Criminal Tax Fraud Tricks
of Conglomerates and Billionaires
These here are some of the Tax Fraud Crimes of Conglomerates, known by all Governments, tax authorities, international ORG such as OECD, IRS, WTO, UNO, and parliaments on this globe.
Minimal Taxes 15 Percent:
This new Rule is the most dirty EU crime of all. The CEOs and the “Big 4” have already all ideas to prevent such taxes. And in addition those tax charges should be 35 percent at least.
Another international fraud in favour of the conglomerates and the billionaires as criminal JUNK!
So, many trillions of Dollars of taxes were prevented from 1960 to today to the disaster of bankrupt States like USA, China, India, Brazil, and in fact almost all nations of the globe and bankrupt persons like Trump.
Alone middle Class and poor folks pay taxes in this world of FOOLS and are forced to be taken for idiots worldwide by the tax-free Rich Class.
VIPs and rich folks and powerful Trump idiots never see a judge for their crimes, whereas the ordinary folks are thrown in jail for nothing, especially if being Niggers (Black is an insult) and indigenous folks.
Now I start to present
some of the tax fraud tricks:
Tax Fraud for Conglomerates – mainly Silicon Valley Junk
They have about 50 percent of assets in immaterial junk such as patents, licence rights, worthless Goodwill from acquisitions and mergers. The depreciation of such amounts can lower the real profits of the companies almost to zero. Goodwill is created by overpaid acquired companies, where the net assets are very lower as the paid price financed by banks for the old shareholders.
They pay to own banks, insurances, major shareholders and foundations of their own in Tax Oasis trillions for services, licences, management fees - to lower the real profits – but they arrange to have profits in countries, where there exist low or zero tax charges.
Those companies are advised by the “BIG 4” of accounting, how to arrange the accounting of the company and flow of cash, to avoid taxes in almost all nations in which they do their business.
Those stinking companies arrange prices for each
land to minimize profits where taxes are high. They invent charges and expenses
wherever they want and the “BIG 4” and lawyers declare, if it would work
against governments. They lower salaries for all employees wherever it’s in
their interest, also for tax fraud. All production is transferred to China for higher profits and they want kill the Center of USA - who then are voting for such junk as Trump.
Swiss banks and other cripple banks arrange charges, hidden from all tax authorities of the globe.
Mail Box companies in USA, Switzerland, Cayman
Island, Singapore, Hong Kong and 20 other tax fraud addresses arrange how big
companies can hide trillions of Dollars from taxation - worldwide
Switzerland alone caused a tax damage of 5 trillion Dollars from 1980 to today, basing on my registered High Court charges, so far rejected by all such courts!!
Same tricks are also valid for BILLIONAIRES.
Tax Fraud for Billionaires
The major trick is not to pay taxes on CAPITAL GAINS - realized or not yet realized.
Most Billionaires get rich by increase of the value of their shares by 10 to million percent. They do not pay taxes on such gains by law - or arrange to have their shares in finance companies or foundations belonging to them, where no tax is levied.
They can arrange to live in places, where taxes are nearly zero, even in the USA, Switzerland or any country on the globe.
Swiss and other banks administrate part of fortunes in a way that authorities don’t know who is the owner - to avoid taxes in line with instructions of the ”BIG 4” of accounting (PwC – Deloitte – KPMG – EY).
All lawyers of Switzerland and of 50 tax oasis know how to use tricks that are fully legal, to prevent taxes in favour of the RICH CLASS.
Foundations are created to say, they help the world out of misery, but in fact the founders can dictate where some little amounts go, written about in all press and media, but the major part go back in the pockets of the billionaires.
Millions of mail boxes in USA (Delaware etc,), Switzerland, Caribbean, Panama, Singapore and 50 other places are only in existence to avoid taxes for the Rich Class.
Only the stupid masses
of the 99 percent of dull folk still pay taxes.
Trillions of deficits are made in favour of bankrupt Trump persons und Trump Nations to the charge of future generations - never to be paid back.
