World Suicide

The CRAZE of geographical Areas


All books I ever read since 1975 are silly and crazy in order to explain, what’s going on in the different AREAS of the Globe around the year 2000.

Let’s make clear what 99,999 percent of stupid authors – all are blind and paranoid - without brains pretend:  


The most and advanced land in the World? The contrary is true: USA has most advanced to total self-destruction by its neoliberal bullshit style. In fact, Wall Street and governments have brought this rotten Nation just in front of its suicide and the days of the complete breakdown in Finances and Economics is just a question of short time to go. 

It is fascinating to see how blind all experts and shit-faces of the Right with Trump or the Left with Obama Nigger were and still are under new direction. 

Just note: Who started first the idiocy of neoliberal-suicide will be killed first.  


Europe just followed the same rotten path as USA and copied like Japan the model of Death. Having about 30 nations not to agree on the programs of craze in banks of Jews and conglomerates, it is also a question of short time when all such City of London Quark and cheating the poor people and giving full tax freedom to the richest class, will tumble to hell and all important persons will see them massacred.  


This bloody nation just tried to overtake USA and the rest. In fact, this is the real situation of China: 

- The debts uncovered go into the trillions and can never be paid back – the situation with climate, water, air etc. is a disaster and the masses of 1,3 billion can by no way be kept under control, the chaos will break out and make tumble China like India and other overpops idiots.  


Contrary to what it seems, Russia is the only land with Canada that could be autarque. In other words: This nation has oil, gas, wheat, space, water, reserves and some normal population. They can only fall down, if they make too much fuss about wars and fights against other countries, instead of stop all exports and organize the own survival.  


The worst land in rotten conditions is this India with even still exploding pops getting towards 1,5 billion, when water gets out und the poverty can no longer be financed and civil wars will break out und burry whatever exists under the craze of such stupid nation.  


A lost continent, going to starve: They have no water anymore, no food, no order, no exports or imports to finance and they were taken out by USA and Europe since 500 years. Like South America, we can write off such still exploding pot of folks, who have no idea how to survive in future and Help has become impossible and the frontiers to go towards Europe will be closed.  

The Rest 

Well - the Rest is some Mix of what we just have seen and total DEATH starts anywhere. 


General Rule 

The stupid Jews of Chicago School like Milton Friedman, Popper, Hayek, von Mises, Ayn Rand etc. have brought the killer NEOLIBERALISM over USA and the rest of the globe. 

As a result, the US and other stupid nations transferred all industry to China, created all the Rust Belts, the Democrats and Republicans under Trump got in the asshole of the Rich Class and have spit on the poor class, created the Jewish finance Industry to CRASH any moment, built up debts for 300 trillion Dollars, destroyed the globe and all land and seas by climate collapse, got the masses stupid and eager and sick, water getting out in all countries – 

- and as a result we see soon some billions shit faces DEAD for all times and by 2099, the Earth will be empty as before such Jewish CRAZE. 

The major principle was: 

Masses can change all behaviourism and distribution of false and inexistent wealth. 

The problem is that the existing SYSTEMS will kill about 20 billion folks before 2099 und there will never be any field, where such disaster could ever be prevented. 

You are dead – friends - and you deserve it. 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written on June 4, 2023