FAKE -  Nothing is true, real, relevant

People think that about all we get from TV, media, books or internet would be true and real and relevant.

But I can prove that about ALL what you get as news or description, is without any value and most of the time absolutely irrelevant.

There is just one word you may ask yourself:


Why is anything you get just -- FAKE?


Here some examples:

Notre Dame burning

It is very sad to see some church in Paris burning. As OMEN for the coming breakdown of Europe, the Euro and the end of EU, beginning by some BREXIT, this fire may have some sense. But it changes nothing to the killing of millions in all times by religion, politics, the misuse of fortune for a "God" when at the same time, nature, animals and humans go forward to some final HOLOCAUST that never is explained in any book, any media, any TV Shit or any news about politics. We are going down with all systems, and some disappearing church is nothing in comparison.

9-11 happening

Two buildings crash and 3000 Americans are dead. Nobody asks the question if THIS could be relevant. As OMEN for the end of imperial behaviour of USA and the CRASH of neoliberal capitalism, it is of some relevance. But compared to the millions of folks USA killed - such as red Indians, nigger slaves, Vietnam, Chile, Iraq, Afghanistan and by order of Obama, the cracking of two houses is of zero importance. Shit happens when the idiots out of USA have provoked such reaction.

Going in any WAR just as Syria or Vietnam

Not one WAR ever should have happened since 5000 years. For reasons not one idiot of democrazies could ever understand, we had a First and Second World War, we had the killing of millions by any God or Christ or Allah or Mohammed or Buddha or Capitalism, for no reason at all. The crimes in Vietnam, Cambodia, Syria - provoked by USA and Israel and Europe and by religions, would never have happened, if humans would be normal and some GOD would exist. Therefore all news you get any day, are absolutely irrelevant in any matter you see. One million if you can put forward any text being relevant today.

News from Fed or WEF

What a fuss about what Greenspan or Bernanke or some other idiot would tell us from Fed or the junk news from the WEF in Davos! Millions of books and media papers and hours in TV were filled with such shit. But not one person ever said, that our system of capitalism and neoliberalism will make CRACK all nations, all banks, all shit we get in stock exchanges and finally the whole system of finance and economic reality by the end. People watching TV, reading books or media or internet will never learn, that we are standing NOW directly in front of an ABYME - without recourse. We are dead and don't know yet...

News about Trump, Obama, Jinping, Modi, Abe, Thatcher

A new shit from the smartphone of the most criminal person and most stupid politician of all times - Donald Trump - and the whole world gets crazy. But in fact, geopolitical idiots like Reagan, Hitler, Stalin, JFK and above named shit, just do nothing but see how the explosion of POPS goes on, all raw material and resources are used up in 100 years, the crash of all systems including banks and conglomerates comes nearer and the SYSTEMS we have are criminal to the maximum - and never such matters are explained to the dull and blind 99,999 percent of idiots - all around our globe.

Economic News

As top accountant, I can tell you that almost all figures you read in newspapers about ECONOMICS are FAKE and come from stupid accountants and the "Big 6" (pwc - Deloitte - EY - KPMG - Accenture - McKinsey). You may believe that politics and professors and Dynamite Prize Holders would understand anything of such FAKE. But here the truth: Not one balance sheet is true, all conglomerates and rich VIP do not pay taxes on their worldwide profits and the middle class and poor are taken away - NOW - all fortune and anyway being destroyed right now - and not one paper or book is able to explain you what happens.

The so-called "Climate-Change"

There has never been a "Climate-Change". Such thing would happen over millions of years. What we have is a complete COLLAPSE of our weather machine by spreading trillions of tons of SHIT in atmosphere and oceans. There is no warming up of the Earth, but some accidental surplus of heat and an exponential production of droughts, floods, super-storms and monster waves in oceans, on the basis of which all humans will die in the 21st Century. Whatever you get by the stupid GRETA, WEF, IPCC or whatever it takes, is FAKE and irrelevant, because it is absolutely impossible to change anything to this ongoing catastrophe. We can never stop heating, cooling, industry, construction, planes, cars, armies and the rest - all making us going down the Drain - forever - Idiots.

The total stupidity and Craziness of the 99,999 percent of humans

Consider that all news and books are just untrue and FAKE, you will wake up one day and realize that you belonged to the 99,999 percent of POPS who were from birth to death full idiots, never understanding what happened and that LIFE on our planet - in times of eternity and space of infinity - has been without any value. You are nothing, you are DEAD and you should get the SHIT out of your brains.


Well - what you just read - is true, relevant and real.

But your daily life with TV - media - books and internet is of no value, because you never ask the only valid question:

"WHY is all what happens just shit - FAKE - and to be forgotten the next day?"


René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on April 18, 2019