"Breakaway Societies"
I was asked by a quite intelligent US Professor and Correspondent, if I knew
what are "breakaway societies".
was googling the matter and found nothing but pages of very obscure people to
speculate about complots and conspiracies in the USA and else and what is going
to happen today.
there are other specific things which go under "breakaway societies",
but all of them are nothing but intellectual shit and of no importance at all,
in the light of what follows here:
is History?
is the interpretation of what happens on this globe in any land since we have
writing and stupid interpreters of what seemed to happen in geopolitics,
culture, nature, science, arts, religion, ecology and take what you want.
the story is through, any idiot knows well what happened, without knowing
anything of the real chaos, of reasons and origins and effects at all.
was ever written about history was full of idiocies and above all, so-called
"normal people" did not get, that ALL was coincidence and never
understood by any person living.
fact, history is what happens by hazard or coincidence on a daily basis. Only
later on, we get what was important and what was just nothing and forgotten for
all times. Even what happened before the two World Wars, during and after those
wars is tried to be explained in very thick books of idiots, still today.
what is going on today in USA, China, India, Europe, with banks, finances,
economics, geopolitics, intellect of fools and our future total breakdown of
all systems, not one person on this bubble understands one per mille.
is a VIP?
recently saw a DOC on TV ARTE about the life of Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky etc. and
it became evident, that so far, not one person understood what happened from the year 1900 to 2000 in Russia.
what happened was pure coincidence of facts.
the history is through, all of a sudden we find VIPs in all matters and all
facts are bended around to suit the idiocy of a breakaway Society.
will not end as a very simple number like 99,999 percent of folks that ever were living, was like Trump, Hitler, Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Ronald, Thatcher, Greenspan
and all idiots in politics, science, literature, philosophy, religion or else
mainly the product of a long row of hazards and coincidence and the
interpretation of a mass of fools, who never understood, if those VIPs were a
real profit for societies or the nail to the coffin of humanity.
and Wars
have to show what is meant with the two World Wars or the French or Russian
Shot of Sarajevo is meant to be the start for the First WW. This is nuts: It
was a simple criminal fact that would be of no importance in history books. But
the interests of the masters of States in England, Preussen, Austria-Hungary,
Russia, France etc. were of a nature, to let die on the decisions of a stupid
Elite some 20 million of normal folks.
building up of Adolf Hitler was pure coincidence and all Jews, all rich people,
intellectual persons and labour idiots simply decided that at a given time, by
democratic decisions, Hitler would like Donald Trump be in charge of Germany
and we had the Holocaust of Animals, sorry, of Jews, and 60 million of dead
idiots on Earth for no reason at all, because all persons and VIPs and Elite
and their masses had always a lot of shit in their brains and were ignorant as
all folks living today.
French Revolution killed its own people of intellect and none of the high
principles were put in effect, and we had later on the Mont Pelerin Society of
Montreux and the Chicago School, who learned WEF Schwab, Greenspan, the Jews of
Wall Street, Ronald, Thatcher, Obama and Trump, how to bring USA and the rest
into bankruptcy, destroy all capital and cash of the globe, make tumble world
finances, economics and an ecologic disaster, that - when through - all idiots
and professors of the globe pretend to have seen coming, like the unknown
effects of the Russian and Chinese revolution of Marx.
being a breakaway Society
had great societies that proved later to be "breakaway societies" in
Old Rome, Persia, Egypt, Greece, France under Napoleon, Germany under Hitler
and his Third Reich, British Empire and the USA Empire and the now short before
total collapse existing China Empire.
USA, history will tell that from the first WW there was no chance for this
rotten country, not to break down on its own logics of capitalism,
neoliberalism, the crimes of the Jews at WEF, Fed, ECB, Bank of China or Japan,
IMF, Worldbank, Wall Street, Banks too big to fail, State deficits killing USA
and all lands and just destroying all lands, all oceans, the climate and the
future of humanity and nature during the 21st Century, after the collapse of
World finances, currencies, States and the rest.
to ask if Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton would be the VIPs to finally kill USA
dying since many years, is so hilarious and funny and crazy, in view of 200
trillion Dollars of total debts in USA and the historical idiocy to levy the
amounts for the US Army, lower taxes, wanting to renew all streets, tunnels,
bridges, nets of electricity, in short all infrastructure of USA for several
trillions, maintaining social charges, wanting to create new jobs when economy
with China and Mexico go to hell and Wall Street short of collapse, now how
stupid can US idiotic folks and professors be, not to understand that the
impossible cannot happen and a criminal bullshit has taken over the tumbling
nation of USA.
House of Cards and the End of Societies
is just one State in despair and short before bankruptcy and final breakdown of
its breakaway society.
others are Japan, Italy, Greece, Brazil, Egypt, Israel, France, Spain, England,
China, India and other 150 States.
are being killed by own idiocy of minds in capitalism, systems that cannot
work, the immense amount of global debts that by the "Principles of highest
accounting of Delavy" must lead to the financial death of all nations,
currencies, neoliberalism and States like USA and the rest.
the time bomb of ecologic self-destruction, never more to be corrected, what is
not a naive thinking of a pessimist, but pure FACT of mind, not understood by
crazy fools of 99,999 percent of present foolish World POPS, will make an end
to all what is stupid to the max within the 21st century for sure.
End of Breakaway Societies is not near, but already DONE:
we see in systems, in science, with social industry, with accounting and Tax
Fraud for the rich class and enterprises, the holocaust of animals, the
destruction of lands and oceans, the impossibility of mega-towns and all infrastructure
not to get rotten without cash, credits, sand, resources, and a heap of idiots
soon being 10 billion, and runaway stupid folks and a climate going into an
escalation of destruction in droughts, floods, super-storms destroying all,
missing water, no nourishment to feed the 10 billion of idiots - well the
present House of Cards is tumbling, to be mentioned in all history books later,
but not one person will be there, to read them.
the 99,999 percent of fools without intellect and understanding of what happens
today, will wake up from normal and hazard-ways of going concerns and to have
written all what happens in my scripts, is what is very normal:
on papers for idiots - and nothing else.
Would the intellectuals get what happens, my scripts would be on the first page of
all newspapers, read at TV and Radio all day long.
since it is decided to let break down our nice "Breakaway Societies",
we just wait and see and wonder, when Donald Trump can read some nice texts,
some other shit of mind was writing for him.
Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
on March 3, 2017