Collapse of China

China short before total CRASH

Not only China, but all States on Earth are facing the total breakdown of nations, banks, money system and financial order.

But in the case of China, the proof for the debacle can be done better than for any other land.


NEW - Situation End of 2020

China cheated with all figures about the fact that the worldwide Virus Corona came out of a Virus Factory in Wuhan and the illness and death was 10 times higher as official figures.



The economic CRASH is imminent:

1. China has Shadow banks without control, based on a snowball system and about 5 trillion Dollars in no value and unguaranteed shit of investments. All such papers are without value and hundreds of millions of Chinese have lost all fortune.

2. The imports and exports will further collapse and USA and Europa are in market wars with this shit communist State.

3. China has the greatest environment and climate catastrophe, no water anymore and depending on import of food and other matters, otherwise the revolution over China and the rest of the globe will start without any ending.

And this is just the peak of the iceberg of a nation, being worse in shape as USA was before the Wall Street Crash around 2008.

Write off this Empire - it has come to its end for all times.


Not in China, not in the USA, not in EU, England, Italy, Brazil, Russia, India or Spain there is just one person to be responsible to keep control on the gigantic figures of money floating around, exposure in debts, States and banks not running into a final disaster and keeping up the "value" of Cash, State bonds, Shares, derivatives or take it.

There is simply no office, no government, no congress, no expert - first to understand what's going on, ignoring accounting rules of bankruptcy, how to stop the craze of deficits and second how to ever pay back any debts and third to explain, how the finance system may not fall in decay.

Any debts are covered by a fortune of any sort, there is no other possibility. And so, when debts cannot be served, several times the amount of debts will tumble to hell in values of bonds, shares, shit papers in ABS, CDO or CDS, real estates and currencies as such.

It does not matter who will become U.S. president or prime minister or chief of state or controller of central banks worldwide, not one party, not one VIP, not one professor or any other person can have control on the coming breakdown and of all our values going down the drain - first in China.

Value of Money

Such matter like a real value of Dollars, Yuan, Yen, Euro or whatsoever is inexistent, it is virtual, it is religion. The whole system is based on the belief of folks in the current rates published daily, of Cash in banks and of the credits in any account, that are put forward to be of value - each new day.

Over 90 percent of Money are only figures in computers, it is impossible to get the money in cash, and when it happens, it would not be possible to find it in banks and the rest would just be paper and nothing else.

So the problem is to make people believe, the Cash is still of value. This idea goes to hell, when the matters explained below will implode in China and any other land - some very near day.

The State of national, "normal" and shadow banks

China had trillions of values in surplus, expressed in Dollars, some years before. Today, the debts of State, of towns, of national and shadow banks were exploding in space and today, there is not one person on Earth to know about the real extent of the gigantic debts, not covered by any values.

It is clear that the communist government hides the truth about the real state of affairs, but in any case they cannot stop the train of self-destruction, there is no possibility to end up the craze. Better to increase the debts by trillions and trying to buy as many companies in Europe, USA and land in Africa as ever possible, before the inevitable and irrevocable crash comes in China.

But this will not help: The worthlessness of the money in China will make worthless all other investments, also because all nations outside China will tumble to hell as well, following the good example in the East.

The implosion of real estate market

Hundreds of millions of Chinese have bought apartments and houses like idiots and got mortgages from banks and other organisations. The situation is 10 times worse as it was in former times in Tokyo or before the subprime crises in USA or in the 90-ties in Europe.

Since the virtual values of all real estate in most towns and other areas in China, India, USA, Europe exploded further, basing on free mortgage given by banks, basing too on the trillions issued by Bank of China, shadow banks, black markets and Fed, ECB and all note banks of the globe, the implosion of this market is a must and can no longer be prevented.

Some day very near from now, folks will try to realize their "gains" in housing and find that the whole market is out of order and hundred millions of real estate objects will just tumble to a value of zero, accompanied by currencies having become completely worthless in all nations. This is "highest accounting" of which not one person in the world seems to have any real idea.

The end to the cheap production scheme

China took profit from the destruction of all industry in USA, Italy, France, England and other 50 States on Earth and produced great parts of world consumerism by cheap products for quite a long time and China financed the deficits of USA and other lands.

This has come to an end since some time: Chinese today want same wages like other countries in the west, the competition power in favour of China went to hell. For some time some other lands in Asia or Africa may inherit the craze of cheap production of China, but this communist land, being in fact the greatest neoliberal experiment of all times, is short before its implosion and no force on Earth will stop this development, down to hell.

And nobody will deliver any resources and energy stuffs anymore to rotten China, once it has become clear, we have there a hole without any bottom.

Other nations in the situation of China

China is the most evident case of the inevitable results of  the craze brought in a crazy world by Mont Pelerin Society and Chicago School of WEF, producing high-profit "free markets", no State controls, crimes in finance industry, craziness in ignorance of "highest accounting", the effect to huge debts in banks and States too big to fail and the fact, that any debt stands in relation to virtual fortunes of folks, most in hands of the tax-free and rich class, short before its worldwide collapse.

If China would not exist, simply some other lands like USA, Japan, Brazil or England or South Korea would be first to tumble down the drain. It's a law of economics, not taught in any school or university.

All this is not a typical problem of China, solely the volume and the stupidity of government is extraordinary in China, as compared to other rotten nations, governed by crooks, Jews and other shit.

The End of China and the rest

First of all, the greatest problem on Earth is not the forthcoming crash of finances and nations in Cash and other worthless papers and figures in computers.

Much more of danger for humanity is the end of resources, towns getting rotten, infrastructures not renewable, water getting out, the stupidity of folks being increasing each new day and above all the ecologic crimes ending up in a climate beyond any control and weather mechanics getting towards always more destructing droughts, floods, super-storms and monster waves in oceans, stopping anyway any container ship in the future.


The stupidity of our elite, of our governments, of our universities, of the banking Mafia and of ordinary folks in craze, is so great, that all the facts as written here could be ignored for quite a long time.

The enfeeblement in mind in politics, education, culture, philosophy, religion, technical gadget idiocy and blindness in the collapse of environment is so great, that there is not one person to be able to understand the extent of the force in destructing China, USA, India, Brazil, Japan and the rest, inclusive all systems, humans had the fierceness and stupidity to bring on this globe.

Believe me or not - we have come to an end of control about any system we had built up so far in the last 100 years. It's a question of time and nothing else.

With friendly greetings....

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written in November 2016

Americans having the joice between a crook in politics like Hillary - and one Trump, having stolen the cash of millions of people, proves to what extent this Nation has become pure shit of mind.


Une Chine sans espoir  - et presque morte

Je ne sais pas ce que les hommes trouvent en la Chine de 2021 avec Jinping comme dictateur d’une partie politique socialiste. 

On ne voit pas du tout: 

- La Chine est morte déjà - ces jours en 2021. 

Ce pays est foutu sans nature vivante, deserts qui viennent, des mega-cities sans âmes et en plus une peuplade sans cervelles. 

China a des dettes de plus de 30 billions (english: trillions) en Dollar et plus - et des usines et entreprises et banques en faillite depuis longtemps. 

Pas d’eau, rien comme ressources, vivant envers la peste et mourant depuis vingt ans. 

Pourquoi les idiots du monde ne voient rien? 

China s’est tuée soimême – oubliez ce pays comme USA et Israel et autre Bullshit- cette planète est morte et tous les congresses ne valent même pas le sang de la GRETA! 


René Delavy – November 13, 2021