Philip Mirowski and dirty Neoliberals

Critics on Philip Mirowski
Crimes of modern capitalism

Philip wrote in 2013 a splendid book "Untote leben länger" or in the original "Never let a serious Crisis go to Waste" in MSB Matthes Seitz Berlin.

Mirowski proves in the book, how the MPS Mont Pelerin Society is a group of shit economics who took whole of the globe, most USA, for hostage with a scheme in finance and economics, that might kill our society:

This is true in principle - but false and superficial when getting the true points - as proven here.

Mirowski simply justifies the breakdown of Wall Street around 2007 and 2008 and means in excellent studies and literature, the Neoliberalism came back after 2010 by more strength in economics, politics and society out of this CRIME than ever. The MPS idiots did obviously not learn any lessons and were cunning enough to make believe Obama and all Americans, that the continuation for this shit would be best for USA and the world.

But now comes to prove the full stupidity of a man who is professor and not a top accountant of the globe like me - and therefore I kill here all arguments of this Philip Mirowski - who seems to be more stupid than any snake or dog.

Here some facts:


The only way to stop the craze in USA with Friedman, von Mises, Popper, Hayek and other cripples would have been, if the whole world would have made in 2010 on total Austerity, since it is the only way to prevent the complete finance breakdown around 2018.

a. With the growth politics of neoliberalism the craze of our finance system goes on for ever as it does indeed just now until the final count-down in the greatest economic global catastrophe ever seen.

b. The idiotic principles of JM Keynes that the criminal Jews of the Wall Street and of Chicago School would be best, if the Nation would take over trillions in Dollars or Euros from shit banks, is pure craze for fools without brains like the MPS folks on Earth.

c. By inflation, both the debts and the fortunes of the rich and poor and middle class go to hell before 2018.

d. By austerity, this is the only way out of bankruptcy for all banks, note banks and Nations - under following rules:

- All rich VIPs and conglomerates pay immediately all tax fraud money of 2000 to 2008 back to the Nation or go to Auschwitz. From this moment, any person is shot who does not pay ALL taxes worldwide on the basis of the progressive scale of taxation and all tax paradises are closed. And last but not least, the State costs go down to hell and low interest rates are given, to produce immense State surplus instead of State deficits, until all debts are wiped out and the immense breakdown coming based on neoliberal shit will be prevented up to about 2025.

This my interpretation of AUSTERITY, when Mirowski had nothing but SHIT in his brains on this topic.

Guilty ones

Mirowski does not once explain how not only MPS and NDK (Neoliberales Denk-Kollektiv) are responsible for a crazy model in USA, Switzerland and Europe and China and the rest, but more even the philosophers and economists being JEWS and at the head of AIPAC, WEF, Fed, ECB and all right-wing think-tanks of USA and the world.

Without naming correctly the perpetrators and the victims, all writing about the reasons for the CRASH in 2008 and around 2018 is given for nothing.

The coming disaster

Mirowski has no idea about the volume and force of the coming breakdown in leaving not one bank or State at life, with still 200 trillions of Dollars in shit papers like ABS, CDO or CDS and derivative shit in the Balance Sheets of all hedge funds, shadow banks, banks too big to fail and all the rest of finance instruments, never restated in value since 2008.

This matter plus the crimes of the neoliberal Jewish shit from 2008 to today and onwards, killed our finance and economic System for all times and the absolute CRASH in world-finances is not preventable in the coming years.

And these here are only the top arguments of how stupid even a fine critic man like Mirowski could be, when professors of USA talk about their systems and know nothing, instead of reading the texts and books of a Genius out of Switzerland - Idiots.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on December 5, 2015

NB. After Reading the whole Book

I have now finished the book of Philip Mirowski and I must say:

This is the best CRITIC on NEOLIBERALISM in the USA ever read and certainly, some Philip is a genius.

But, look at the following:

1. Academics

The whole thing is far too academic. Until the End of the books, I had to wait for the bulk of truth on the Jewish idiots of Wall Street, Fed, WEF, AIPAC, without naming the perpetrators.

2. Time

I wrote about the danger and death of U.S. neoliberalism in all my books before the year 2000. And in 2006, I predicted in WorldNews the coming disaster in the USA and the World. Today I know about the total CLASH of finances before 2020. But Philip Mirowski only wrote about the Crime, AFTER it is proven to have happened. Before he was nuts like the rest of stupid Americans.

3. Growth

Like all idiots of economics, this Shit of person never will see that Mass x Growth = Death of our human idiotic globe in the nearest future. Although Mirowski sees very fine the crimes of MPS (Mont Pelerin Society) in World Climate Change, he is not able to see the crimes in finances, economics and politics and ecology on basis of deathly GROWTH. So, Philip is the same shit as the ones he is criticising.

Now, there are 1000 other things in my literature, high above the scripts of Philip - but I wish they will never be discovered, since I want to see the massacre of the 99 Percent on the elite and scientists and Obama Niggers, when the whole system goes to hell before 2020.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on December 9, 2015


Some other intellectual Crimes of Mirowski:

This is the moment to extend my critics on any writer about NEOLIBERALISM, who comes with his wisdom when the whole system has in fact collapsed since a long time....

