewed from a philosophical standpoint of the author, how the Power of Thinking or of Perception could work in these modern times, in a real world, when the Chaos in human Existence has not yet reached its final stage.

Bullshit NATO of Biden

Craziness has a word – NATO 


The best Craze of all times is NATO 

NATO against Russia and China and the rest. 

Just learn what is going to happen:

Mme Macron

Madame MACRON est un Homme  


Mon Dieu : Vous ne comprenez rien. 

C’est la conséquence des types Gender, WOKE, MeToo, Cancel Culture et des Juifs de Gaza.

Pleite-Banks overall - Nations too

Most Banks in the World are "PLEITE" - Nations too
(published with Worldnews wn and Pravda)

2008: Wall Street in face of Senate 

All top bankers and their lawyers were JEWS – without exception. They are responsible für the coming CRASH of all Banks to come!

If assets would get down by only 10 %, all banks worldwide will be bankrupt - note this.

Incompetence of the BIG 4

BIG 4 - (or BIG 6)
are criminal human APES and have their brains full of Shit

-Without any value in Auditing, Accounting, Tax consulting and whatever... - All Crook-Partners of the BIG 6 of Accounting and Tax Fraud must be put at the Wall.

As the best accountant of the globe, I am in a position to name the idiocy of the "BIG 4" - to say:

PricewaterhouseCoopers - KPMG - Ernst and Young - Deloitte-Touche (PwC - EY - Deloitte - KPMG)

extended by the 2 other crooks:     - Accenture  (ex dead Arthur Andersen)
                                                       and  -  McKinsey  (ex dead Donald Trump and Murdoch)
                                                       and  -  Bain and Boston Consulting of Jews....

Perpetrator USA - and their eternal Losers

Perpetrators are Heroes - and their Victims only eternal Losers
published in WorldNews and Pravda

The rich and mighty Class must be eliminated from the face of the Earth.

They enslaved about 99 percent as victims and for their crimes never see a judge. They made all the laws, also not to pay taxes and to punsih the rest for nothing. They send all ordinary people in their wars, force to work for nothing and steal all money by the dirty JEWS of a rotten Finance industry. - The Rich and Mighty must be killed -  NOW!

Criminal US Sub-prime Court

Unfair US Supreme Court  

Like all Sub-prime Courts of all nations (Washington-Karlsruhe-Lausanne), the US Supreme Court is one big justice Bullshit of the globe - the top crook of the "Deep State".

Assange is in JAIL and Snowden in MOSCOW, because the "Deep States" of Jews have all power in the world - and not the 99 percent of masses.

Here some of the crimes noted about such subprime Judges out of Shit:

All SYSTEMS erased for all Times

All SYSTEMS - philosophies - principles - science - books ERASED for all Times:


Vergesst alle Theorien und Bücher der Vergangenheit


René Delavy 

Philosophie der Realität –

Alltag des Wahns


Final CRASH in the year 2024? 


It is evident that some day not far in the future, the final CRASH must come in economics, finance, ecology and take it. 

We have the wars in Ukraine and Israel that can escalate any moment to a world war and huge crisis in any area in the world.

Navalny dead - Assange alive

Navalny dead – Assange alive 


Finally, stupid Navalny is dead. And all media point to Putin, as if such a dull Navalny could challenge some crook in USA as well - Nigger Obama, Bush, Biden or Trump would let kill any Navalny too. 

Now, Russia is an attacked State from USA, the US who killed millions of folks in 50 nations at least. 


  Armageddon - oder die Massaker-Staaten der Welt (Massacre Nations to starve)

Only develish economics of conglomerates and Rich Class of Finance (DEEP STATE) - then parties and politics without any influence in rotten liberal Democrazy - but in addition some deathly climate collapse - and never understood anything. We are DEAD!

Nur noch teuflische Ökonomien der Konzerne (Tiefer Staat) - Parteien und Politik ohne jede Bedeutung -  Ein tödlicher Klima-Kollaps - und nie etwas begriffen

DEAD Money and rotten Nations

Money Systems are DEAD 


It is true that since some thousands of years, folks got accustomed to money, be it paper or cheap metal. 

In the meantime, money are only zeros and ones in computers per trillions. 

Chute de France

Le Future de France 


De Temps à l’autre, il faut que j’écrive quelque chose en français - seulement par plaisir. 

Puisque les philosophes de France ont un cerveau de bullshit, il est à moi de prévoir ce que se passe au pays de JJ Rousseau, donc un ancêtre de moi comme je sais.

Take your Chance - being lost

Holes in the Ass 


Well, some people assume who are the greatest Holes in our world. 

Some say the killing Amis cannot be surpassed. Some point at Hitler Germany. Some think about Putin and his defence war against Selensky and NATO.

PRAVDA - in Distress

and WorldNews wn

Millions could read my 400 Editors Letters

Today's world - lives in distress and suffers from chaos

URL: http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/feedback/78364-world-0

All 400 Letters - still on WORLDNEWS wn

The World will be "done" by the year 2025

WorldNews.com,Wed 10 Jan 2007

Article by WorldNews.com Guest Writer René Delavy. 

Senile Joe Biden

National Crimes of senile Joe BIDEN


The US Americans under Trump and Joe Biden prove to be the craziest folks on Earth. Short before the total CRASH and break-down of the US Empire.

World Accounting Rules

"Highest Accounting" - World Accounting Rules

Nestle - Apple - HSBC - China - are bankrupt!

All Balance Sheets, shares, State bonds, derivatives are over-valued by factor 10 to 1000 - the world has gone mad in values!

