Goodhart - Road to Somewhere

Goodhart – “Road to Somewhere”
The populist Revolt and the Future of Politics

I hardly opened the pages of this famous book, bestseller of Sunday Times, and already I find all the uselessness of this damned book.

Theory of Goodhart

He sees a division of the “Anywheres” (Überall – resp. Globetrottel der Neoliberalisten) on one side of the high society of managers, bankers, shit ladies of economics and top US and English Universities that preach happiness with international free trade. Those idiots get all advantages of the distribution of the profits of big companies and rotten banks and leave nothing to the Rest – the poor and miserable of the Globe -

- and he sees the “Somewheres” (Irgendwo – resp. sesshafte Nationalisten und enttäuschte Linke), those idiots being poor workers, employees, farmers and little enterprises with very low expectation in participating in a rotten finance World of the global Shareholder Values follies, about people that have lost their homes, their jobs, there identity and any rights and pay the taxes at the place of tax-free conglomerates and the Rich Class of the DEEP STATE.

Naturally, the analysis of the Status quo after 1990 under WEF neoliberalism is first class literature of Goodhart.

But his conclusions are Bullshit of the highest. 

The Book of Goodhart is technocratic bullshit about pragmatism of international and national interest in neoliberal skunks, against all poor and miserable folks on Earth. And it covers nothing about the Jewish crimes in finance industry of US and English shit banks, tax-freed rich class, the destruction of the planet by exhausting resources, destroy water, oceans, bottoms, landscapes, killing all animals and dying soon from climate and weather catastrophes of gigantic dimensions.

Goodhart is just an idiot as Trump, Reagan or Thatcher or Hillary and Blythe Masters or WEF Schwab of Davos!!

Let’s see why!

The Junk-Blair-Britons are below any imagination - short before collapse - not because of BREXIT but because they are dull like monkeys.

But the world record in stupidity is with US AMIS:

Their water is below the criminal degree of Somalia, their industry broken worse as in Yemen and they had the most corrupt Chiefs of States ever with Ronald, Hillary, Bill, Obama nigger and the worst of all - Trumpy - this Jewish mega Swine!

Effectiveness if installed

Assume that all the dreams would come true of Goodhart, we still would have the explosion of pops worldwide, mass consumerism, destruction of nature, animals, climate, of grounds, oceans and we see Jewish Bankers not paying their taxes together with all big companies and the Rich Class, instructed by the accounting “BIG 6” – Idiots.

There is no way out, and any proposals of shit David is just to remind us, what went wrong under the dictate of Reagan, Thatcher, Milton Friedman, Karl Popper, Steven Pinker, Obama, Pinochet, Bush, Clinton, Trump und about all politicians of the world, inclusive Modi, Jinping, Abe and other cracks to be murdered, if we want a new system worldwide, to bring some better societies in our globalized Shit of a dying Earth.

The Sound of music to DEATH

Any writers of USA or England and take any brain of modern philosophy, just poses on idiotic changes in Life-style and behaviourism, instead of seeing our systems of DEATH, that cannot be changed evermore.

As written in my “10 Commandments of DEATH” there are other matters as “Anywheres” or “Somewheres” - to be the reason for the downfall soon of the US Empire, of China, India and some other lands, in fact of 200 nations and all banks and international huge companies.

There is no pandemic panic of Covid-19 to kill us – the economic disaster brought into our world by neoliberal Jews did the oeuvre completely without any further ecologic collapses to come for sure.

Let's kill all Idiots like Goodhart or Trump

Where there are no brains to understand our “reality of no future”, the only hope is that after the CRASH of finance industry and global Trade, the masses of the 99 percent will massacre the perpetrators – and by reading the books of Goodhart and Delavy, you will be able to know - WHO are the guilty JUNK people of this Globe.

And Obama killed thousands of families in the Middle East + Afghanistan, because he is a NIGGER-Swine !

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur

written on February 25, 2020

Nun kommt der Welt-CRASH

Eigentlich sollte nicht ein Virus zum CRASH aller Verhältnisse führen, sondern die Ursachen und Wirkungen gemäss meiner „10 Gebote des Todes“.

Noch könnte der Weltencrash ausgelöst werden durch 100 andere Ursachen, doch mit Bestimmtheit wird er kommen in den nächsten Jahren.