And so, Donald Trump and USA and about all nations
and companies and persons of the globe are in fact broke.
Think of it:
- State bonds and crypto shit are without any value.
- Shares are overstated by the factor of 10 to millions - like for TESLA and other cripples and the stock exchanges are bound to fall down to zero some day.
- Same goes for almost all housing and appartement markets in China, USA and 100 other nations, fully financed by rotten mortgages, never to be paid back, the next Cash Crash comes and inflation for rotten 100 trillions of Dollars and other junk flowing round the world, is recognized as being of no value at all – being only stupid figures in computers and paper without any value at all.
And so already NOW all nations, banks, conglomerates and rich class and folks are broke – quite since some given time.
But this is just ONE item of my “10 Commandments of Death” within the 21st Century, when all folks will DIE from own stupidity and fraud - SOON.
René Delavy – Côte d’Azur
written on January 10, 2022
TAX and ACCOUNTING Fraud – Worldwide
Tax and accounting fraud kill more people,
bring them in misery and destroy trillions in values than traffic with weapons,
drugs, human resources and stolen art together. It is a WAR of very little number
of rich and powerful people against the rest of world population.
Before going in my holidays, I wrote a
letter "TAX CROOKS - not only in Liechtenstein, Switzerland or
Monaco?" and promised a more profound report for later. Here it is, this
fundamental report.
Having seen all big entities of the world
from the inside, having been consultant of banks, insurances, re-insurances,
all industries and part of the consulting and auditing market, I know
everything about world business.
- Middle class and Poor and POLITICS for the
And I tell you, dear Middle class and Poor:
Whatever you read about economics in press, see at TV or hear on Radio is
nothing but creeping in the arseholes of the most important shareholders, the
richest VIP on this globe, the POLITICAL MAKERS of economics in favour of Bush,
Blair, Putin, Merkel, 7 Dwarfs of Berne, Berlusconi and all the rest of low
IQ-idiots without ethics.
Yes: You are never electing a politician of
your choice. This politician is pre-produced by the mafia of DONATORS,
President buyers, PM shit in pants, in fact the very normal bunch of richest
skunks, the industry, banks, shareholders, Friedman idiots, Freedom Houses,
Copenhagen Consensus, Al Bore Circus, attac-NGOs, high-art criminals (even in
Russia and most "socialistic" countries) - just as Putin was not
elected by folks, but handmade by Yeltsin, same for Medvedev, elected by
Chechnya-made Putin alone - since Russian folks are only the APES to press the
folklorist election-button afterwards.
This preliminary comment is very important,
because the worldwide SWINDLE IN TAXES could not be possible without the
consent of all parliaments and governments of the world, kept under control by
the mafia of capital.
And therefore, until end of times, the
middle class and the poor will be condemned to pay all the taxes, the richest
VIP of this world avoided, cheated and will never pay to prevent the huge
deficits and NATIONAL INDEBTEDNESS that will break the neck of society and
capitalism in the next 10 years. These facts had a preparation and creation of
living reality, since 1950, but since ever increasing in amounts, cunningness
and boldness.
- First, there is not only ONE Liechtenstein
Liechtenstein is everywhere: Zurich, Geneva,
Monaco, Luxemburg, Andorra, Vatican, St. Petersburg, Ireland, Guernsey, Jersey,
all Caribbean Islands, Cayman Islands, Bahamas, Panama, Hong Kong, Singapore,
Macau, London, Paris, New York, Los Angeles, Moscow - in fact all big towns on
this globe.
Why? Because money flows, always.
