Optimism and Pessimism

Optimism and Pessimism

It has become a common rule in history of humans of Horror, that our fine Optimists are the better humans and they would have much more success as the poor and useless Pessimists.

Now, friends, let me talk a little about the real Sense of Optimism and Pessimism.

- During my complete career of a consultant of big companies and rich persons, I never saw any optimist being successful at length. Sooner or later they fell into misery or bankruptcy.

- However, it's true - not all pessimists had success either, because most of the time they did not even start a business - but when they did, they were cautious enough to do the right thing.

Just think of the thousands of idiots starting some IT or Internet business, being said to be worth some billions of Dollars. By the end only Google and Facebook succeeded of which at times only knew some poor boys. And they were optimists and they had success, out of millions, and they are not yet bankrupt, but this will come early enough.

This is the rule with technology, with banks and with States - by the end they are in misery or disappear at all - and there was never an exception to this Rule.

There are some other fundamental Rules about Optimism and Pessimism:

1. Any company - at length - disappears from the map. Not one company or bank will be successful for ever. Some get in bankruptcy rapidly and some other become too big to fail, go into bankruptcy and must be saved by the taxpayers of the Middle Class - and then the rich Junk of our Elite pretends that these banks were not dead by their end.

2. Any optimist makes mistakes by nature - because he would always assume that his success has to do with intellect and cunningness, he would take further risks like in the Casino - and end in Misery - always.

3. A pessimist may be wrong in his assumptions, but still he can live normally like anybody else - However, if a pessimist proves like me in my literature ALWAYS to be right, he is no longer a pessimist, but a REALIST. - And this never could achieve any optimists, because they are DULL by nature.

4. Our Money- and Technology-World is basing on optimism - the optimism that we dispose of 10 planets, that an explosion of pops over 5 billion can be governed at length, that we have resources, water, air, energy and land and animals for ALL times to come -  when in fact only 6 generations have used all richness of a planet up for final and thus spoilt the Earth - Optimists believe, there would be no problem with our Chaos - and this belief is the Bible of all optimists - because in the past, we are said to have always found some wise ways out of any sort of fundamental misery and impasse in Cash, Technology and Craze.

5. The Optimist says that there exists a God, an Allah, a Buddha or another idiot, telling the Popes and Priest to kill folks having other Gods, women being witches, fucking children in their asses and destructing a planet - when at the same time creeping in the assholes of dictators, torturers, war-gurgles and U.S. Presidents.

6. The Optimist says that all philosophers brought us light, fine lifestyle, technologies, atom power, cars and planes, pops explosion and feasibilities and they cannot see that the 99,99 percent of pops are sitting in a TGV, having no brakes but only a Gas-Pedal and the 99,99 percent, the Elite and rich Sacks in fact, are stepping on the gas for Growth, Greed, Jewish idiocies of Popper, Greenspan, Friedman, Goldman, Sachs, WEF Schwab and finally, all bankers and finance ministers of USA are doing the rest in crunching the finance system, which brought to power the idiots, financed by the taxes, the savings and the pension cash of Middle Class and the Poor.

7. The Optimist says we need Interest rates not to be borne anymore, Deficits in trillions of Dollars, and Armies not to be paid anymore, and we need wars, we need police for the richest, we need security forces to protect the Skunks of Cash and Power, we need turnover, consumerism, tourism and profits and idiocies in Masses, otherwise the TGV will run out of the track and crash into to woods and kill the masses.

Exactly all these rules of the Optimist are just NOW killing all masses, those paying their taxes, to say workers and employees of Middle Class and the Poor of the Globe - and the rich and powerful Sacks are sitting in the Luxury room of the TGV, drinking champagne, eating caviar and fucking around like hell and grinning about the stupidity of the masses, being too slow in understanding what's god-damn going on - and being killed just now until the year 2099 by circumstances their optimism created first.

And it was so funny and good so - that we need no further ideas about the usefulness in the behaviourism of optimists, having an average IQ of below 50.

But this is allowed - and another fundamental Rule, but the intellect of Elite and VIPs protecting their privileges, does not allow mass folks to get the points of this letter - and so let's stop the train and go over in our nice TGV pumping any minute into its WALL at the end of the valley.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on March 3, 2012