China and Germany and USA are BROKE

West and East are BROKE 


USA, China, Germany, EU, India etc. are in the same situation of CRASH just as Donald Trump and Elon Musk. 

Both never had a dime and all they got, belonged to creditors and investors, to banks, hedge funds, shareholders, Russians and Chinese etc. The Donald Empire and the Tesla factories are broke and belonged from the start to creditors, whereas Trump and Musk never possessed a dime on their rotten belongings.


But much worse is the financial situation of USA, Germany, China and India – about the rest I keep quiet, it’s all written in my books: 



This Empire goes down the drain since quite a lot of time and in fact, since years the nation and all banks are broke and about 200 trillion Dollars of debts are not covered at all. 

The pandemic and the war in Ukraine will just prove to be the drop to make explode the whole system of Jewish finance dreams with rotten instruments of zero value like all crypto and Silicon Valley bullshit. 


Germany and EU 

USA have provoked about all wars of the globe since 1945, just as the one of Putin against the Ukraine.

As a result, Germany is now tumbling down in economics like hell, just as the rest of over-indebted EU, due to lacking gas and the result of US interventions of nuts. 

Do not believe that Germany or France or Britain or else would not get completely out of control and in addition, electricity for TESLA cars will fail and the finance system will drive Europe in hell too. 

And the warming up of the Earth will create an unsurmountable catastrophe on Earth, water gets out in all nations and the environment comes to be destroyed within the next 50 years. 


China and India and the rest 

Like India, the 1,5 billion idiots under Jinping in China and under Modi anyway are nearly dead. The real estate market is dead as dead can be. Same goes for the stock exchanges.

In China, the banks have wide over 20 trillion Dollars of uncovered debts and mortgages. 

All Shadow and other banks are broke, since the real estate market goes any moment down the drain forever. 

In addition, both India and China have no water anymore and the masses can starve in a very short time under draughts and the impossibility to nourish the idiots in future. 

Already today, it is a wonder that such countries did not yet collapse in themselves, but the time of truth is near and we can laugh in tears about the stupidity of elites and masses of our most stupid animal that ever existed in our universe. 

But for the rest, you better read my texts - friends, the surprise will be more than the death of lands, oceans, animals and humans - when truth comes finally into your rotten brain of nuts. 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written in July 2022

Switzerland is more NATO than USA or Israel

Such land has caused a tax fraud loss of 2 trillion Dollars to 200 nations. They confiscated on order of USA any bank accounts and other wealth of the rich class and are out as safe haven. They are more NAZO as USA, Israel or Bärbock together and try to ruin Russia on order of monster State USA - who murdered more than 50 million folks during their existence.

Stop US sanctions and atom missiles over Ukraine

If sanctions against Russia will not be stopped at once, not one pound of Wheat or else out of Ukraine goes ever over the Black Sea. And sooner or later, atom missiles will crash on heavy weapons of USA and Baerbock Germany.