Consultants are in all these towns, but the cash, all the fortune of all rich
VIP of the world are in TAX PARADISES. All depends for what sort of Mafia you
decided to make steal the national fortune, away from Middle Class and the
Let's name them, the vehicles: Financial and
Offshore Holdings of 1000 biggest Companies in this world, Swiss
Mixed-companies, financial societies in tax paradises, U.S. funds, European
Foundations, heritages of Soros and other Abzockers, Shareholder companies of
any kind, Liechtenstein Stiftungen und Anstalten, Banks in any land, Hedge
funds invented in New York, London and Zurich, black labels, and in particular
those TRUSTEES persons, taking over your fortune under their proper names or
simply fantasy-names, NUMBER accounts with banks (mainly Switzerland), hidden
depots - only accessible with invented names, lawyers, numbers, codes etc.
If LIECHTENSTEIN is attacked, the funds flow
by Swiss, U.S. or other banks over, for example to SINGAPORE, where the wealth
seems in security, because bankers they risk DEATH PENALTY if they do, like
happened in Liechtenstein, give on information to third parties. This means
that the top crooks in Singapore are those who are worse in mafia methods than
Liechtenstein angels, to protect the few and relatively little number of
richest crooks on Earth - by using even less of Asiatic ethics, morals under
much worse mafia methods than applied in Europe or USA. Like Asian treat
animals, they treat their workers, farmers and bankers.
- All GOVERNMENTS are part of the mafia-game
If any member of a government or parliament
in this world denies to know all this, he or her is either a perfect stupid, a
liar, a coward, but for sure part of an international MAFIA-GAME or the member
him/herself is one of the richest TAX CROOKS, taking all advantages, mounting
to trillions of amounts, to the detriment of 99 percent of "normal"
tax payers in your country - and their future generations as well, dear Reader.
You think Politkovskaya or Litvinenko could
have been killed without Putin arranging it - even with Pollonium 210? Great!
This assumption is just as stupid as believing that your Democratic or
Republican members in governments or parliaments, be they "left" or
right, don't know how neo-liberal capitalistic systems work since 1950.
The mafia is part of Humanity. Assuming
anything else means: Strange White house souls, existing somewhere in the black
desert of Universe, funny ethical thinking High-flyers - 498 light-years away
from our Sun, on a planet childlike scientists have named
"Waterboarding" with their ETs, worshipping some Ratzi-religion,
flaming females and violating children.
- Crooks in ACCOUNTING
I have been talking with hundreds of those
crooks, major shareholders, bankers, CEO, members of the Board of Directors,
managers - their tax consultants, their AUDITORS and accountants, have seen all
in Price Waterhouse, Coopers & Lybrand, Arthur Andersen, Peat Marwick,
Ernst & Young, Deloitte, Haskins and Sells, Touche Ross, Mc Kinsey and all
the rest. I know, I know, today all these crooks have merged, but it's still
the same in goals and methods. But what they do, is the following:
Protect to one hundred percent the heavy
shareholders dictating all annual meetings, to the detriment to the great mass,
accepting companies' highly BANKRUPTCY potential as fully intact firms - until
the bubbles explode, like happened with ABZOCKER-Firms like Enron, Worldcom,
Swissair, and telephone licence scrap, English Rock banks, NYT hedge
junk, US real estate swindles, Arthur Andersen shreddering, MURDOCH
blackmailing, Deutsche Bank bluffs, Citibank Shocks, Goldman rating lies,
Merrill hidden billions, SocGen controll hypes, UBS and CS fantasies,
Cornfeld's International Overseas and Ebner's 7 Dwarfs-Vision funds, Chrysler
mergers, etc. - thousands of companies, having been and still today being in
state of bankruptcy in England, USA, France, Italy, Nederland, Germany,
oligarchic Russia and today come into play all the tomorrows ruins in cheapness
theory-China or Internet-Spam India - and not one person will have known about
the real state of balance sheets and statements of income, before the
incredibly high bubbles with billions of Euros and Dollars indebtedness will
have exploded within weeks?
This may be happening just now or in three
years. But the longer it lasts, the more explosive becomes that stuff. That's
the real nature of accounting in capitalism. An oil tanker also drowns just
- Methods of Tax authorities - cheated by
First: There is not one tax consultant or
accounting consultant in this world who would not creep in the arses of the
richest and most powerful VIP, worldwide. Not one. They all do what they have
to do: See that rich people do not pay much of taxes and don't lose money when
they take too big of risks at stock exchanges and other investment business.
