Ecologic + Economic Death
All over-pops lands and
lands being 3000 miles north or south of the equator will be dead – half of its
pops – due to missing water and heavy droughts:
- Australia – India – China – Iran – Sahel Zone – Maghreb – Mexico – part of South America – Arabian lands etc.
But other States should
not grin too much.
Because the Jewish
finance CRASH and the collapse of capitalism will be killed those lands:
USA - Japan – EU –
Switzerland – England – Turkey – and the rest.
But the pops living on should
not grin too much:
From my “10
Commandments of Death” and my text "End of Humanity" will DIE the rest of all POPS.
By 2099, silence will
be there over our planet and GOD all mighty will grin his head off and disappear
from the universe.
René Delavy – Côte d’Azur
written on February 5,
Whatever land financed the Olympic Games was going to break down later.
It was so with Hitler Germany, London, USA, Australia, Brazil, Greece and is so with China, being in fact broke since many years and falling down like the US Empire today.
The US Empire could always start as Nation at Olympics, even when they killed in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Chile, Argentina or in 30 other American, African or Asian nations, after killing Red Indians and Nigger Slaves – all together about 50 million of folks.
Russia did only take back la Crimea and must now start not as nation, but us funny ROC big bullshit. And Putin must get security from US atom rockets and take at the highest the Russian part of Ukraine – idiots.
Measuring the world by Olympics can be very painful.