QUEEN Elizabeth-Trump

QUEEN ELIZABETH – against Donald Trump 


I never had the intention to write about Queen Elizabeth - until I discovered the importance of this person. 

The whole world makes a mistake in judging her: 

She is not a question of power. All what is about, is a question of



Donald Trump may have the worst Character of all politicians, he even lies to his own electors about the worst intentions against them. Not one person made more against the real interests of the poor and black folks in USA, as this tax-free monster. 

Whereas the Queen is so much of a decent person, that I am in shame not to be one her hight. 


Just compare her to Queen Victoria or to Kennedy, Churchill, Hitler, Napoleon, Obama and else: 

Those idiots were murderers. They killed folks per thousand of millions, in colonisation, in wars, in extending the power of their dirty Empires. 

The Queen today has no real power and just makes fun to people who believe in “important” persons. 

This is dull and the reason, why a Criminal like Donald Trump could get US President. He counted on the stupidity of his folks in USA. 

But so did Obama, Bush, Clinton, Hillary and the dirty war provocateur Biden-HarriZ. 


What I mean: 

The masses are so dull that it is not important, what JUNK would be important in our World. 

The ELITE is just consisting of CROOKS and the masses are slaves who alone pay taxes for murderers and those masses and other idiotic people, who are now killing the planet for all times, do not get what happens just NOW. 

But so far, the Queen is some of the most happy surprises in civilisation. 

But this does not help against our mutual DEATH of 20 billion – NOW! 


Renée Delavy – Côte de Bournemouth 

written on June 1, 2022