Real-World against Behaviour-World
folks on Earth are convinced to know what reality is and what happens all
around us on this planet.
is paranoia and stupidity.
one person on this globe - ever - was able to see in what real world we were
and still are living.
extremely intelligent animal on an other planet in some other galaxy, if able
to look down on this Earth in present times, may be in a position to
understand, what really goes on, but this scenery is highly unlikely, because I
proved that other humans cannot be existent in our universe.
so, restricted to ourselves, let's understand what our "behaviour-world"
could well be, as opponent to our real-world.
people and professors and experts and writers believe that our world is what
happens every day, what we can read in books, in media, in the internet, see on
TV, hear on Radio - but this is a mistake of mind.
we see, experience and analyse is ALL together just Behaviour:
All professions are behaviour, they just function to let us survive and have
the system as given to be maintained as long as it gets.
All governments and parliaments function only in the sense, to let live humans
by their "normal" behaviour. They look that banks are open, money
flow goes on, universities kick the craze of knowledge in the heads of
students, adults pay taxes, houses and streets and airports and atom works are
built and all countries try not to have war against each other.
All book writing, all novels, all non-fiction books, all documentations on TV
just describe our behaviour, how folks accept any shit if existent, how we
accept our self-destruction as normal, masses be born in explosive number and
die after a short life, that always seems to have been the most normal matter
ever seen.
Enterprises and companies come, are very little at the beginning, may grow to
huge conglomerates or banks too big to fail and one day they disappear as
normal as when founded, and all what happened in between seems to be normal in
a normal behaviour-world.
was written in history books, books for science and economics and politics and novels
had only to do with such normal "behaviour" of very stupid apes, even
the religions and philosophies followed exclusively this line - and there was
never anything else on Earth. Least was high intellect to understand, what
happens in reality.
other words: All folks ever living were dull, crazy, stupid, normal, paranoid
and schizophrenic - and it was good so - another world was never conceivable.
we have to get on to our Real-World.
our real world, anything seems to be exactly the same as in the
"Behaviour-World", but when you push the inexistent button for your
intellectual turbo, a function inexistent in your lousy head, you may get some
other matters:
It might be known that the Earth turns around itself once a day in 24 hours.
And it goes around the sun in 365 days, producing summer, fall, winter and
springtime. And the moon goes once a month around our Earth and grows and goes
out again. We assume to have some billions of galaxies with trillions of suns,
of which we know nothing, not even if such a thing as "God" would be
existent. We know nothing of time in eternity and space of the infinity. We
know nothing at all.
We accept with easiness the birth and life and death of each person, animal,
plant, company, bank, currency, continent or planet and believe to understand
what happens.
We accept that many folks die very soon after birth, by wars, by crimes or
slavery, by religion torture, by missing water, by suicide, by decisions of the
powerful idiots on this Earth. All this seems very normal to behaviour folks
with zero intellect.
We accept a "Behaviour-World" of all lies in media, books, TV,
internet and believe that all what seems to happen, is nothing but truth and
We accept that only the powerful and rich folks have human rights, can commit
any crime and war and torture without seeing ever a judge or jail, decide that
only middle class and poor folks are forced to pay taxes whereas the other have
tax paradises, we accept that Jews destroy all cash and values with rotten
banks and hedge funds, the destruction of all values by derivative shit in
trillions of Dollars, of which no person understands anything. We accept that
powerful idiots like Trump or Reagan or Thatcher can decide over rotten systems
like wars in Vietnam or Iraq and neoliberalism of destruction of nations, money
systems and of our future.
We accept the destruction of our planet and humanity by using up all resources
created in billions of years, during a behaviour period of 200 years only, oceans
and lands going down and getting rotten, treating all billions of animals like
junk in a "holocaust of animals", sending poor folks in wars, in
torture cellars like the Mechanic School in favour of AIPAC, have existent
idiotic congresses of destruction, like WEF, IPCC, the destructive banks like
ECB and Fed and Bank of China, and all this being sent in our idiotic behaviour
world , without one simple brain understanding what happens.
We accept that all conglomerates, firms, nations have an accounting system, of
which not even the Big Four of Accounting idiots understand the slightest
matter: When all nations, banks and companies and humans have only fortune and
existence on the basis of debts never to be paid back, the societies believe
that the bankruptcy ahead of all humans could never happen and how it would be
normal that billionaires and big companies prevent tax payments to bring down
the trillion debts of nations - and the stupid and exploding masses, living in
a fast dying world, believe to get order with normal parties and governments of
pure Junk - of which media write only, how they behave on daily basis in an atrocious
theatre of behaviourism, not how they have destroyed the future of humanity.
We accept that any profession you could ever think of, is either without sense and value or in fact helps to destroy the future of humans, the killing of animals, the
filling the oceans with plastic, building atom works and atom bombs never to be
eliminated again, and wars and terror and fanaticism of rotten religions and
crimes of Jews at Wall Street and City of London, and believe, such fine and
female and childish "behaviour" would be very normal.
this being in existence, because the 99,99 percent of idiots can only think in
concreteness - and never in abstractedness.
short, a history of science, book-writing, existence of media, the fact that
rich folks get richer and 99 percent are living as slaves soon, on a gigantic
heap of debts, when some are VIPs and "stars" and the rest just normal
folks taken for idiots and slaves, that such an existence would be highly
normal and the real world as described here, could never have existed.
what is the End of all this?
we were able during living our "behaviour-world" - just for some
minutes - to "see" our real world, each idiot on this bubble would
immediately get what a highly intellectual ET some millions of light-years away
could see:
have no chance to survive the 21st Century after the idiot and legend of Jesus
are at a loss with finances, with economics, with resources, with rotten
mega-towns condemned to death, missing water from future droughts and politics
for the rich class and far too many mass-folks without brains, exploding
ecologic disasters and a growing stupidity of elite and mass folks, believing
rather in human-robots of the future living as machines in all eternity, than
getting the real collapse of all systems our idiots of science and innovations
and Jewish Banks of the WEF had created from 1900 to today, you idiot could see
for some moments a humanity in free fall to hell.
I can assure you: The media, the books, the TV Stations and our Donald Trumps
will continue as long as it lasts, to produce intellectual shit, hammered in
our heads.
you could read "Reflexionen und Maximen" of René Delavy, during the
lecture understand the text and within some 10 hours get, why this real world
goes down to hell and all you read in books, would have been in the last 5000
years - nothing but a stupid bubble of an odd "Behaviour-World",
under the lead of fools with low intellect, delivered by a stupid establishment.
Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
on March 25, 2017