OBAMA and his 10 Commandments

Torturing in the Name of the 10 OBAMA Commandments

There is a Crook going around on our Globe and his Name is Obama. There is no greater Skunk at present than this creature of a simple Ape with name Simplysisyphos.

No man in the world will ever understand why such a Shit-in-brains like Obama could kill my beloved Osama bin Laden, a man with principles and ethics and brains, when seeing the history of killing and torturing Obama in Allah's territory - known as "God's own Country":

1. Obama tortured to death folks in Guantanamo, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Pakistan and he is responsible for all right-wing Dictators and U.S. Parliament Members not tortured yet to death - but time will come.

2. Obama is responsible of the Finance-Jews of Wall Street for destroying the World Cash and Credit system for greed and creeping in the asses of WEF Schwab, Rome Ratzinger and Netanyahu Israel and other fine Human Shit.

3. Obama is responsible of the breaking down of Climate and Weather-Machinery and the death of billions of folks in all lands from now on. He is a blind Negro and a stupid politician and he is clever enough to see the point.

4. Obama is responsible for the export power of China, credited by U.S. taxpayers, short before the complete collapse of the Chinese and U.S. economics, having exhausted their folks plus lands and rivers and the rest of seldom earths and still keeping up complex finance crookeries.

5. Obama is responsible for the interest rate politics in Europe with his U.S. Rating Offices letting break nations and banks, costs for Armies too big to fail and too big to be financed, he is responsible for wars and for rotten infrastructure in the USA and Africa. His belief in cars, planes and energy going out in future, will kill all our children and the children of our children.

6. Obama is responsible for all dictators killing millions of people in Vietnam, Chile, Argentina, Rwanda, Palestine and 50 other States in the name of neoliberalism - but not having tortured to death - for example criminals like Friedman, Pinochet, Videla, Thatcher, Blair, Berlusconi, GW Bush, Kissinger, Wolfowitz, Geithner, FBI, SEC, IMF and Worldbank, destructing Africa and the Maghreb.

7. Obama is responsible for the crimes of Pinochet, Ronald Reagan, GW Bush, Kissinger, WEF Schwab, Hu and Wen and Singh and the creation of final times on Earth in finances, economy, industry, missing clear water and breathable air. Some idiot must be responsible for a dying planet, meant to survive still some times to come.

8. Obama is responsible for the crimes of Jews, of Bankers, of Hedge funds, for destructing all savings and pensions of Middle Class and Poor, for the collapse of Banks in all nations, for the final downfall of Americans into final poverty, for having let survive Palin, Tea Party, Occupy, Republicans, Gingrich, Romney, the Christian Shit on which spits our God since 5000 years, assisted by Allah and Jesus and Buddha and the rest of religious criminals, having killed more folks after 2012 - than USA did in Vietnam, South America, Africa and USA, even including Hitler in Germany, Stalin in Russia and Mao in China.

9. Obama is a fine Jesus and a burqa-fucking Mohamed without brains, no real intellect in reading the world-theatre, being full of admiration for foolish things, making dull 99 percent of folks, like for example the internet, Google, Facebook, Twitter and worse. - Obama shall drive to hell after death - no chance for a paradise in eternity up to Heaven.

10 Obama is the new Bible of the Crowds without any intellect - he is the reason why the whole of the globe goes to hell just now, with help of Putin, Singh, Hu and Wen, Merkel, Berlusconi, Blair, Thatcher, Pinochet, Ronald, the 7 Dwarfs of Berne and Junk-Jews on Wall Street and the rest of tax-free Skunks.

When the leaders of humanity have no idea how to continue life and stop the craze, we really have come to the end-wall in the depth of a planetary valley.

Therefore, for being guilty together with other cripples of mind, OBAMA must be tortured to death by the masses of USA, Europe, China, Russia, Chile, Iraq, Afghanistan and Switzerland.

If this all shall not happen, there is no harm - on the contrary - with our without such a genius and good-human with name of OBAMA, this world is now going down the Drain in any case - and not one soul of GOD can see it, except God himself. And this is the End of a fine human Story - Friends.

Still questions - ignorant top thinkers of the Globe?

Do me a favour - keep quiet and kill OBAMA.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on March 5, 2012