Murder USA - Ass Switzerland



In history, USA killed over 50 million folks without any reason. 

They started with a genocide of the Red Indians from the river Hudson to the Sea Pacific per millions, who possessed the grounds of America.

Followed the Mexicans in battels without any chances. 

They killed millions of Nigger Slaves and were proud to have nice crops. 

They did all to build up a dirty Empire by interfering und killing in over 70 States all around the globe to instal neoliberalism of the Jews. 

Ten thousands helping to torture to death by Friedman and Popper through Pinochet and Videla and all lands in the South and Middle America. 

Reagan and Thatcher were the criminals to instal a system, whereby killing Russia and Eastern Europa and to be proud to get NATO at the frontier of Russia and China. 

Naturally they killed millions for no reason in Vietnam and Cambodia, Laos and Philippines and USA increased murdering by killing one million of Iranians by helping Saddam. 

Later the killed millions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and take it. 

Proudly they helped killing Arabs by the Jews of Israel and finally, they kill all future humans by establishing a climate collapse and make China great again who will start with Putin same fine atom war over the West that is the greatest bullshit ever seen. 

And be funny about some death in Ukraine and applauding the killing of Palestinians. 

What a nation of SHIT! 

There is hope: 

USA gets down the drain - just NOW! 

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur

written on May 32, 2027 


Asshole-Nation Switzerland 

Worse is Switzerland: 

Look what “values” this land brought on the Earth: 

1. About 5 trillion dollar of tax Fraud damage to all nations since 1960. 

2. Bluff of neutral state killing all Nigger slaves and take profit of the genocides of Europe. 

3. Bluff of banking when stealing all cash of Russians, because USA dictates such stupidity, when Amis should have been killed and taken all money for Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pinochet and Videla etc. in 100 nations. 

4. This land has some stupid ideas like Burgenstock conference and the Jewish dirt of WEF in Davos. 

5. The arms industry is the best of the world and not watches or chocolate. 

6. They take EU for idiots and take all advantage they can to the damage of Europe. 

7. They creep in the asshole of Jews and Israelis and Natan Juhu and grin like idiots about all what goes by Switzerland Fake. 

In fact, this land can be destroyed like USA and Israel as the 3 most dirty lands ever seen…. 

Delavy and so


 US wars – murder- torture – genocides

- more than 50 Million murdered 

Selection out of  Armin Wertz – “Die Weltbeherrscher» -

Militärische und geheimdienstliche Operationen der USA 


And take note – only about 10 percent out of this book: 

-  1600 – 1800 –   Genocide on Red Indians 

-  1650 to today – Millions of Nigger Slaves and other

-  1798 – 1893 – Extension of territory USA – Mexico – Spain – Marquesas – 

                           Florida – Monroe Doctrine – Cuba – Puerto Rico – Opium   

                           War in China – Interventions in many countries of Middle

                            and South America – Hawaii and many others


-  1893 – 1915 -  Many murdering interventions in Panama – Haiti –

                            Nicaragua – Mexico – Honduras – Guatemala – Abessinia –

                            Columbia – Philippines – China etc.


-  1918 – 1922 -   Actions against Soviet Union


-  1922 – 1948 –  Murdering Interventions in all Middle and South American



-  1945 – 1955 -  After War Crimes in Austria – Japan – Triest etc.


- 1945 – 1960 -   Killing in China and Philippines per millions


- 1947 – 1957 -   Helping Tel Aviv in killing and chasing Palestinians per

                            Hundert thousands


- 1948 – 1958 -    Murdering interventions in Venezuela - Burma – Albany –

                            UdSSR – China


- 1950 – 1953 -   War in Korea – millions murdered


- 1953 – 1974 –   War in Vietnam - over 3 million civilians murdered


- 1955 – 1974 –   Millions killed in Cambodia and Laos


- 1957 – 1958 -   Bloody interventions in Indonesia


- 1959 – today -  Hidden war against CUBA


- 1960 - 1996 –   Right-wing murdering in Argentina – Chile - Brazil –

                           Guatemala – Congo/Zaire – South Africa – Iran – Iraq –

                           Greece – West Papua – Israel – Peru – Pakistan etc.


- 1979 – 1992 and around 2020 - in Afghanistan


- 1982 – 1989 -   Murdering millions by assisting Sadam Hussein against

                            Iran in his war


- 1995 – 2000 -   Intervention in Yugoslavia – no intervention in Ruanda

                           genocide etc.


- 1996- 2008 -     Bloody doings in Congo and Ruanda


- 2001 – 2022 -    Dirty war in Afghanistan – Before in Iraq – millions killed


- 2004 to today – Interventions in favour of Ukraine against Russia


- 1950 to today -  Helping Israel to murder hundred thousands of Arabs


- 2005 to today -  War and destabilizing Syria and Libya


- 2007 – today -   Undertaking anything to get Iran killed


- 1990 to today -  Doing anything to damage Russia or China


There are mentioned more than 200 other items of extending power of US Empire and to damage all the rest in


- Asia – Africa- Europe- Middle and South America.


USA is the worst nation ever seen – a murder-State!