Our World as a Possibility

The World as a Possibility
Craziness in CNN - Fox TV - NY Times and FAZ

We are living in a Barbarism of Effects and believe it would be some sort of a real Paradise.

I came into this world around 1950 on the planet Earth like anybody else.

It was clear from the start that all people in all nations were normal and living a normal life in a normal existence of normal times.

Very slowly I was able to understand about everything in the fields of economics, finances, accounting, geopolitics, culture, literature, science and ecology and still, all seemed to be very normal on Earth.

This was the Status quo of humans, in development, on the way to far better techniques, being driving into progress and growth of population, figures in finances and economy, more mobilisation, greater units for conglomerates or banks, more effective weapons in armies, better schools and universities, more of education, more of computers and internet and still

-- progress, growth and hope on a better future.

I had no time and the will, to doubt about this State of Affairs.

Everybody seemed to do the right thing in his profession, as CEO, in NGOs, in a system of banks and hedge funds and nations - holding high their individual and common interests.

The growth of China and India and other nations seemed normal, the breakdown of communism in the Soviet Union too, the politics of USA just great inclusive Vietnam, Chile, Iraq and the Jewish bank systems, the building up of the EU with some Euro was just great and fine - and the whole rest, heading towards a world population of 10 billion of folks nothing to have doubts about.

Under the impression of my critics given in books about the mistakes in reasoning of philosophies, theories in economics, the mistakes in the minds of politicians, the low and destructive value of all professions, of labour, of intellectual developments on Earth after the year 1975, when I had written the "Orakel 2099", there came up a suspicion -

- that all folks, namely the intellectuals, the stars, the VIPs, the rich class and politicians and novel writers would not be normal - none of them - inclusive myself - all would be mentally deficient, feeble-minded, crazy, idiotic, demented and gaga - in fact totally out of mind, possessing a brain full of shit, not knowing what they did and whereto the voyage of humanity after the year 2000 would go.

Today, when I look into all faces at TV, listen to voices on the radio, read about any humans in books, I KNOW that all humans without one exception, without pointing to Einstein, Obama, Trump, Merkel or any other person on Earth, all folks are crazy and stupid to a terrible extent.

The FACT that all folks without exception are enfeebled in mind makes it, that all folks regard on our world as being "normal", media being "normal", developments in techniques being "normal", banks and debts of nations being "normal" and the future of humanity being "normal" -

- when in fact we are just NOW on the way of full destruction of all systems in finances, bankruptcies of States, downfall of humans without resources, mega-towns and infrastructures getting rotten, all folks suffering from debility in all respects, the Earth on the way to an irrevocable destruction by catastrophes in environment and climate and not one person on this Earth to have any Plan B or seeing a single possibility to prevent the total DEATH of Humans and the Earth in the 21st Century.

Now, this may be my speculation, but because all folks on Earth have a brain full of shit and believe this State of Mind being "normal", it will just happen, in fact it happened already, our world is broke, we do not have any chance to survive the 21st Century -

- and it is very good so, because if we had any "God" to supervise our Evolution in the past and in future, HE would be happy to get rid of such a heap of warriors, torturers, producers of holocausts inclusive animals and nature, believers in modernity, having nothing but stupid texts and minds and kind of naivety and simplicity in the heads of far over 99,999 percent of folks on Earth in 200 nations -

- it was time that this dramatic Comedy would strive for a mortal end in agony, after my personal death, some day.

Who believes that he reads here nothing but rubbish, should be aware of the fact, that his brain is not normal, his perception - awareness - cognition (Wahrnehmung) is reflecting a world that does not exist and how any word in this Report should be taken for serious.

When again I read Newspapers or listen to idiots on TV, just by looking in the faces of VIPs and lower folks, I have not the slightest doubt, that all what folks today can do, is to talk stupidities during the way down to a global and collective death

- in our World of lost Possibilities.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on June 12, 2017