NAZI Banks of Adolf
These are the best
Adolf Banks of NAZI in the World:
- FED of neoliberal
Jews in Washington.
- English Treasury of
Truss and Sunak.
- ECB of Jewish Draghi
and La Garde in Bruxelles.
- NAZI Bank of Switzerland.
and some other criminal Vereinigungen.
Now friends, learn some fine and true matters.
These crazy banks can invent trillions of cash out
of the nowhere, all being non-valeurs, by pretending to stop inflation and give
chances to the poor.
It’s the other way round:
All democrazies are under control worldwide of the Jewish finance cracks, of the richest class in which favour all laws of idiots of masses are created, the rich class - tax free - of economics are the “Deep State” within 200 nations, even in China and Russia, and in USA and Germany in all cases anyway.
The Swiss NAZI bank and ECB and other FED bullshit have acquired trillions of worthless State bonds and other shit, just to prevent the complete CRASH of world finances.
Result in Switzerland: This chicken bank of Adolf
has given billions to its cantons for 10 years out of gains, but now encounters
a total loss of 200 billion, 3 times the former profits - in just 6 months.
Same goes soon for all NAZI banks of Adolf worldwide.
In China, investors have thrown for 2500 billions some dirty shares and bonds in the market and if Jinping sells his Dollars, USA will go bankrupt for all times and Russia is ready to sanction USA for their crimes to set its atom rockets at his borders by getting Ukraine, EU and Scholz-Bockbaer in ruin and stop all wheat and gas and other raw materials in direction of the west, and the rest of the globe will take profit of Russia.
Millions of Amis, English, Spanish etc. were thrown out of their apartments or houses without reason to save the rotten Jews, NAZI banks, all other banks and hedge funds, against all sort of justice and rights. All governments and criminal elites knew about the crime and should be shot in their heads.
Hope Putin launches some atom missiles.
In the Nazi Trump USA govern the religious dummies and the rich the left bullshit and in Bolsonaro Nazi Brazil it’s the contrary and in China and India, the masses govern their own going down the drain for ever like in the rest of the globe.
Brazil like Trump-Bible USA has lost all rights to be called Democrazy, but are big shit and destroy not only the Amazona and US woods, but the brains of all their citizens without intellect, to say 99,9999 percent of its idiotic folks – being democratic bullshit of zero power.
You still believe in politics and elections?
You must be crazy to the max!
René Delavy – Côte d’Azur
written on November 1, 2022
Incompetence of the BIG 4
are criminal human APES and have their brains full of Shit
As the best accountant of the globe, I am in a position to name the idiocy of the "BIG 4" - to say:
extended by the 2 other crooks: - Accenture (ex dead Arthur Andersen)
and - McKinsey (ex dead Donald Trump and Murdoch)
On 200 trillion Dollar - rich class und conglomerates didn't pay TAXES since 1960!!
TV 3Sat brought a documentation about all tax and audit criminal acts of the "BIG 6". Not one Newspaper of Springer, Spiegel, FAZ, NZZ and other 100 media mentioned just one word about the crimes done in favour of the Rich Class and ALL Banks and Conglomerates of the Globe!!
Therefore: All bankers, Jews, media crooks and politicians must be eliminated soon.
Note that all 6 companies are criminal ORG that believe in the usefulness of their advice. In fact, all they do is to cheat all folks on Earth - by destroying the savings of ordinary people.
All such Jews must go to Auswitz and all partners of the "BIG 6" of Accounting and Tax Fraud are murdered and those being Jews see New Auswitz soon.
2008: Wall Street in face of Senate
All top bankers and their lawyers were JEWS – without exception. They are responsible für the coming CRASH of all Banks to come!
Perpetrators for international Tax Fraud:
Switzerland as example:
- Swiss Councel in Berne, Swiss Court in Lausanne, WEF in Davos, all hundreds of banks in Switzerland, all cantons with special laws for foreign companies, the "BIG 6" of Tax Fraud, thousands of lawyers and tax experts, hundred thousand of foreign companies, one Milion of rich folks having their accounts or fortunes or domicile in Switzerland and administering all fortune here and adding 1000 tax tricks in favour of conglomerates and billionaires, realized capital gains not taxed - etc. etc. - Damage 5000 billion Dollars since 1960 to today.
All Shit faces of Milton Friedman, WEF Schwab or Karl Popper must be murdered, before the CORONA catastrophe can multiply death over USA or China and the rest...
Some DOC on 3Sat of 9th August 2019 proves the correctness of all my texts on the BIG 4 since 1975:
1. The Big 4 are absolutely useless for ALL reports on companies and audits in 200 nations. All conglomerates are full of ASSETS with zero Value - and never any provision for future risks - about billions of Dollars.
2. Big 4 have caused trillions of Dollars damage with tax fraud in favour of all conglomerates and rich VIPs.
3. Big 4 must be closed in all nations - for the damage caused to honest tax payers of the 99 percent.
It is a MUST to have all BIG 4 Partners killed in the near future for the greatest economic CRIME ever.
When the World Finance CRASH comes, all politicians, media idiots and Silicon Valley cracks must be eliminated from the face of our Earth.
Worthless are today: All shares, all State bonds, all ABS, CDO, CDS, all conglomerates, all banks, all nations by trillions of Euro or Dollar.
In fact, these Big 4 or 6 idiots have the greatest power in the world, even more than Google, Facebook and General Electric including Deutsche Bank together, since they audit all big companies and banks and insurances of the globe, arrange tax fraud for the Big Conglomerates and VIPs, help in criminal sorts of going public and take any shit you want.