Why Putin should launch
an atom-missile
The West does not understand why Putin must
launch an atom rocket.
Thera are some arguments:
1. USA killed more folks as any other nation
- inclusive Hitler Germany.
2. USA and NATO put their missiles to
the frontiers of Russia and China. Remember Cuba: USA drives a one-way war
against Russia - not allowing what the other do.
3. USA are governed by Madness like Bush,
Reagan, JFK or Trump.
4. USA are responsible for wars In Ukraine
and Israel - against the East and Arabia.
5. USA have provoked an economy downfall
to Europe and England.
6. USA have placed their atom forces
around the globe in at least 50 States.
7. Putin can shorten that idiotic war by
NATO Ukraine - by tactical atom weapons.
8. The downfall of World economy is the
death of US neoliberal Jews.
If USA is not destroyed - it will
destroy the rest of our globe.
Western media are FAKE and WOKE and greatest
pro-Jews Bullshit ever.
René Delavy - Côte d'Azur
Written in December 2024
USA - taking Europe for Fools
USA taking Europe and World for Fools
Or: Such a dirty land must be atom
a land like USA of Obama, NSA, Fed, the Jews of Wall Street and other shit must
be atom bombed for following reasons:
and NSA
was a time of Orwell and Huxley, when a shit-land like USA observed all
information of all folks of Europe, China, India, South America and else for
the protection of 10 Americans from possible terrorism from Saudi Arabia or
Israel. And what did Shit-President, the black nigger of USA do? He promised
his Amis, not to observe all phones and mails of his brothers in arms in USA -
but the rest-shit of the globe can well be controlled by USA and NSA - because
the U.S. Congress is meant to be the one and only God's own idiot of the world.
USA as dirty land must be atom bombed.
and the Jews of Wall Street
in times, the U.S. Jews and theorists in economics invented neoliberalism of
AIPAC and Chicago School. With help of Karl Popper, Milton Friedman, Greenspan,
Goldman Sachs and other Jewish Shit, USA developed Wall Street Craze, ABS, CDO,
CDS, Subprime and derivative shit and in 2007 made explode for all times the
capitalistic world system. Being the land, USA, with the greatest deficits and
bankruptcy of State, this has drown on the politics of Fed, IMF and Worldbank
some Africa, Europe and soon the rest down to a CLASH of finances until 2018,
since Southern Europe and China and Japan copied the craze of Ronald and
Thatcher and Pinochet and today, world-media are too stupid to see the end of
neoliberalism and the coming bankruptcy of all States on Earth.
USA as dirty land must be atom bombed.
and the Crash of USA
Hitler started a war to make the Jews and Churchill and Stalin and Eisenhower
very famous, Europeans started to believe, U.S. Junk of Humans would be some
God-like idiots, helping the world to become better. But under JFK the world
went very near to the great atom-war. Then came Ronald and started finance
war against the world. Bush completed the Craze with China and cheap
production, the Jews ended with Cash systems and today, USA is long below any
field or edge of his own crash in finances, economics, ecology and culture and
does not know, since Jewish Hollywood tries to hide this truth. And now, any
land can kill his own population and USA is so weak, it could not even help
USA as dirty land must be atom bombed.
of Climate and Obama Care
the Club of Rome and today WEF and IPCC and all rotten NGOs without any value
could know, that USA destroyed all oceans and geosphere of the Earth for all
times to come and humanity has since 2000 not the slightest chance to survive
in the 21st century. And still USA convince Japan, China, India and the most
stupid brains of Europe, to have no problem with water, air, climate,
weather-machine, all got out of any control and producing the near end of
humanity, but Obama Care promised to give relief to all idiotic poor of the
globe, they made themselves with Swiss and other paradise Tax Fraud Crooks, they protect until this very day.
USA as dirty land must be atom bombed.
and the End of all Empires
Mao and Stalin, the BRICS were still nothing at all, when the great empire USA
become the great Clown and Player, due on the results of the First and Second
World War of the Jews and of Hitler. But now take note that the politics of USA
and the neoliberal shit of USA made first Japan to tumble with cheap
production, using up the Earth and all resources, to an endless misery. But
worse was China, the new Empire, copying the idiocy and standing today on the
edge of its own implosion. Russia taken over by Putin is dead already before Olympics
in Sochi. South Africa was sold for nothing by the Nigger Mandela to London
Jews. And Brazil is dead before even starting his FIFA Ball and Olympics craze,
due on principles taken from the greatest criminal on Earth - our Tea Party
God's own USA.
USA as dirty land must be atom bombed.
is big shit - EU and China too
the destruction of humanity, production of a Holocaust of Animals and the Jews
and climate and the Earth, based on the Greed of AMIS without brains, heart and
intellect, the whole of the globe went in the 20th Century right down the drain
like explained in the books of Delavy since 1975, and now EU and China and
BRICS can do whatever they want: By 2018 the finance world will be dead, by
2025 we have the economic world-Crash, by 2035 the last human being will be
paranoid to the max, by 2050 half of World POPS dead and by 2099, humanity will
have ended its days for all times and leave a rotten Globe for the surviving
USA as dirty land must be atom bombed.
we should have started with the Old Greeks to kill all human idiocy. This was
missed when came later: Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Cesar, Kaiser Friedrich the
Great Fritz, Hitler, Churchill, Stalin, Mao, JFK, Greenspan, Ronald, Margaret,
Pinochet, Friedman, Popper, Blair, Bush, Obama, Merkel, Xi, Singh, Lula,
Mandela, Gandhi, Berlusconi and worse and today, we have a world being much
more shit than ever supposed by Huxley, Orwell or Delavy.
other words, the greatest shit State, USA, of the world has surpassed in his
destruction capacity some Soviet Union, Mao China, Hitler Germany, Tenno Japan
and brought not only Europe, but the whole world over the edge of
self-destruction - and still the idiotic World-Media pretend the contrary,
because it needs IQ to write a report like this one here....
a land like USA must be atom bombed.
Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
on January 18, 2014