TV ARTE proved how the billionaires of the globe and all multinational conglomerates do not pay taxes in any country. 

Whereas normal folks pay heavy taxes, the skunks – especially those of Silicon Valley - do not pay at all.


They became rich on mounting shareholder values, on which by law never any taxes were paid for trillions of Dollars in capital gains. 

This must be ended at once. 

The damage goes wide over 50 trillion Dollar since 1990. 

Therefore, the perpetrators must be murdered at once.


Those are: 

BIG 4 – pwc – EY – Deloitte – KPMG - Accenture — (all top partners)

- all tax lawyers of the big shots – worldwide 

- all Chiefs of States  (cheating skunks by 15 percent never paid) 

- All politicians and judges who enable this system 

- All those who steal all raw material and resources worldwide and do not pay taxes thereon – on the contrary, they destroy our climate for all times 

- All ORG like UNO and OECD and Tax oasis and skunks of tax law acceptors must be murdered 

- all tax oasis must be atom bombed - including Switzerland and Delaware of Joe 

- all dictators getting the gains in any land must be murdered 

- All Jewish bankers (City of London and Wall Street) taking profit of this system must be murdered. 


In fact, any person who knows absolutely all about this criminal system be brought to Auschwitz in the gas. 

Therefore, the lower 50 percent or even the 99 percent must now build such a camp and start the killing of the stinking Skunks and Criminals. 

But I know that not one of my wishes, presented since 1975 in my literature, will be fulfilled. 

And therefore, this will be the RUIN of the whole world in the next future. 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written in June 2024 


Swiss Tax Fraud - World's tax fraud paradises must be smashed,Fri 20 Feb 2009

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Blick auf die Anzeigentafel des Deutschen Aktienindex (DAX) am Donnerstag, 20. Maerz 2008, an der Wertpapierboerse in Frankfurt. (AP Photo/ Bernd Kammerer)--- View at the German stock index (DAX) display at the Stock exchange in Frankfurt, Germany, Thursday, March 20, 2008. (AP Photo/Bernd Kammerer) (Photo: AP Photo / Bernd Kammerer)


We experience an attack of the USA, right down on the Swiss bank secrecy laws, but restricted to the Bank of UBS. Justice shall be done on the head of only ONE Swiss bank, representative for the crime that went out from Wall Street and GW Bush Cabinet, directing towards almost all rich and mighty VIPs and Firms.

But those VIPs were the ones who would undertake, in the effort not to pay their taxes, any dirty action in their own favour, whereas - not only in the USA but in all countries - Middle Class and the Poor had to pay up for all costs of infrastructure, social charges, education, military and interest charges on huge State debts.

The rich VIPs had their systems of tax fraud - and all governments and parliaments of the whole world played the game of their rich Elites, and only today, when Finance places and the whole real economy tumbles to hell, these crooks wake up and want some sort of "Justice", not too much, just for the Theatre ranges of people that are mad about evidently rotten systems.

All Tax Fraud Places on this Globe must be smashed

Not only UBS and Swiss Tax Fraud have to disappear from this Globe, but all other crooks too:

Singapore, Luxemburg, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Jersey, Guernsey, all Caribbean Islands, Panama, Hong Kong, Macao and all other U.S. and other places in all lands, where the rich people with their lawyers can hide without problems all major fortunes and income of the world, which is one reason, why all nations will go down to hell now, based on huge towers of indebtedness, produced by all governments, in the attempt to protect the major criminals on this globe.

But now, let's explain what happened - based on ONE example only: Switzerland

Abzockland Switzerland - Tax fraud going into trillions of Dollars and Euros

I do not know any other nation, that would have abzocked more money in trillions of Dollars and Euros from other nations and to the charge of the world, and for its own benefits, than the Bank secrecy land known as Switzerland.

Let's put all facts on the table, dear U.S. Senate, dear EU Commissioners, dear Obama, dear Steinbrueck, dear Sarkozy, dear Berlusconi, dear Brown, dear 7 Dwarfs of Berne - now the situation gets very serious.

With effect from 1960 to this very day, the following facts could be noticed in Switzerland

Holdings and so-called "Mixed Companies"

In the Cantons of Zug, Schwyz, Zurich, Geneva, Fribourg, Vaud, in fact in all cantons, since 1960, Companies governed by foreign owners were founded and the finance streams construed in a way that major profits of the world would end there. With Holdings, almost no taxes were levied. With "mixed companies", low rates were levied on Swiss income, but only 10 to 20 percent of those rates were levied on all outside Swiss incomes - thus leaving almost no tax charges to those companies and shareholders. This trick resulted in trillions of tax losses for other nations: USA, England, Germany, France, Italy and all the rest, income taxes in trillions of Dollars, Mark, Franc, Lire, Pound, SFR and today Euro were permitted, not to be paid to the detriment of poor folks in their home-countries.

Behaviour of Chiefs of Swiss tax authorities

Many Swiss witnessed how Chiefs of tax authorities in Switzerland bowed their heads in front of all rich VIPs, when they threatened me and hit their fists on the table, when we dared to speak of injustice against poor tax payers when, at the same time, the rich scrap had all advantages of the world, given to them in consultation by Swiss top Tax authorities. When they found a Swiss ordinary man or woman cheating the State with lowest figures, they never would give up not to punish those people heavily, when at the same time they never pursued a rich person, especially coming from outside Switzerland - on the contrary, they crept in the you-know-what of those tax fraud crooks.