The Author

The only author to have written in several books and articles about "highest accounting" could only be some René Delavy.

Responsibility of Media-World

or: Press, TV and Film-Industry keeping mankind blind and dull

This text here will prove beyond any doubt that for all times Media-World never came up to their responsibilities towards humanity - because Film, TV and Press just existed to keep the mass of folks blind and dull.

We will see if there was a PLAN behind - or just normal Stupidity of Elites and VIPs.

How come? Read this text and then start to think:

The media world in the past

US Empire to CRASH

Instead of the Crash of the Roman Empire –

The Crash of the US Empire 


TV ARTE tried to explain the CRASH of the Roman Empire some 1700 years ago. 

As since 100 years, trillions of Dollars are thrown in the wind to scientists in order to find out what happened in the past and why we are living in a crazy reality, we actually do.




All investors in TESLA are broke. It is proven that the Gangster MUSK Elon just is PLEITE and never comes back – this dirty JEW. 

Note the following about Electro-Cars, that are more of craziness as even Joe Delaware Tax Fraud BIDEN.

Horror vacui



-  Realität, 7 Milliarden, Arena 


Zuerst möchte ich den Leser warnen, diesen Text zu Ende zu lesen. Es könnte sein dass er wahnsinnig wird bei der Lektüre und in ein Asylum für Geisteskranke eingeliefert werden muss. 

Ich selbst als der Schreibende, riskiere diesen Fakt nicht mehr, weil ich schon mehrmals an die Grenzen des Denkens gelangt bin und dabei lernte, dem Wahnsinn nicht zu verfallen und die Realität auszuhalten.

Principles of "Highest Accounting"

Principles and Rules of  "Highest Accounting of Delavy"

Principle of CASH:

Any nation can create trillions of cash out of the nowhere. Immediately, such money translates in worthless assets and uncovered debts, by force, when given out - not in coins or paper - but simply in computers of all banks and companies throughout our globe.

Such, the whole humanity gets broke, even before media understand what's getting on.

Learn more about this craziness:

Charge against Switzerland - 5000 billion Euro

5 trillion Euro Tax Charge against Switzerland 

Some time ago, I sent tax charges to 15 High Courts for the criminal tax laws in Switzerland. 

Strasbourg sent the whole package back, pretending the forms would not be maintained. From other courts or IRS - I never heard anything.

Zeihan - End of the World

Peter Zeihan – NYT Bullshit “The End of the World” 


May well be that Zeihan is like Pinker one of the greatest greenhorns ever in matter of science, economics, intellect and trying to read the future.  

Zeihan is the most pragmatic Pro-Jew / Pro-USA Asshole ever


Of all US economic greenhorns, Zeihan must be the most paranoid and brainsick ever seen. 

Putin - and the Western Disaster

Putin’s Error of Thought


Putin believed to take over Ukraine within two weeks and then be able to dictate Europe the rules – what a terrible error of thought!


Worldwide Massacre without End


You should know about the Progenies of Arabs of GAZA and all Arabs from Morocco to Indonesia will kill Jews for their crimes and genocide committed in Israel by ten thousands in such rotten land from 1920 to the end of 2024.

Civil Wars to come

Segregation in Two Parts
Woke against Populists 

We have the fact of a world of Civil wars to come of two parts against each other throughout the world. 

The breakdown of folks in climate Collapse, Jews’ finance bullshit, economic catastrophe and take it, ended now in a segregation of almost all nations in two parts:

Active Actions?

Activism and Passivism 


We will never know if active action rules the worlds, whereas passivism could have saved the masses from death and self-destruction.

Crash to come

Greatest CRASHS of all Times 


Here follows the Hit Parade of the greatest CRASHS to come per nation of all times. By 2099 all will be finished. 

And note: I was never wrong in predictions – ever….

Phases of Writing by DELAVY

Phases of writing by René Delavy

I just ended the final correction of the layout of my new book "Das Buch der Kritiken über ausgewählte Philosophen von A bis Z".

Living today in Zurich and being naturally a Jew, this is the moment to stop for a while and think about the different phases of my writing of Books and Editors Letters since 1975 to today.

Ugly Girl

Ugly Girl

WorldNews.com,Mon 2 Apr 2007

Article by WorldNews.com Guest Writer René Delavy.

Going to starve



The world will not only be killed by my “10 Commandments of Death”, but mainly from starvation and the masses stupidity in all matters you could think of.

Climate-Collapse and some other


Acapulco high 10 


What today experiences Acapulco will be the destiny of all Cities of the globe – but hight 10 in force - within the next 50 years. 

It’s simply the way the CLIMATE-Collapse will extend in the next future and therefore, humans will go to death for all times.

RED LINES - for Idiots

Red Lines 


All Idiots of the world talk about “RED LINES” in the war of Israel and USA against the Arabs in GAZA, when in fact it IS a RED LINE for the destruction of Jews and their chances worldwide – in the world - for all Times. 

There are some other fine RED LINES in history and I want explain some of them. 

Joe Biden - First Genius

Joe Biden – worse as Obama Genius? 


The question is, if our President of USA, the worst nation of all times, is in geopolitics and economics worse as Nigger Obama. 

But first make clear something: 

Fossil Crimes - Perpetrators

USA - Fossil Oil Crimes 
Who are the Perpetrators?


TV ARTE brought a crazy attack on Exxon, Shell, BP, Chevron etc. about their Climate collapse crimes of the last 50 years – full of lies and ORG of disaster. 

Although some of it might be true and less idiotic, ARTE just missed all the relevant points: