Silicon Valley - DEAD

Silicon Valley – destroyed soon 


In 10 years, States, community, banks etc. can no longer be financed - such as: 

- Health care – rents – interests – wars – infrastructure – social help – Ukraine – Israel – space research – and take what you want.

Greatly dead will be over-evaluated Silicon Valley: 

Wall Street and all stock exchanges are overvalued by 532,997 % in average. For Silicon Valley, the figure is 6633,999 % too high. 

Let’s see – WHY: 

Amazon and Bezos will be dead soon, because the on-line despatch is simply an ecologic and social catastrophe. 

Apple can be written off since smartphones and APPS led to paranoia of the junks. 

Facebook – X – TikTok etc. let to get children dull and crazy and towards zero intellect. 

Nvidia proved to have been a top crime of AI and being useless as a heap of shit. 

Airbnb collapsed – all towns forbid such bullshit. 

Uber: What the hell was such big shit anyhow? 

McDonald's: This fat making junk made folks sick and tired. 

TESLA of Musk: The worst invention of all times – such as alterative energy by wind and sun – just brings death over our society and worse as anything given before.


You want other examples of over-stated shares and cash values for nothing? 

Take FED, take bankrupt USA, England, Italy, Japan, France, Germany and all of their zero treasury bonds. Worse are derivatives. 

Can you see something of value? 

Sure - Russia had oil and gas, clear water is given somewhere in the Alps, some whores in better holiday destinations can survive. 

Real estate in mega-towns? 

Have you ever looked at these rotten towers of rotten appartements, the jobs-losing masses can’t at all bring the money up. 

Friends: You are broke and still believe to be as rich as broken Trump who never possessed a dime – all financed per debts. 

And now – got towards your grave – you deserved it. 

René Delay – Côte d’Azur 

written on August 22, 2024