Wenn die PANIK ausbricht wegen der Verbreitung des Virus, werden folgende Faktoren den Weltuntergang unserer blöden Zivilisation bewirken:

1. Jetzt kommt der völlige Zusammenbruch der Börsen, der Derivativwerte, Staatsobligationen, Aktien und damit der Beginn des CRASHS der Finanzindustrie und aller Banken und Staaten.

2. Das Virus stoppt den Welt-Trade, die Welt-Produktion und Transporte – nichts geht mehr. Daraufhin erfolgt endlich der unwiderrufliche CRASH der Weltwirtschaft mit Stopp aller Exporte, Transporte und Importe von der Massenproduktion und einige Staaten gehen in die Knie, allen voran China, Japan, Indien und USA und diverse andere Schweinehunde wie die Schweiz oder Israel entsprechend meines Textes „Armageddon“.

3. Die Silicon Valley Idioten mit ihrem digitalen Dreck können nun abkratzen: 
- Kreuzfahrtschiffe, Billig-Fluglinien, FOX-com, Airbnb, Uber, TESLA, Apple, sogar Facebook, weil die Konzerne ihre Mittel ohne Eigenkapital nicht mehr in Werbung schiessen können. Zudem liegen bald darnieder alle Reisetätigkeit, der Tourismus, die Hotel- und Restaurantbranchen und viele anderen Amazon-Bluffer stürzen nun in den Abgrund.

4. Das Gesundheitswesen, das heute schon total marode ist und für die arme Hälfte der Bevölkerungsexplosion unerschwinglich, bricht völlig ein, Panik einer total verblödeten Gesellschaft macht sich breit, Sport und Events und Theater und Demonstrationen sind unmöglich, die Masken vor allen Visagen machen eine Überwachung illusorisch und die Massenpanik fegt alle Regierungen der Welt der total korrupten Staatschefs und Parlamente des DEEP STATE hinweg.

5. Der Klima-Kollaps hat längst begonnen in Afrika, Australien, Kaliforniern. Der gesamte Gürtel des Äquators von Mexiko über Indonesien bis Indien und Arabien schreit um Hilfe, wo doch schon heute die kriminellen NGOs höchstens ein Prozent der Schweinereien der Regierungen und Generäle aufputzen können und die neuen Katastrophen jedes System bei Weitem überfordern werden.

6. Nicht nur die Geldwirtschaft bricht ein, sondern jedes Gebiet der Industrie und der Ökonomie geht in eine endlose Spirale des Todes und kein Schwein hatte je einen Plan B für diese Tatsachen.

Wenn es dann so weit ist, werden die rechtspopulistischen Massen alle Banker, Politiker, CEO, WEF Teilnehmer, Juden, Neger, Islamisten, Zionisten, Fotzen und Schwanz leckende Schwule und Lesben mit ihren Adoptivkinder und die Me Too Weiber massakrieren und die Links-Populisten werden davon träumen, dasselbe tun zu dürfen – bevor sie auch Trump und Natan Juhu nach Auschwitz bringen.

Es ist mir völlig egal, ob diese Entwicklung durch einen Virus kommt oder die Blödheit der dummen Eliten mit ihren verblödet gewordenen Massen der 10 Milliarden – Hauptsache die Menschheit verreckt möglichst bald an sich selbst – Freunde.

Dies sage ich voraus seit 1975, dem „Point of no Return“ - vielleicht ist JETZT der Zeitpunkt der Wahrheit gekommen und wir haben endlich die besten aller Pinker- und McAfee-Welten aller Zeiten.

René Delavy – Côte d’Azur

written End of February 2020

BIG 4 - 
are criminal human APES and have their brains full of Shit
-Without any value in Auditing, Accounting, Tax consulting and whatever...

As the best accountant of the globe, I am in a position to name the idiocy of the "BIG 4" - to say:

PricewaterhouseCoopers - KPMG - Ernst and Young - Deloitte-Touche (pwc - EY - Deloitte - KPMG)

extended by the 2 other crooks:     - Accenture  (ex dead Arthur Andersen)
                                                       and  -  McKinsey  (ex dead Donald Trump)

On 200 trillion Dollar - rich class und conglomerates didn't pay TAXES since 1960!!