NDK  Neoliberales Denk-Kollektiv (Think Collective of Neoliberalism)

When I first learned about the principles of the Mont Pelerin Society by Karl Popper during a speech in the Kongresshaus Zurich about 1980, I knew within one minute, that the theories of the neoliberals collective of thinking, namely Milton Friedman, Karl Popper, Ayn Rand, Hayek, von Mises, Robbins and put in Force by Ronald and Thatcher and Greenspan, Pinochet, Videla, Bush, Obama, WEF, AIPAC and other criminal and stupid ORG or VIPs, will kill our finance and economic systems for all times and that by about 50 years, all nations will die from this stupid idea.

Believing in a market of fools without any State controls  (see below) was from the start a voyage to hell, of which all idiots of U.S. collective of commercial idiots, inclusive Mirowski, did not even guess one percent of the CRAZE.

QE  Quantitative Easing

The trick of Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen, Strauss-Kahn, Lagarde, Draghi and all note bankers of the globe in Japan, USA, Europe and China is to get GROWTH destroying the rest of resources of the Earth for killing the world Climate for all times to come.

But we do not see - thanks heaven - such growth, but instead some trillions of worthless Dollars or Yen or Yuan or Euro in the hands of criminal JEWS who get rich and richer, when this money takes out of the market worthless Bad Bank idiocies - like zero papers, namely State Bonds, ABS, CDO, CDS and other derivative SHIT in trillions in "values".

What is done in principle: Creating exploding DEBT BUBBLES worldwide for buying worthless papers and cash in computers. Today we are in a situation, where no God in Heaven could ever prevent either a gigantic INFLATION to come or the normal bankruptcy of Japan, China, USA and Europe, who are already dead today.

EMH Effizienzmarkt-Hypothese  (Hypothesis of efficient market)

We must know that the world is governed by DEMOCRAZY - or "Dictatorship of very dull Majorities". To believe such human shit could be calculated by dull professors and students in mathematics creating in the Name of the JEWS of AIPAC and WEF terrible papers of zero value by 200 trillion Dollars in total, still floating around the Earth, basing on a very dull Hypothesis of efficient Markets was a CRIME from the start.

The same reason how neoliberalism killed our climate and weather mechanics of the globe for all times, producing the complete breakdown of humanity until 2099, I could write in 15 books about the fact that stupidity cannot create a logic market to be calculated, but the greatest CHAOS ever, given in my book with the same title.

DSGE Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium

One of the greatest shit ever seen in my life, is the DSGE modell, also criticised after the debacle by our fine Philip Mirowski.

Under assumption that all Jews, bankers, the U.S. Parliament and U.S. governments and all idiotic politicians in power since 1950, have nothing but shit in their brains, it was simply the greatest World War tactic by the NDK and MPS, to take over the intellectual lead by Fed, IMF, ECB, WEF and AIPAC and to dictate to Russia, China, Japan, Germany, France and Switzerland and other 200 Countries on our world a DSGE equilibrium, which from the start was a theory leading all markets to hell for all times in the 21st Century, as explained by me in 3000 Editors Letters and 15 books.

Naomi Klein and her Shock Doctrine

Naomi Klein is a COW, spreading her shit of thinking at the Paris COP21. I listened to her talking yesterday. Although her book "Shock Doctrine" is not bad (see my critic of about 10 pages on the book), she still pretends that by little steps, we could prevent the 2 degrees warming facts on Earth and she is full of hope and optimism that we will get our World again under control.

This is big shit: Today, there is no force in the world to prevent the complete collapse of climate and weather mechanics, since trillions of tons of shit have for all times destroyed our geosphere. And there is no such thing as an increase in temperatures: The Effect of such poison given in the Air and Water since 1800 has brainsick results to increase and decrease the temperatures on Earth at the same time. The Effect of the transformation of trillions of energies into poison simply made, that the bubble over central Europa (all air of the globe) and of water over Spain (all water of the globe) is of a quality, killing automatically humanity in the 21st Century, as written around 1975 (point of no return) in my "ORAKEL 2099".

Occupy Movement

When the Occupy movement, some sort the contrary to the Tea Party, where stupid tax payers agree to the rich Class not paying any taxes and producing the finance collapse of all nations by debts, when Occupy came, I immediately brought my books to the Lindenhof above Zurich and asked the idiots, to give my knowledge about NEOLIBERALISM and the craze in finance, economics, culture, philosophies and geopolitics on to the members, talking German language.

Later on I took note, that not one person of Occupy, inclusive Susan George, Naomi Klein and other Shit were aware about the fine principles, Philip Mirowski is putting forward in his Book "Never let a serious Crisis go to Waste".

But as we can guess from my report here, not even this man took 10 percent of my arguments in my oeuvre up in his brains and much worse: He comes with his brightness, when all is over.

I had written my texts from 1975 to 2000 and predicted all Crimes and collapses to come, and not one editing company or media idiot of the world accepted just one of my texts.

Therefore, I can watch NOW, how all systems on this Earth go to hell:

First we shall see the idiocy of the ultimate financial CRASH by Jews of the neoliberal shit, then comes the complete breakdown of world economics, all accompanied by an increasing dullness and stupidity of the mass and elite on this globe, comes the final breakdown of all cultures of humans and by the end the total collapse of our climate and catastrophes of weather mechanics, gone out of any controls, that started in 1900 and by a vertical curve going to heaven, starting NOW the destruction of all human life within the next 50 to 100 years.

Still questions - idiots? Just go to hell.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on December 11, 2015