Farewell America –
Farewell Humanity -
Farewell Scranton + Hedges
Farewell Scranton + Hedges
What all writerlings of
the globe don’t get
Why media and book-market
are NUTS
What IPCC, WEF, Club of Rome, NGOs, all media, the
whole book market, all correspondents and all writerlings don’t get, is - WHY humanity
goes down the drain since quite a lot of time.
In the book “America: The Farewell Tour” some Chris
Hedges makes the same bloody mistake and idiocy - as all authors of the globe pretend
without any brains since 3000 years.
Writing about the
Status quo
Like all authors ever, Chris Hedges writes about USA,
Decay, Heroin, Work misery, Sadism in sex and porn and other, Hate against each
other and the State, Gambling in any field you want, Freedom ideology of idiots
and Wars without reason and Climate Collapse and else – by writing about individual
and collective things that have happened in the PAST:
Such idiots will never get, how it came: The end of
Existence of humans and nature and animals just NOW!
They have a brain of RATS and just tell us, what
happened and is going on, instead of explaining, WHY it happened and that there
is zero way or solution or Plan B out of any problem, Humanity is facing since
Delavy - Why all Humans
and the Planet die in the 21st Century
Since the year 1975, I have written 3000 Editors
Letters and about 25 books, to explain, HOW it comes that humanity goes down
the drain in finances, economics, geopolitics, culture, atomic wars, stupidity,
ecology and religion and take what you want.
Some writerlings pretend that we should have HOPE, we
could see 1000 ways of escape from the present destruction of our HOUSE OF
CARDS, when this (White) House has fallen into pieces since quite a long time:
1. In fact, all nations, all central banks, all
banks, all conglomerates and individuals are in finances bankrupt since quite a
long time. When we face DEBTS that never can be paid back and Billionaires and
Conglomerates don’t have to pay taxes anymore, we see nowhere some way – such as by the stupid MODERN MONEY THEORY and WEF tricks – to prevent the final
CRASH of all finances, currencies, shares, bonds, derivatives in Trillions and
take it, in the near future.
2. Some economic battle between USA and China? Forget
it: When imports und exports start to crash, China, India, USA, Europa and the
rest will fall into hell for all times to come and all idiots will start to be
exterminated within their non-autarkic countries.
3. Some warming up over the whole Earth? Forget it: What
we have is a rotten geosphere, and GRETA weather conditions killing all fields,
all lands, all nourishing grounds and get lack of all water over and under the
ground for all times:
5. Believing in a culture of arts and of science and
of education, when this stupidity in 2000 years in all matters killed our planet, some trillion of
animals, nature and the future of 20 billion folks to die in the next 50 to 100
years, we don’t have to explain the present and past Status quo, but to pray,
how our GODS and ALLAHS want us to kick the bucket for good.
4. The idea of Ziegler, that 20 billion of folks could
be nourished, bases on the stupid fact of agricultural industry, monoculture, destruction
of all origin woods, of deathly use of fungicides and killing all grounds and
having a mass, longing for money, cars, plane travel, jobs, apartments, electricity,
energy, oil, coal, seldom earths, richness, luxury and just water and raw
materials, no longer useable, since it destroyed our planet, the atmosphere and
all oceans.
And getting on with bloody explanation of racism
wanted by all, sadism wanted by all, atomic wars not preventable, human nature
of gambling and heroin and opioids consumption and wanting to be rich and not
pay any taxes to broken nations, this all witnesses our global and enormous
stupidity of human kind – and get that there is just zero possibility to
prevent the ultimate and final CRASH in all matters of humans, now in the coming years, in
the past of FOOLS - or any time in future.
We are dead - and don’t know yet.
René Delavy – Côte d’Azur
written on January 19, 2020
Aus einer Milliarde an Idioten begriff höchstens ein
Mensch, was am Geschehen war. Der Rest akzeptierte den paranoiden Status quo
und die schlimmsten WEF und Wall Street und Trump Halunken übernahmen die
Macht, den Reichtum, die Vernichtung der weit über 99 Prozente der blöden Schweine
und liessen sie wie Lemminge über den Abgrund rasen. Diese zogen die Herrscher
und Gangster des Reichtums mit sich und sogar die Universalgenies konnten sich
niemals mehr retten, als diese Idiotenheit in den Abgrund einer schizophren
gewordenen Scheinwelt verreckten in ganz kurzer Zeit nach dem Jahr 2000.
Roy Scranton – “Learning
to DIE in the Anthropocene”
This famous book is one of the most stupid things
ever seen:
Since 1975 I prove how we are going to disappear
from the face of the Earth until 2099 - and this man writes the usual Trump Bullshit
about some problems with climate change, sea level rising, wars, wrong
behaviour and all atrocities we face since some time.
But then this idiot writes about changing manners, our
odd behaviours and useless hope of brainless Amis and this empty brain brings
up some stupid telling, how we shall overcome the Dying of Idiots.
Scranton should have been shot in true time in IRAQ
when USA made his 100th war against other systems in 200 nations,
spreading his deathly neoliberalism of gangsters and fools around Hillary,
Bushes, Nigger Obama and foolish Trumpism.
Scranton – “We are doomed – now what?”
Christ Hedges – “Days of Destruction – Days of Revolt”
books are not better as “Anthropocene” of Idiot Scranton.
These books prove:
1. 99,999 percent of US folks and all humans on Earth are
slaves, they are dull, crazy, not interested and they strive for a system that
will kill humanity and the planet by the end.
2. These books prove, that the DEEP STATE and the rich class
and the conglomerates and banks want to maximize their world profits – by killing
all humans, nature, climate und animals of the planet.
Although I am extremely intelligent, there is not one idea how
I could stop this craze – Humanity going down to DEATH in the next 50 years –
Americans just explain what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan and Philippines
and Vietnam and other places by the worst and terrible DEEP STATE of USA, killing
100 million of innocent people since 1945 by American politics.
the GRETA type explanations of Climate “Change”: What in fact is a collapse of
Weather, wanted be WEF, Chicago School und Amis, to kill our humanity in the 21st
Century – ignoring like all Amis – to say the 99,99 percent of full dull Citizens
from New York to LA, being NOT in Shame about the crimes in finances, tax fraud
for Rich Class and charges only for normal folks, deathly economics, producing
pandemics, killing animals, oceans, agriculture and water all over the planet,
basing on the indoctrination of US spirit, taken over even by bloody and soon
dead China and India.
telling us WHAT happens instead – as did Delavy, WHY it happens- is literary
SHIT and not worth the Paper written on.
Delavy – Côte d’Azur
on February 6, 2020
Eintrag in eines der Bücher:
am besten das Kapitel: “What is Thinking
good For”
ganzen Bücher sind eine blöde Ansammlung von gemachten Erfahrungen plus
unnützer Hoffnungen – Verhalten statt Erkenntnis – Laisser-faire von Dingen,
die nicht zu ändern sind – die Idoiotie der USA und dessen saublöder Bevölkerung
– was alles ins Verderben der Welt führt, egal was diese Schreiberlinge und
Gutmenschen auch immer an Bullshit schreiben dürfen.
meine Kritiken zu Scranton + Hedges --- im Netz.