TV 3Sat brought a documentation about all tax and audit criminal acts of the "BIG 6". Not one Newspaper of Springer, Spiegel, FAZ, NZZ and other 100 media mentioned just one word about the crimes done in favour of the Rich Class and ALL Banks and Conglomerates of the Globe!!

Therefore: All bankers, Jews, media crooks and politicians must be eliminated soon.

Some DOC on 3Sat of 9th August 2019 proves the correctness of all my texts on the BIG 4 since 1975:

1. The Big 4 are absolutely useless for ALL reports on companies and audits in 200 nations. All conglomerates are full of ASSETS with zero Value - and never any provision for future risks - about billions of Dollars.

2. Big 4 have caused trillions of Dollars damage with tax fraud in favour of all conglomerates and rich VIPs.

3. Big 4 must be closed in all nations - for the damage caused to honest tax payers of the 99 percent.

It is a MUST to have all BIG 4 Partners killed in the near future for the greatest economic CRIME ever.

When the World Finance CRASH comes, all politicians, media idiots and Silicon Valley cracks must be eliminated from the face of our Earth.

Worthless are today: All shares, all State bonds, all ABS, CDO, CDS, all conglomerates, all banks, all nations by trillions of Euro or Dollar.

Bankrupt are today therefore: All nations, all rent systems, all insurance and re-insurance, all banks, all central banks, the whole system of finances - in 200 nations!

In fact, these Big 4 or 6 idiots have the greatest power in the world, even more than Google, Facebook and General Electric including Deutsche Bank together, since they audit all big companies and banks and insurances of the globe, arrange tax fraud for the Big Conglomerates and VIPs, help in criminal sorts of going public and take any shit you want.

New York Times - NYT intellectual Horizon

Total Miseria around New York Times
What's the difference of NYT compared with FOX TV of Murdoch or the press of Berlusconi or the Junk-Jew advisers around Wall Street, Ronald, GW Bush und Obama?
Take a guess - just for once and wait for the answer.
And here are the PROOFS that NYT may have 2000 journalists and editors, and not one of them has a brain and intellect.
The reason therefore is a fine PRINCIPLE OF DELAVY:

"The world is - as it IS ----  or: Power x Stupidity = Self destruction"
NYT and other media believe that they would know anything about reality. In fact they ALL know not 10 percent of a pragmatic 1st World of facts around Obama, Cameron, Merkel and Blankfein. Their interpretation is of zero value. And NYT and other fine geniuses know NOTHING about a 2nd World behind PRAGMATISM, the world of the true origins and effects of unknown MISERIES on our planet.

