Russia on roses - USA dead

USA and Germany have nothing – Russia has all 


We all believe that USA and Germany would be rich and Russia just on the edge of its breakdown to hell. 

The contrary is true and here are the proofs: 



USA is broke and bankrupt and has trillions of lost money, over-evaluated stock exchanges, the banks and the nation are pleite and fracking has spoiled the grounds forever, just in order to have for 20 years some oil and gas for nothing, for Musk TESLA bullshit that is more of nuisance as the petrol cars. 

In fact, Republic and dictatorship USA is broke for final and dead and the Trump Era has brought bullshit in all brains of Amis and there is nothing better to come just as in England and south of Europe and take it. 



This rotten Hitler land has zero own oil, gas, they stopped AKW and they are dependent in all from other countries and are just as broke as USA. 

The Angela Land is on its way down to hell and its industry depends in all from China and USA and France and take it, what a shame not to have kept Hitler and Goebbels at life - instead of Wall Street bankers in Israel und Davos! 

Germany is just as dead as tax fraud Switzerland and rotten Sweden and other bullshit without any future to come. 



This land is the greatest Atom power of our Earth. They have oil and gas and warm rooms everywhere, enough wheat and other raw materials and matters to live in peace and they stopped the craze of Ukraine with its NAZO to attack Russia and China directly at their borders. 

Russia has the best chances in ecology just as Canada and the rest is anyway going down to hell like follows: 


China – India – Africa - Australia and the Rest 

All those lands are over-indebted, have no water under the ground, the droughts will kill all mass-folks, they are to 100 percent dependent on exports and imports and otherwise would die and their stock exchange values like in USA exceed the true values by at least 1000 percent. 

To think that any land below Russia or Canada could survive the next 100 years, is CRAZE of the best and anyhow, the Jewish finance collapse and climate death of masses will do the rest with help of our 50 different Gods of all fine religions on our rotten football damned Earth. 


René Delavy – Côte d’Azur 

written on November 29, 2022