Hitparade of Fanaticism

Hit-Parade of FANATICISM in a rotten World

We are today living in a period of FANATICISM all over in our World.

Short before the total crash of all systems on this globe, we experience as major destructive level some sorts of fanaticism, not watched and taken care of by our Elite of politicians, scientists, literary skunks and other WEF geniuses of a lost civilisation.

Let's now go into such a Hit-Parade:

 1.  Highest Fanaticism - The Jews and the Bankers

What Jewish Fanaticism could be, can be seen today at the WEF in Davos under Jew Klaus Schwab.

After Auschwitz and SS Hitler Germany, the Jews were a little bit disappointed from some human beings and thought about Revenge. And so the Jews Milton Friedman, Karl Popper and some other idiotic Theorists in Economics invented a fine higher Capitalism, better known as "Neoliberalism" or Chicago School or Shock Doctrine.

With help of Israel, AIPAC, Jewish Fed and U.S. Finance Ministers like Greenspan, Bernanke, Geithner and the Rest, and also the Jewish IMF and Worldbank and ECB and FED, such a theory was given in hands of Wall Street Bankers, most of them being Jewish and of Hedge funds. Politicians pushed a disastrous system and brought by casino Cash the whole finance building of the Globe into misery, first in 2008 to 2010 and then the doses was increased and the coming COLLAPSE of World Finances will end up with nations, currencies, Derivatives and other shit paper for all times to come and such, Hitler and Stalin and Ronald and Thatcher will be punished for their mediocre naivety.

To say that the Jews would have destroyed our present civilisation, is exaggerated, but still: They belong on Place ONE of this hit-parade.

2. Second highest Fanaticism - The Crooks in Economics

Who took all resources over and under the ground by force and free of charge into his pocket, the richest class in conglomerates and criminal politicians, is responsible not only for the craze of using up all resources and making profit to the charge of 99 percent of other folks, but naturally the Cream de la Cream of big companies and Banks, the CEO and the major shareholders, are responsible for a Climate short before collapse and the coming bankruptcy of all rules having to do with industry, trade, finances, tax fraud and the rest and our idiots are naturally also found at today's WEF, together with all criminal politicians, having pushed such deathly system since the Second WW.

On the basis of Jewish economic principles of highest stupidity, USA, Europe, China, India and the rest have taken over a system that could only end up in a criminal collapse, when currencies go to become worthless, all nations and companies going into misery, the weather-machinery of the globe getting into pieces and the stupidity of mass-folks reaching his highest PEAK by 2015.

But in fact, it requires reading my books to understand the whole reasons, origins and effects of a criminal System of idiots, playing masters of the Universe with all goods this Planet ever gave to a rotten riot of humans.

3. Third highest Fanaticism - The Stupidity in Politics

Who can show me just one Politicians of value, gets now one million dollars.

There we can forget about Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Bush, Ronald, Thatcher and some other idiots having pushed the downfall of the World by Western idiocy as mentioned above and producing State Deficits, bringing with force by Fed, WEF, ECB and all Central Banks all nations into bankruptcy very soon.

But the "Heroes" are also criminals:  Churchill just had to react on Hitler, Roosevelt had to correct the Crimes of finance Jews, Obama creeps in the Asshole of WEF, AIPAC and Israel, Mandela sold all South Africa to London Jews and took all away from his Niggers, Gandhi gave full power to the strong and rich masters of the universe counting by arrogance on the passive weakness of the masses and Luther King was talking rubbish and not changing anything to his Nigger Slaves.

Today we can see that the idiotic politicians worldwide increase the doses for self-destruction in Finances, Economics, Culture, Religion and the coming collapse of the World Ecology and having soon no water anymore for new-built Mega-Cities, and the dull folks cannot even guess that this program kills soon 99 percent of folks on Earth.

4. Fourth highest Fanaticism - The Crimes of the Religious folks

The Crimes of the Catholic Popes burning normal women as witches and destroying millions of folks not being Christians, are well known in history. The present Shit of a Pope knows there is no GOD in heaven, but helped his monsters of Argentine Generals to kill his youth by torture in the name of Jewish Neoliberalism.

