Nice years after 2023

Nice Happy New Years - with effect since 2023 


There is much hope about a better World being born with effect from 1. January 2023. 

But this is what we see in fact: 

- Real estate, apartments and rents and interest can no longer be financed by middle class and poor folks 

- Inflation goes on and on, since cash without any value (and being nothing but trillion figures in computers) will go down towards zero for ever 

- Shares and bonds and other titles are overstated by the factor of 10 and stock exchanges are damned to go down and down 

- Worthless were ever Crypto bullshit and derivatives and options and other bullshit invented by finance Jews 

- Nations, banks, finance industry go down the drain forever, they were never of any use for crazy folks without any intellect – governed by corrupt elite junk 

- Food for humans and animals will get more expensive and can no longer be paid, such as taxes, primes for insurance, old age, rents primes etc. 

- The dead oceans with nearly no fishes anymore will turn bad and the rest of animals will swim backwords down 

- Infrastructure can no longer be maintained, energy costs explode, seldom earth become no longer payable just like other raw materials and resources 

- Wars and sanctions and idiocies against Russia and China will make tumble to hell globalisation and wars will extend and even an atom war becomes possible 

- All over the globe, water and sea sand and other life streams will get out under a terrifying climate collapse being exponential forever 

- The stupidity of masses with their baby like events and useless sports are further exploding but no longer fundable 


And above all, politicians and Musks and Trumps will get their masses to hell and so stupid and crazy that intended Democrazy becomes a myth and prove to have been the worst system of government for foolish masses without any brains and future. 

And this is just the peak of the iceberg – idiots. 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written in January 2, 2023


 Air Travel is murder 

Just as rejection of Vaccination is murder, any tourism and air travel by masses is murder. 

Rest usage of Coal, Oil, Gas is murder to billions of future folks. 

Cruiser ships and container shipping and TESLA are murder. 

Exhaustion of water reserves under ground is murder. 

Production of arms and Jewish finance industry and wars are murder. 

Silicon Valley and digitalisation are murder. 

Birth of too many children in masses are murder. 

The explosion of pops and their consumption was and still is murder. 

USA and NATO and delivery of arms to Selenskyj are murder. 

Extending Climate Collapse is murder. 


Humanity of today is murder and all folks on Earth will be DEAD by 2099 – folks. 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur – Jan. 2023