Humans never change - character and personality
It is a lie that any living person in any time or nation
ever changes his character, his attitude, his fundamental being - in the course
of his life.
A good-human stays always a fucking good-human.
A cash oriented idiot like Donald stays always the
same tax fraud idiot.
A commander telling folks always what to do, until the
age of 80.
Brain-sick NGO folks stay so dull to the detriment
of victims - until death.
And here the proofs:
It is a fairy-tale that out of a Saulus some Paulus
could result. This idiot was a fanatic non-believer without sense, to become a
fanatic believer without sense.
There is not one example of a fundamental change
with any person.
It is true that folks may learn languages, a
profession, mathematics, economics, philosophy or politics, become a hero on
his field - and ever stay the same odd and dull person forever.
This was the case with:
-- Donald Trump, Reagan, Thatcher, Hitler, Stalin,
Mao, Greenspan, Kissinger, Draghi, Einstein, Picasso, Van Gogh, Bach, Mozart,
Nietzsche, Habermas, Mother Teresa, Merkel, Kohl, Blair, Jobs, Gates,
Zuckerberg, Marilyn or take any other person:
In personality and character, they changed never
from the age of 5 until they would die around 100.
Therefore we have some peculiar results to think
Take the following examples:
- Reagan and Thatcher believed in the shit of
Friedman, WEF, Chicago School, Mont Pelerin Society - and today we have the complete
breakdown of nations, finance industry and the end of capitalism - with
billions of victims, in fact the end of money systems and of orderly world
- Same goes for Popper, Friedman, WEF folks,
finance Jews and bankers and believers in universities teaching neoliberal
junk, they stay convinced of these crazy principles for ever and ever.
- Take Einstein: A simple minded idiot explained
useless theories about the true factors in time and space and brought us the
atom bomb and atom electricity to exterminate humanity - and stayed always the
same egoistic person.
- Take Mandela: He went in jail for his ideals for
negroes and finally gave away all richness of South Africa free to London Jews.
Today the white have better lives and the negroes more crimes and less of
chances as ever before.
- Take Gandhi: Preaching like Trump humbleness for
the poor and passivity, leaving all richness of India with upper casts,
arranging the killing of millions in useless religious fanaticism and be killed
by own fault.
- Take Draghi or Greenspan or Bernanke or Yellen:
When young, parents and other Idiots may have told them to be outstanding.
Later they issued trillions of inflation cash in their lands, bought back
criminal Jewish junk and destroyed the EU and USA.
- Take Habermas and any other philosophers: As
child they were convinced to understand more as normal people about reality.
When old they had idiotic fantasies about freedom, good governance, happy
future, deathly progress taken for a wonder and telling illogical shit the
whole life long.
- Take the mass folks or the 99 percent: They
believe in authorities and junk brain masters. They can be treated like slaves.
They pay all taxes for the rich class and believe to understand about one per
mille of our complex reality.
And this scheme goes for the young to the
middle-aged Mozart or van Gogh, young to old Bach, Goethe, Fidel Castro,
Berlusconi, Shakespeare, Robin Hood, Socrates, Jesus, Charly the Great,
Napoleon, Pinochet, Obama, WEF Schwab or any other crook, wanting to kill folks
by religion or power, destroy our Earth, use up in 200 years all resources,
spoil our geosphere and oceans for all times to come, including climate and
future of idiots, never changing their characters or personalities during their
life-times after birth.
Now, this is no problem, since 99,999 percent of
humans have shit in their brains and do not see the coming absolute breakdown of
all systems, human made, the end of history, due to an exploding heap of shit,
called humanity - but this in fact is a completely other story.
Learn this:
Dull and ignorant folks, about 99,999 percent of
now existing idiots on Earth, learn nothing in the sense of "burnt children,
mind the fire". Even an atomic catastrophe will not make evident in their
small brains the beginning of the End. They will believe in shit-talk of
scientists, of politicians, of masters of the universe and continue to destroy
the Earth and themselves.
In addition, democratic idiots and elite junk without
brains will never learn that the END comes from the Breakdown of finance
industry, broken States, not enough resources, water, nourishment for extremely
dull 10 billion of shit, when the climate collapse starts to kill billions and
mega-towns get rotten inclusive infrastructures, without sand for buildings and
maintaining and weather catastrophes with droughts, floods and super-storms
decimating in the 21st Century all of our crazy idiots.
That junk still believes in God, Allah, Trump,
Draghi, Merkel and other stupid authorities with shit in their brains - but
what else could you have expected?
We are dead and don't know yet.
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on
July 28, 2017