Dear Dallas - Election of Trump
Dear Dallas
Many thanks
for sending me your article about the foreseeable election of Donald Trump as
US President.
It is highly
incredible how you could argue about all the reasons, why this billionaire, who
never paid taxes, got in bankruptcy four times, did not pay investors and
workers, led casinos to the detriment of Americans and has the brain of an ape,
could achieve the art, to convince about 50 percent of US folks electing that
bullshit as president.
It is true
that Hillary Clinton was not an alternative since she would have presented the
interests of Wall Street and finance business just as well, but I do not
know, if she would have such a great despise for poor people, made poor by the
US system, to the extent Trump was thinking about - and is still spitting on
all persons not being crooks like him and immensely rich.
You are about
the sole person, to compound a text of the sort you did, giving a profound
analysis about how different kinds of persons, be they white, black, yellow or
coming from Mexico, function in society today.
It is not yet quite
sure who won the election and if there was a crime about the counting machines
in swing States, since when I was watching the progress of Trump in the night
of election on 8th November 2016, I got more and more the feeling, there was
something queer to happen towards the end of count in Michigan, Wisconsin and
But the most
important matter and really of relevance in this question is not, who won the
US presidency, but the fact that it does not matter, if Hillary or Donald would
be elected. The crucial question is alone the truth of USA being broke and bankrupt and dead as US Empire since a long time.
It does no
longer matter who will be president, what party will govern USA or any other
nation, which congress like WEF and other take wrong and stupid decisions around
the downfall of our neoliberal world.
It is a fact
that USA, China, India, Brazil, Greece, England, Spain and Africa as a whole,
in fact 200 nations are in free fall to hell in matters of finances, economics,
culture, stupidity of elite and masses and our planet had come over the edge of
an automating ecologic catastrophe, some time ago.
There is a
great secret, why people can study the reasons about whom may get some power in
a lost world, when in fact we are all standing at the edge, perhaps five years,
ahead of a complete crash of our finance industry, followed by the bankruptcy of
nations and currencies becoming worthless, based on the greatest craze, all
central banks and banks too big to fail produced since 1975, directed by Jews
of Chicago School and criminal billionaires of any race, having bought all
politicians on our globe.
Now, it might
well be that normal folks will never get, how systems of death, like the
American neoliberalism functioned.
I read about
50 books recently, where very famous VIPs of economics or of philosophy or
science wrote some details, why capitalism of the sort established by Mont
Pelerin Society could be spread all over the globe, from England to USA, from there
to Europe, Japan, Russia, South America, China, India and forced by IMF and
World Bank on about 50 lands in the Third World.
But this was
only the peak of an iceberg:
The general
rule about a theory of stupidity, how money, profits, free markets to organize
themselves could destroy any State, ordering how nations should stay away from
normal business, having a practice of enfeeblement in the mind for the 99 percent
about privatisations, deregulations, globalisation, and all power to the rich
one percent, all only had a deathly effect - mainly on the distribution of cash and
fortune all around in five continents on the surface of our globe.
Much more of
importance than elections and folks' decisions by democrazy (dictatorships of
dull majorities) was the explosion of pops since 1900, the invention of
technical gadgets, the final exhaustion of the planet by mass production, using
up all resources of a planet in 100 years, all folks becoming paranoid by media
and literature, the ecologic world of nature and animals heading towards death,
when mega-towns were created, all oceans spoiled by billions of tons of plastic
and atomic and other scrap and finally, the end of humanity was reached in the
21st Century - after the death of an idiot with name of "Jesus", son
of an invented God or Allah, in what name millions of persons were tortured to
death, burnt alive, whole societies and origin races killed before the two
World Wars and some other holocausts.
What we have
to understand, is why the election of presidents is a bluff of media, still to make
some money during the final descent of humanity in its final destination and
But it is
true: This is another Story.
René Delavy -
Berlin and Bournemouth
written on
November 28, 2016