Let's start with proofs:
1. USA is today in complete bankruptcy and not one Idiot out of NYT would know. Not one editor knows that the over-indebtedness of USA is NOT 15 trillions of Dollars but some 250 trillions. In a family, you would similarly not count the debts of the father alone, but also the ones of the whore of consumer mother, of the 5 criminal Mafia sons and the shit of 3 daughters. Same goes for USA: The Nation's debts, plus 50 U.S. States, all towns and counties, all pension funds and other, Chapter 11, mortgage misery, infrastructure rotten, leasing and stock exchange credits - and count: now 250 trillions - and USA is dead and NYT is dead.
2. The idiots of NYT may know about Watergate and the crimes of Nixon. But they know nothing of the Wall Street Junk Jew Crimes: Not one bank being equal to Lehman Brothers, to say some 200 banks, show the real value of ABS, CDO and CDS and other derivative shit in their Balance Sheets, not counting the soon totally worthless State bonds. In other words, not only Lehman, but all banks on Wall Street, WEF, Deutsche Bank, Swissness banking plus Singapore and even China banks are in misery and NYT does not know. In other words: The U.S. stylish Capitalism is dead and can not recover, even if I would tell what I told in my 10 books to save finance and economy reality on our rotten globe.
3. NYT does not know that whole about Stock Exchanges is a complete FAKE. Not one share or bond or real estate or other paper in the world shows the true value, all is overstated by 300 percent - because the whole system of Cash is SPECULATION and Psychology. In fact, would the true values of firms, especially what they present TOMORROW be shown, all stock exchanges of the world would reflect a complete breakdown of whatever is seen as fortunes, when in reality the finance globe is NOW tumbling to hell (see my article "Why stock exchanges are JUNK").
4. NYT has no idea about the fact that in this situation of "NO WAY OUT" there is no such thing as right-wing or left wing POLITICS with intellect. Absolutely all politicians and their experts and scientists have not the slightest idea about the functioning in the systems on Earth, about what the true effects of finance business are, of the future of mankind, of the effects of postmodern technology and the true state of Nations and of developments. Under these conditions, all MEDIA of the world are just bound to tell idiocies and lies, each new day, until all systems and theories in economics prove what they have been ever - a huge IDIOCY for people without any brains.
5. NYT thinks that we have 10 planets Earth in reserve. But they know absolutely nothing of the limits of feasibilities, having been extended by 1000 percent since 1975. They know nothing about the effects of exhaustion of energy and resources. They know nothing of the Climate collapse where fine warm Weather is the least of the problems. The now fast accelerating Weather catastrophes going rapidly towards millennium droughts, water- deluges and super-storms will not bring damage of 250 trillions until 2050, but some quadrillions. Therefore USA and China and India and Europe are not only dead in finances and economics, but also in form of an ECOLOGIC breakdown, predicted in my books and letters since 1975.
6. NYT is dreaming that this world shall go on eternally, because humans and in particular the elite, VIPs and the big heads of science would know all. Fact is that IPCC measures the effects of what happened 50 years ago, and financial specialists pretend to have control when all banks and nations are broke and the idiots around NYT believe, a world can still function, when we have collapses with climate, pops explosion, energy, resources, water, nourishment and the intellect of folks on the level of higher APES with brains still being in the State of 10000 years before Christ.
And there are other Jewish WEF and Murdoch affairs, about some 10000 matters, of which the stupid Elite in NYT has not the slightest idea. Where there is absolutely no intellect, it cannot be invented just by Osama or Obama bin Laden.
Therefore, Occupy and masses must come and massacre all politicians, scientists, Jews, bankers, WEF, CEOs and editors of NYT of the whole globe, just before 2025. And then NYT will be dead and PEACE will have come on Earth.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on June 10, 2012  
Why World Stock Exchanges are JUNK
Most people think to know how a stock exchange functions. This is error! Here I will prove that not even bank analysts know anything about shares, bonds and governments.
You should learn that the first inventors of analysis of shares at stock exchange are meant to be the US-Americans Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, with their book "Security Analysis" of the year 1934.
However, that idea is utterly wrong: A certain German with name Hermann Zickert was first by writing the book "8 rules in the art of financing", issued in the year 1924 already. And in his book "Analysis of shares by a consultant in economics" of the year 1927, he wrote the first time about a "Price Earnings Ratio". He made - as the very first human - a distinction between earnings paid out in dividends, or kept back as reserves, and he stated that Both must be taken into account, on a long-term basis, and be compared with the costs of  the company, to come to a "Cost Income Ratio" and this again must be compared to the price of the shares at stock exchange. So he stated some sort of "Shareholder Value" as early as 1927.
Now comes René Delavy and says, what Graham and Dodd and Zickert have stated, is nothing but poor intellectual junk. Those people may today be assumed to have been "geniuses", when in fact they were dealing with the straw, they had in their brains.
Let's get through all arguments:
