99,999 Percent know NOTHING

99,999 % know NOTHING of Finances and Economics

It is as if all planes of the world would be piloted by persons having no notion about flying:

99,999 Percent of Folks have not the slightest knowledge about:

- The craze of explosion of population, the true effect of coming egologic collapse, the out-powering of our globe, the holocaust of animals, the true state of finances, how economics work, why the industry of banks and raw materials and real estate as 2nd Economy only destroy all savings of the globe.

I can reduce the problem on one matter:


In fact, I mean the "Highest Accounting of Delavy", proving the breakdown of nations, all banks, all currencies, all savings and of the 2nd Economy according to Michael Hudson in a few years.

The following persons have no idea what accounting is:

1. The BIG FOUR of accounting, PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG, Ernst and Young, Deloitte and Touche - have not the slightest idea about accounting. Never they would know the imminent collapse of a bank, of a conglomerate or a nation. They are blind and without any value. You can get rid of accounting firms, they only help to avoid taxes to the rich class and prepare mega-mergers of death.

2. Not one person in the Team of Trump and none in any government in 200 nations have a notion about the functioning of world-wide finance streams and how the 2nd economy destroyed the real economy.

3. All professors and experts like Paul Krugman or Friedman or Soros or Buffett or take it, they all have no idea what accounting is. They bluff around with "higher economy knowledge" being intellectual shit.

4. Not one CEO, CFO or controller or any person in WEF, Fed, IMF, ECB, Bank of China and other banks have the slightest idea about the coming disaster in world finance industry - without any issue anymore.

As Michael Hudson wrote: One big problem for trillions of Dollars of capital gains on Shares or Real Estate to be taxed, is the fact that there is no cash generated, to pay taxes. Therefore, the realisation of profits on sale of such assets must be heavily taxed. This is not the case as for 90 percent of profits of rich persons and conglomerates, having all tax tricks to avoid attributing to gigantic deficits of States to be reduced. This is the major reason for USA, Greece, Italy, Spain, England, Brazil, Japan, China and other States to be virtually bankrupt already today.

The only MERIT of Finance Industry and the 2nd worthless Economy of Banks, real estate, raw material market etc. is, that - contrary to the REAL MARKET (1st Economy of industry) - this sector would not kill our planet and destroy humanity directly, but only by bankruptcies of banks, States and currencies.

And so, I can confirm that Trump or Hillary were at the end of their wisdom even before starting the Presidency of USA.

Something too in German about Michael Hudson, taken from my article "Literarischer Wahnsinn von Michael Hudson", to get what it is all about:


Es ist einfach, wir stehen vor dem Nichts, ohne eine einzige Idee wie der kommende Crash von Finanzen, Wirtschaft, Geopolitik, Klima und Umwelt noch zu vermeiden sein könnte.

Hudson wir niemals begreifen, dass der einzige Vorteil der Verbrechen der Juden rund um die Finanzindustrie weltweit und der kommende Kollaps wenigstens verhütete, dass die "Real Economy" nicht fähig war, diese Welt per tödlichem Wachstum noch schneller zu vernichten, was sich Hudson herbeisehnte.

Der fundamentale Unterschied von Hudson zu Delavy ist folgender:

Michael Hudson ist nur fähig, pragmatisch zu denken. Er beschreibt alles richtig was geschah in der Finanz- und Wirtschaftswelt seit 3000 Jahren in Europa, USA, Argentinien, Griechenland und so weiter. Er durchschaut alle Mechanismen und die Schädlichkeit des Systems und macht dann Mutmassungen über die Zukunft.

René Delavy war schon immer ein fundamental abstrakt denkender Mensch. Ich nehme alles zur Kenntnis, auch von Hudson, und frage mich dann, wie und warum dies alles geschah, warum dieses Irrdenken überhaupt existiert, warum diese Menschheit so unermesslich blöde ist und warum sie keine Chance mehr haben wird im 21. Jahrhundert in Sachen Finanzen, Weltwirtschaft, Verblödung der Massen und Umweltvernichtung in allen Dingen.

Während also die meisten Denker nur sehen können, was geschah, erkennt Delavy seit seiner Jugendzeit die Verhältnisse auf dieser Welt und wohin dies alles noch führen wird.

Solche Bücher wie von Michael Hudson sind nur noch Beruhigungspillen an die verblödete Masse, es sei noch ein Weg offen aus der Gefahr.

Schön gebrüllt, aber leider nutzlos.

Humanity is lost for ever and all our systems just can blow up any moment and there is no solution or rescue - nowhere at the horizon.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written in November 2016