Not one really rich person on this world
would not be consulted by tax experts, bankers, stock exchange-criminals with
their derivative Junk, all being in favour of a few insiders, to the loss of
the big masses, also being channelled through all those LAS VEGAS Casinos,
better known as Stock Exchanges, where messes are heavily involved if little
shareholders or by his pension fund or bankrupt nation. Their money is already
there, by their insurance police, mortgage, current account, health care,
national infrastructure and state indebtedness, by old age pension funds or
whatever you may not think of - indoctrination having done its effects in all
common brains, for not understanding economic matters.
SWITZERLAND: Their banks, lawyers,
consultants are there to live mainly on the commissions and fees of richest
VIP, be they companies, individuals or foundations. They administrate trillions
of values. On each transaction (purchase, sale, merger, fusion, creation or
liquidation of entities etc.) they earn big amounts, taken naturally from the
wealth of the richest people. For doing this, they must give on some advantages
of the markets, giving free shareholder internas, but also about real estates,
precious metals, company buyouts, market rights, export licences,
bribe-transports etc. - to the charge of consumerism of the great masses of
middle class and poor - funds given neo-conservatively on to the richest crooks
of this world.
MONACO: Rich Sports-idiots and other VIP
pretending to be living more than 183 days are year - in principle - in this
town. In fact, they live at any other place but prevent taxes in Europe, USA,
Asia, Africa etc. just by this simple dirty trick.
CARIBBEAN ISLANDS: The perfect instrument
for U.S. firms and other, to draw away all major profits of firms in tax-free
areas, white-wash profit shortages, giving advantages on to CEO and top
managers and let run the normal shareholders in emptiness of space, not knowing
in what true condition their top thousand firms on Earth are in reality. And
all this is certified by "top" accounting firms - all of them.
LIECHTENSTEIN: The one good reason to open a
"Stiftung" is solely to be sure of tax authorities, elsewhere, or of
some people to whom they may have stolen the cash, creditors, owners, clients
of their companies, having taken highest risks and not wanting lose the stolen
money again. Exceptions from this rule are always possible, but not of
first hand --- Whoever make business in Japan, Korea, China or else, and has
not a Holding or other Managers fee vehicle in newest tax-free states or towns,
must look out for a doctor. In these towns grow up the most criminal sharks for
future tax stealing to the middle class and poor - higher in sophistication
then anything seen in the past in above mentioned "Paradises".
The big CEO or their incredibly stupid
managers without general knowledge about ethical matters, all those Abzockers
like Ospel and Ackermann and synonyms, all of them, thousands, were and still
are indoctrinated in U.S. models copied from Chicago or even minor
Universities, get all hints in professional practice and are shaped in all
"Kaderschmieden" of the world, how to behave like a perfect shocking
neo-liberal ass, in order to cheat everybody - except the important powers in
Companies, governments, parliaments and secret services.
- Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, New York,
Montevideo, Mumbai, Beijing - all towns on Earth
For criminal acts you don't have to travel.
You can do it any place and so it is a fairy-tale that rich crooks must
especially go to Zurich, Vaduz, Monaco or Singapore to cheat the rest of Middle
class and Poor. But those are the ones for coming up for the money, richest
crooks don't pay to nations or let happily lose pension funds, old age
insurances, other insurance companies which are holding stock exchange values
(up to 90 percent of balance sheets in insurances), investment banks or funds,
in short all those institutes that represent the "value" for the
great masses of folks. In each billion-bankruptcy, not the richest lose their
money in the first place, but the 99 percent of "normal" populations,
taken for hostage before and after breakdowns.
THAT is "The System" - and nothing else.