1.  It is true that one of the major facts to know: What a share should be in true value, is the long-term accumulated and annual profits, in comparisons with the price. And it is important to know, in what connection can be put: Turnover, costs, gross profits, net profits, dividends and long-term development of the prices at stock exchange.
2.  It is true that many people became rich with shares, precious metal, real estate and name what you want; even flowers, seeds, maize and animals, including their bellies.
3.  It is true that values at stock exchange are, today, one of the most important things in this money casino, which seems to represent alone our world today.
So, I can understand why everybody thinks, that bankers, especially Swiss bankers, are outstanding in consulting and performance, that Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are admired cash-geniuses in speculation, that Graham, Dodd and Zickert seem to be other geniuses, as were Adam Smith, Keynes, Marx, von Hayek, Friedman - and all the rest of "geniuses in economics" during past centuries.
Now, very sorry, all this is nothing but a heap of junk in intelligence and false awareness of reality.
Here the truth about economics and their basics:
1.   How long do you think that shareholder values will subsist in a world, where energy and resources come to an end and illusions are the sole matter driving to heaven?
2.    How hopeful, vital, essential and viable is a world, where cash, coincidence, shareholders values and stock exchanges are all - and the basics as nature and the future of our children nothing?
3.   What about a theory of cheapness, of eternal growth, of value in paper, in a world where any child of ten years can know, that this ends after some time, before the year 2025 has elapsed?
But these are fundamental questions that you, dear Reader, would not accept as true and would anyhow guess that you read here pure intellectual junk. Right you are, and therefore it would be just, if you would go down the drain, together with your shares and your feelings of intellectual superiority.
A. Consulting firms are greatest Skunks in Economics - just as NGOs are Alibis for political VIP
Here we come to the crucial matter: the accounting and consulting firms. They are completely incapable, overvalued, neo-liberalistic and purely profit-oriented. And they get for their "services" hourly rates in astronomic figures, for zero or disastrous results. They "advised" to death big criminal companies like International Overseas, Chrysler-Daimler (loss 26 billion dollars), Enron, Worldcom, thousands of and companies investing in phone-licences for billions, lost afterwards completely, further victims were scrap-airlines like Swissair and thousands of other firms, worldwide. The damage they arranged count per trillions. Let's name them: Arthur Andersen, said best accounting firm on the globe, got in bankruptcy after Enron paper-shredder affair, McKinsey are nothing else but well-suited bluffers with ties, not only by hunter-strategy with Swissair, recommending accounting and tax tricks with complex theories in masses, also adopted by KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers and other big numbers in world's consulting junk. Well, I know about their practices since having been the best accountant and consultant of the world some time ago. But CEOs could not accept my person, certifying the real situation and not being the usual arse-creeper - and so I was dismissed and had to give up, consulting from now on only small firms, lawyers and local accounting firms. Finally I went tired of cheating shareholders and escaped into literature, wanting to have other people take profit of my knowledge and experience. Get this here: Consulting firms confirm in their certified reports, having seen Popes go over water. More of that stuff in one of my next letters.
B.  Now we come to the real thing - the investments business, before its downfall
Yes, here we come to the pragmatic details, and you will read something, for free, that not one of those intelligent papers would, be it today or any time in the future, be able to formulate in this world of "experts" that have nothing in their heads, but still make us believe that they "know" everything:
- Shares cannot be valued
Shares are just paper, pretending on it that you may own a part, say one millionth of a big Company. Great! Assume you buy Coca Cola just after a period of a very long increase in values at stock exchange, but short before a fundamental collapse. Considering the future inflation, you would never again see your money. Okay. It could also work the other way round and you steel the money from the losers. This means nothing else but: The whole markets in shares, bonds, treasury bonds etc. are nothing else but one big Casino of Monaco - and always have been. In the long run, almost no company subsisted but went down the drain sooner or later. In between, all made the profits, the other marketers were losing. That's all. More of intelligence and logics can never be found in Stock exchange matters. And considering the final downfall of our society when resources and energy get out, soon, these "securities" are not worth the printed paper.
- Bonds and treasury papers of "guaranteed" security
Never laughed more! Security! USA is bankrupt but China finances the US deficits with junk bonds, better known as US Treasury Bonds, of a state that can pay back its huge debts only by further increasing the nation's indebtedness. And this counts already today, considering all debts, including bubble at stock exchange, real estate, chapter 11, leasing and mortgages, national, states and cities debts, including all private, old age and health care debts, to an amount, where each US-American owes one million Dollars to the rest of this world. And this is true for almost any state in this casino-world, where guarantees of nations are less than fake. Values? Are you crazy, dear Reader? A nation in bankruptcy can never again serve his debts, not better than any private company could do - or a broke father trying to nourish his family. That's high accounting, friends, of which not one analyst on this world understands one percent of its total science - and can therefore not measure the real extent of all future dangers. Jesus, believe me: The average genius is duller than your little daughter's dog.