In particular, social and leftist people got no chances, they were inscribed in the "fiches" of the Swiss Secret service, where 900'000 folks, Swiss and foreigners, were kept under control in Berne, without the social and green party of Switzerland ever having made a fuss about these highly State criminal facts.

What happened on the Carpet-Etages of Swiss Great- and Private-Bankers?

It was very curious to be present at meetings with top Swiss Bank managers, how they explained the difference of Swiss Tax prevention (Steuer-Hinterziehung) not being a crime - and tax fraud (Steuer-Betrug) that was even in Switzerland a crime.

They presented hundreds of tax evasion systems to foreign VIPs, how with Stiftungen, trusts, holdings, finance companies of all sorts, with the help of other tax paradises like Liechtenstein, Monaco, Jersey, Singapore, Cayman Islands etc. they would never again, covered by Swiss Bank Secrecy, pay any dime on their income of Super-rich excellencies - and all this totally legal and without giving out any documents and duties to announce such transactions in depots and accounts - mostly the famous Number-Accounts - to foreign authorities.

Their reverences and bows were particularly deep, by these wise men around Ospel, Kielholz and the rest-dirt of UBS and CS and hundreds of private banks in Zurich und Geneva and Lugano, with blood-dictators out of Africa, Asia and South America. It was a big laugh, how they placed those torturers in the most expensive hotels around Swiss towns, organizing Edel-Whores if that Junk wanted to relax.

Difference of Tax Fraud and Tax Evasion

Any sort of non payment of taxes in most countries, is seen as a criminal act. Not so in Switzerland. Tax fraud is only given, when a document comes into play, is not handed out or falsified, and it can be accounting, Annual Statements, and contracts with the aim, not to be forced to pay taxes.

But as victims of Swiss Tax Fraud, never the richest VIPs of foreign countries or Switzerland were touched, because these swines always were consulted by the best lawyers of Zurich, Geneva, Lugano, Zug etc., for whom they paid huge fees, for arranging very complex tax evasion constructions, not to be discovered and understood by any other authority in the World.

Therefore, real Swiss tax fraud was solely made for Swiss Middle Class and the Poor when they tried to hide private expenses in their bookkeeping of their business, or worked without declaration for salaries or any other minor trick, trying to do the same as the "Big Ones" do. Never any Tax Commissioner would have looked away for poor chaps, never, when they laid at the same moment their red carpets under the feet of the greatest State-Criminals of the World, coming to the Swiss billionaires with their millions or billions of cash stolen from Home Nations.

EU-Treaty about interest on Income from foreigners with Swiss bank contacts

This treaty was still wet, when all bankers worked out schemes to prevent paying source tax on interests, solely levied on bonds and other similar fortunes, when dividends on shares and most of other means were exempt from source taxes. Hundreds of models were there, in the hands of UBS, CS, ZKB and other Cantonal Banks, and all private Banks of USA, England, France, Italy et j'en passe. And know, only individuals were forced to pay such taxes, not firms and other kind of trusts or Stiftungen, and so the Ministers and Chiefs of States in Europe, who had their own accounts in Switzerland, made in fact a package between the richest crooks of Switzerland with the richest scrap outside Switzerland - and not one normal taxpayer in the world knew about this criminal fact of a conjunction of rich VIP junk in all nations, covering each other all over our globe----

Ugly Games of World Media

Most naturally, the world media knew all about this state of affairs. All important editors in economy in Switzerland, Germany, England, USA, Russia, Japan and all the rest knew exactly what happens in all Tax Paradises throughout this god-damned Globe. You can read it know in each Journal in all countries, the tricks and the methods and the trillions in values not taxed since 1960 to 2009 by the richest VIPs on this Globe.

Some figures, like the volume of Trash Papers in ABS, CDO and CDS, I took from TIME, Newsweek, NYT, Washington Post, FAZ, Spiegel, Die Zeit, La Stampa. El Pais, The Economist, NZZ, Tages-Anzeiger and all the Rest. I had not to undertake any efforts to know, that around this planet are some 100 to 400 trillions in Dollars of Trash Securities, in all banks, insurance, re-insurance, Hedge and Investment funds, Old age Insurance and State Depots - of all nations on all continents.

And still the bankers get bonuses and other rewards in billions of amounts, to the charge of tax payers, as proven here, by the Middle Class and the Poor alone, and did so in the last 10 Years in the amount of trillions in Dollars and Euros - and still continue to increase the Breakdown of all Finance Places and of World Economy, even today - fully covered by all governments and parliaments of this rotten and lost Planet.

I could easily bring up 10 pages of other facts, all on the line of what is already written here, but I know that common people are not interested in some crimes, they had all the time to finance and to cover, when losing their jobs, houses, their honour and all the rest.

This world has become crazy and cheated by all media and politicians on this lost Bubble.

Rene Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth

Author of "CHAOS" / "Soon all Banks of the world are PLEITE" / "Obama's hidden risks and traps left by GW Bush" / "Brown a perpetrator - not a saviour" / "China goes down quicker than the rest" / "Criminal acts in politics" etc. //

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