Clash of Civilization in Iran and USA

"Clash of Civilizations" in Iran and USA

In the sense of Samuel Huntington's famous book, we experience today a revolution worldwide just as per 1789 in France or 1918 und 1989 in Russia and the West, the complete Breakdown of Neoliberalism and Capitalism in the West and the tumbling down of China, Japan, USA, Arab World, Israel and the Rest - being on the run.

We demonstrate this FACT basing on what happens NOW in Iran and USA:


What we have today in Iran is the same effect of a "PEAK" of unsatisfied Youth, as given in the literature of Huntington for any revolution and crash in the past in any land of history.

The effect will be the same as in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Libya and the rest of Arab lands and may occur also in Saudi Arabia or Indonesia and Israel and naturally destroy for good the ISLAM world for all times to come.

The idiots and youth of Iran can never better the situation of Iran by taking over the western pattern of neoliberalism and other shit, as did Japan or China or India, short before their complete clash in economics for all times.

What we shall see is the takeover of power by idiots or generals of the army in Iran and the beginning breaking in pieces of the land, as seen in Lebanon or Syria or North Korea or the Soviet Union around 1989 and China and USA today.

Just as Europe without knowing and USA and China, the takeover of western models of letting nations go into bankruptcy and allowing such shit like Bitcoins, Uber, Airbnb, Call Centers, Facebook or other IT Junk, Iran will see that only for some time, a social situation could seem to look better for youth, resulting in fact in the end of civilization in our World.

Democrazy is the worst system of all as seen under Obama and Trump in the rottening USA. The intellect of average folks is so terribly low, that there is no chance they will recognize in time the total disaster in ecology, finances, economic idiocy and the enfeeblement of brains - in 200 nations of this rotten world without resources, water and sand and whatever you could think of.

Iran is dead - with religious fanaticism - or not.

What is true for Iran, is true for the whole world, as seen under the regime of the finance and taxation CROOK of USA - Mr. Tax Fraud Donald Trump:


Since Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan under the regime of Milton Friedman, USA is breaking down under the burden of in fact today 200 trillions of Dollars in debts since quite a long time, increasing always faster.

USA as land is dead, the Jewish finance industry a criminal disaster, all derivatives and state bonds and shares a mess without real value and in fact the Dollar, USA and the US Empire are in free fall to hell since 1989, be USA attacked by tiny little rockets from North Korea or not.

Trump promising a wide heaven of peace and cash to poor and stupid Hillary Masses like hell, only increased the privileges of the tax-free zone of his billionaires and enterprises and opened wide the window to the final financial breakdown of his rotten Junk-State and Wall Street, following the Western idiocy preached since 40 years by the criminal Jews of WEF Davos and Chicago School.

There is no possibility for the US neoliberalism to survive the next 10 years - and read my lips: China, India, Africa, Japan, USA and Europe and Iran and the rest are dead and in bankruptcy since a quite a lot of time.

Like Swissair, IOS, Enron, Lehman Brothers, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs being broke and Bitcoin and currencies without any value, since no State will ever be able to pay back or lower their debts of about 1000 trillions of Dollars worldwide, the Junk in all banks and hedge funds and insurance companies and in hands of billionaires can never more be revalued at any time in future.

Should we have growth or reduction in BIP, lowering or increasing interest rates, austerity or dreams of eternal profit increase, in any case we are already today dead and out and not one Dynamite Idiot or professor has the slightest idea, except me (10 Maximen zur Weiterexistenz and PLADESNIEKANT), how we could stop the craze and try to prevent the complete CLASH in ecology, neoliberalism, currencies, banks and States by increasing stupidity of all folks on this planet Earth.

We are dead and don't know yet....

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on January 1, 2018