- Financial analysis? One great bluff and a total illusion!
Price Earning Ratio? Long-term charts, lines and scales of values? Highest and lowest price during last 52 weeks? Valuation of companies by "experts" of consulting firms? Geniuses in forecast? Expected turnover in next quarter, year, 10 years or 100 years, same of profits, outcasts, shit in brains etc., for being capitalized up to a "real" price, a "truthful" value of shares and bonds? Analysis? From Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, CS or UBS, New York's and Zurich's Bank Mafia? Nothing else but obscure billions-fusions and wealth destructions in funds, insurances and your portfolio - initial acts followed by deflowering and final cash-losing anti-fusions. Past showed this and future will show!
Forget it, once for all, dreamers! Remember: Swissair was still assumed to be worthy several billions, when they had already an over-indebtedness over 15 billion Francs. On the other side, ABB shares were once value below 2 Francs due to asbestos-problems, although at those times the operating profits were still over one billion a year - so today the value is 26 Francs. All bubble-items of matters in the 90-ies went in billions when they had 3 employees and one abzocking CEO or consulting banker, plus turnover less than one million and expected losses simply reaching astronomical figures.
But not one single editor of famous economic Journals, like The Economist, Foreign Affairs, NYT, FAZ, NZZ or Junk of Economics have ever seen coming any disasters - until they happened per thousands, since 1928, and again in years 1999 to 2002 - and at the same time, from the year 1990 onwards, I have been writing my fingers sore, warning all journalistic scrap, mentioned above, from this hype of a mental insanity - believed by 100 percent of those "editing geniuses in economics", in all boulevard-media of Murdoch, Berlusconi - and thousands of other greedy tycoons. Jesus Google, what a funny reality you are believing in, dear Reader! But it becomes worse.
- Hedge funds and other idiocies will end up in all imaginable disasters
The first, Bernie Cornfeld, went down with his Fund of Funds with many billions after the year 1960. Today, we have thousands of Cornfelds. All those hedge fund stupids that believe to trick out "the market", not seeing, that the next collapse at stock exchange will, this time, bury trillions and no longer billions of values and thus be burying the whole stock market under the greatest bluff of all times, exceeding everything in financial disasters ever seen on Earth. Any sort of special "Financing tools" of this sort are bound to blind us about dirty tricks, leading by all means in a final disaster and overall loss of all investments. That's mathematics, and not the junk of "economic" all papers of the world are writing about, the Chief Editors of which have a brain of 5 years' old children.
- Precious metal and other real values - perhaps
Assume that all analysts with shit in brains are right: China and India will grow and grow, become greater than USA, Europe or Russia. What a stupidity? The cheapness of those countries must end up in a huge collapse. Because they can't keep up workers and peasants to work for nothing. Because others will not allow to be challenged to death. And Russia, with its reserves under the ground, is anyway the potentially richest nation on Earth. So, all is a huge casino of wrong expectations, a house of cards, falling in pieces any day. But gold, platinum, palladium, silver and all the rest are going out soon, if eternal growth would be true as valid theorem, and so those metals should be valued hundred times higher than they are today.
- Oil and gas getting out - quicker than our brain works
Well, this is the only stuff of value that in the long run will count, even when all stock exchanges will be gone, down the drain, for ever. But who will finally pay priceless energy? It will be taken by force of armies, be it atomic power of nations or the flow of world's coming army of poverty, on an emptied planet, when we come to the true effects of today's idiocies in philosophies about economics, politics, ecology and culture - and stock exchanges.
C.  Conclusions of no value at all
Now, forget anything you ever have learnt at dull schools or right-wing universities of neo-liberalism and globalisation. Copy this article here, pin it to all walls you find, go to dinner and wait for your death. You don't deserve just one of my letters. Not one. It's time I would stop with it. I am writing for crazy people with shit in heads, instead of functioning brains - and don't even get paid for. Now, get lost. I'm fed up of believers, possessing a head full of illusions, whereas any newborn child has more potential intelligence than any analysts at Swiss and US banks, or maniacs at stock exchanges, inclusive their back-licking chief editors of blind economic papers, all over this goddamn world-casino.
How much are you willing to pay me, for this lesson? More than you pay for the useless speeches of Trial-and-Error Greenhorn, Hilarious and Suck Clinton or Killing-fields Henryk M Kissinger - and sooner or later the ones held by Junk-brain Bush? It's time you give your cash to people, knowing some matters about economics, dear Friend. You are broke already this day, just as all hedge and other funds, old age reserves and the nations of USA and China - however, only future will show, how right this prediction was, written here, in the year 2007.
René Delavy, Berlin and Bournemouth
Author of "CHAOS" / "Power x Stupidity = Self destruction" / "Hit-Parade of most stupid politicians on Earth" / "PLADESNIEKANT"