And so it is not astonishing that as reaction of western U.S. craze, we see today an Anti-Israel touch of Terror in Islam, in Iran, Iraq, Paris, London, Boston, Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan, Palestine and some other fine places with Sharia in all towns in Europe and a Coran full of stupidity and some "We are Charlie" effects.

Never in history, the idiocy of religiosity has been so high as today with the American sects and Evangelicans believing in the Bible and in Adam and Eve, the orthodox idiots at the Wall Street, the worst race of all as Jews, and the Islamists taking care to spread terror all over and the stupid Christians, believing in Allah, Jesus and Maria having children without any FUCK and still say: We all are very normal and the religious theories are a human right.

Just as the WEF, the way this big shit is organised, the rest of world civilisation had never a chance to stay normal and not becoming paranoid to the max.

5. Fifth highest Fanaticism - The Paranoia of all Media

The Media of the world, like the normal World Literature, are of zero value. They just tell us what happened yesterday without ever knowing, why all is happening the way described above. The average intellect of top folks in newspapers, TV and Radio is on the Level of children of age about 6 years old.

They sell us any idiot as a genius, if becoming top banker, U.S. president, Merkel shit of Germany, leader as CEO of some big bank or conglomerate, getting the Prize of Dynamite for destroying our world and accelerating deadly GROWTH in stupidity and economics and not one Murdoch or Berlusconi MEDIA IDIOT would be capable, just to see what really is going to happen, when the final CRASH of such idiotic systems would come, very soon, when Neoliberalism and China will tumble to hell.

There is no use for computers, internet, technology and MEDIA, considering that all pushed the fanaticism of a U.S. life style killing all of folks all over the globe within the next 20 years.

6. Sixth highest Fanaticism - The Idiots of all Sciences

The above sceneries could not have been mentioned, of not the idiots of SCIENCE would have invented the Cars, planes, atom works, weapons of mass destruction, water for masses until there is nothing left, building of mega-towns crashing soon, 1000 trillion Dollars in world infrastructures falling now into pieces and falling on our heads and the illusion, that the mass-explosion of folks from 2 to 10 billions on a rotten and exhausted planet would be without any effects.

There is not one idiotic Scientist who would not have pushed to hell this crazy development of a world-civilisation, having reached its PEAK of fanaticism and craziness of the finest. And to give a Prize of Dynamite for such Crooks just made the glass half-full, before it's going to explode for all times to come.

7. Seventh highest Fanaticism - The crazy Philosophers

Who says we ever had fine philosophers, is nuts. In my Book "Das Buch der Kritiken" sent now to media of the world without any effects, it is proven that all philosophers and theorists of economics of the past just pushed a thinking, going:

"Humans are Gods and very intelligent and valuable - whereas the planet Earth is pure Shit and just good enough to be destroyed."

The idiots of philosophy only wrote about "Behaviourism" of an idiotic Ape and never understood that we are living on a planet with water, soil and restricted mass of resources and energy. And so, this world has come to a Deadlock and not one idiotic philosopher of the past and the present could read the firing signs on the Wall.

8. Eighth highest Fanaticism - The Masses running behind any "Charlie"

Finally we have the stupid mass, running behind any Napoleon, Cesar, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Bush, Obama, Merkel and the dirty Jews as mentions on Top of this Hit-Parade and crying "I am Charlie" when the Terror made by WEF in Davos and the Israel Shit just ended by normal logics with the shooting of some dull caricaturists making a picture of Mohammed, when the terror in Islamism - pushed by U.S. style of capitalism and the crimes of the Auschwitz-Jews in Israel, just have made possible to happen 9-11, and the Crash at Wall Street in 2007, and the coming final blow of our finance system, the running low of Japan, USA, China, India and some rotten Switzerland as top Tax Fraud Criminal invented by Klaus Schwab at his Jewish Joe Ackerman WEF in Davos....

Well, do you really think that our completely dull and paranoid masses of the 99,99 per cent of mass-shit in this world would be a corrective to the above named ELITE of criminals and monsters?

Forget it for all times - we are in times of total FANATICISM and there is no way out of the coming downfall in all respects. All Systems ever found will crash and finalize the human experiment.

And now have a big laugh, don't feel sad, this was just normal and without any higher importance.

Who expected some other End of Humanity, must have been NUTS from the Start.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on January 22, 2015