So, two sorts of MAFIA function hand in hand
against the rest of world: On one side the far less than one percent of
privileged skunks on Earth - against, on the other side, rather well treated
part of the residual 99-percent rest of weak members of society, not knowing
they are swimming in a shark's pond of national congresses - held against their
own folks.
You may argue that within the 99 percent,
becoming poor and poorer, some other "well-off" people may exist....
exactly this is the weapon and the excuse for the superrich and the awful
political idiots around Bush, Sarkozy, Berlusconi, Merkel and Putin - exactly
this.... Who then, did you think, are now destructing our Earth... the richest
VIP or the poor masses held down, believing getting some bits from the upper
table - and if God helps, becoming one of them - just another god-like Crook,
protected by politics, laws, religion, economic theories and stupid
"socialists", knowing as Ignorants nothing at all?
- How it works - or - The financial
The rich Casino-guy governing a big company
or his own wealth goes with his black (and sometimes white) cash by billions,
for any purpose you may guess, to his BANKER in New York. These guys transfer
the money to some company or bank in Caribbean Islands. From there funds are
transferred to Swiss number accounts. The consultants of the Swiss banks
(banker, trustee, lawyer, KPMG) will create, for example, a foundation in
Liechtenstein - or any other vehicle in any other tax paradise in our funny
world. Then the cash will NOT leave the bank: it goes within the same bank from
the number account to the official account of the given vehicle, all of a
sudden under a precise name. Now it is WHITE-WASHED to 100 percent - and the
secret owner can do with it whatever he wants, tax-free, under whatever title
he will give part of theses funds for best commercial practices. And normal
folks and shareholders will never ever see any benefits out of this mafia-deal
for top Crooks.
This is one way how it could be done (others
are described in my "Swissair" letter However,
there are hundreds of methods, all of which are cunning in a way, a normal
citizen would not believe that this could exist. The top brains of this world
did nothing else, for decenniums, but work on making more perfect these
streams. And believe me: All mechanics are still in function TODAY - and will
always be - as long we have the powerful skunks on one side, and the normal
folks of this globe on the other.
- Conclusion
For decenniums, consultants, bankers, Chief
of states, CEO and NGOs studied about ways how the rich and happy few, those
HOLLYWOOD and BOLLYWOOD masks, are cheating about 99 percent of rest folks,
those who are, for the benefit of the few, working like hell, often for nothing,
often dismissed, often unemployed, often working poor - and for what? For
producing weapons, armaments, play stations, stinking cars, airplanes, ships
using billions of tons of oil or gas, all accompanied by tax consulting,
accounting junk, for hiding bankruptcy bubbles and financing mafia bosses, in
politics, economics, culture, NGOs and the nicest of them, all other normal
And all tax agreements between nations, say:
taxes and charges taken at source, reciprocal information laws about white
washing etc. is one big FAKE that will never touch the basics and fundamentals
of tax evasion, organised very high in society, all the protection schemes in
favour of the richest and most powerful crooks on this planet.
And then we must look every evening on TV in
the empty smiling, yes grinning faces of all those master-crooks, like GW
Bush-Cheney, Blair-Brown, Chirac-Sarkozy, Hillary-Barack, Berlusconi-Prodi,
Merkel, Koizumi, Hu and Wen, Putin-Medvedev, Singh, Mbeki, Kofi Annan,
Greenspan, Klaus Schwab, Bernanke, billionaire Blocher, Ospel, Ackermann - all
those dirty political and CEO characters who know to one hundred percent how
this world is organized, before everything goes right now, in front of your
blinded eyes, dear average Reader, down the drain.... since the described
mechanics did not leave open any other outcome of modernistic capitalism.
Dear friends: Do you really want to know
more about those Mafia matters? I guess you're fed up - and so am I. - Good bye
and good luck!
René Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth
Author of "CHAOS" /
"Democracy = Dictatorship of dull majorities" / "Accounting and
Tax Swindles in this capitalistic world" / "Don't stop Hillary - she
is just as good as Bin Laden" etc.