Does our World exist?

Is the World a Reality?

There are not many questions being right and important. Perhaps the one real questions of importance could be:

"Do we live in a World? Does our World exist? Do we understand where we are? Can humans know who they are?"

The answer is NO - for the following reasons:

1. The world is not in existence

Humans have a brain and this brain seems to explain that we are living in a world. And so we can admit that our reality is true:

It is true that there are stars in heaven. There is a sun. We are turning on a planet in 365 days around the sun and this provokes day and night and the 4 seasons.

And we can count the number of humans and animals and even trees on the globe. We can understand what history was to some extent, but in fact we understand not one simple chain of origins and effects.

We are completely unable to understand the universe, time, space, god, life and death and even biology. We are all living on the level of a rat, trying to understand what is the atom station living in it.

What we consider to be "existence" is a mess, a complete chaos, the great unknown - comparable to be standing in front of the highest building of the world and only seeing some sand corns.

In short, in the great deal, we know nothing at all, and it will be difficult to prove this FACT.

2. The relativity of human life

Human Life does not exist. It does only exist in the frame of a given time on Earth, to be expressed as some nano second of existence in history of the universe. In view of eternity and the billions of years of existence, we can impossibly understand anything of the world, when we are unable to understand the true mechanics going on in our short time of presence on the planet Earth.

It is clear that we can describe the existence of life for example for VIPs in history of "great persons", in fact of idiots, without getting for a second, what the real effect - of what those idiots did - were in time of their existence, but more important is naturally the true effect given on the future of human mankind.

Considering these deadly effects, we could pretend that never any person in existence in the last second of life, the 70000 years of human species, there lived any person of importance who would have got, what he or she were doing and what the consequences were ultimately - of what they brought in our world, they could never understand, being the shitty and unimportant rat in front of the AKW.

3. The understanding of "World" by humans

A true understanding of our "world" by humans is not existent. We may believe to understand to some extent, what is going on around us, in daily life only. But even this is a myth.

In fact, we never understood how decisions leading to the ultimate death of our existence would always have been Bananas, to say the proof for a complete stupidity in brains of humans, understanding nothing of nothing. No animal is such a great idiot and fool, as the human species. Would God exist, never he would have created such an stupid animal - and so only "evolution" could have been at the source of our human life.

But let's go into the matter further:

a. Discovery and Research

We have such a thing as arts and science. I do not know if such a matter is wanted by evolution or just a coincidence in the long train of evolution.

Fact is that by the end we had 10 billion of idiots on Earth, destroying in 200 years anything that was created before by an unknown matter as is our evolution.

We cannot understand our existence, when we do not know what are:

Time, Space, the universe, eternity, endlessness, biology and why there are matters like life and death. We do not even know what is a brain or an eye and not for quadrillions of Dollars, such things could be "produced" by science or industry.

b. Philosophies and Religions

Philosophies and religions produced humans that believe to be God themselves, to have all rights to produce a holocaust of animals, destroy our geosphere, our oceans, our climate, our existence and the one of humans, animals, plants and the Earth, such "science" cannot be understood as "sound and just".

In the name of false and idiotic philosophies (in my script "Das Buch der Kritiken" I have proven that all philosophies and rules in theories of economics were completely false and led to our self-destruction since the year 2000), all wars and torture and killing of life in the name of nations, ideologies, religions, were justified, in as much as humans were told to be GODS themselves, knowing all about "better life conditions", on the account of out-powering the globe and making money absolutely worthless and leaving nothing but debts, destroying capitalism for all times.

But worse were religions, the belief to have the right God and thus being entitled to pretend we have Jesuses, Mohameds, Popes and priests as representatives to be entitled for ordering the killing and burning and stoning billions of un-believers and atheists on this bubble in all times, stupid and worthless humans were convinced to know the right God in "Heaven".

Humans destroying a planet and millions of folks and trillions of animals and by the end their own basis of living, our Earth, are nuts and crazy and nothing else.

c. The Roles of the 99,99 percent

In a world of the existence of the 3 worlds:

- 1st world being the daily life of humans in an ideology of "what there is" in a flash of time on Earth, doing all the wrong things we read in media, learn by radio or TV and the craze of internet - and

- 2nd world being the one of Systems, dictating automatically the destruction of the finance industry, injustice of the masses and all rights for the powerful, debt industry ending in the irrevocable collapse of our neoliberalism and producing by automatism the idiocy of the 99,99 percent and leading into the 21st century - to the extinction of our species, such a "system" cannot be understood.

- 3rd world as explained above, the real world not understood, the one of the universe and of existence above the horizon of human intellectual forces.

The 99,99 percent are not paranoid, fools, extremely stupid, because they do not get the 3rd world. They are NUTS because they want by free will not understand the mechanics of the 2nd world of stupid systems, but in fact live in the 1st world like lemmings, idiots and animals without any instinct, only living from greed, cash, stupidity in daily life, pushing by free will and dictatorship of dull majorities some fine wrong importances and believing in any shit of politicians and scientists and book-writers with a horizon in intellect - functioning below any rat.

d. Complete ignorance of the Elite and their masses

People able to founding rotten things like WEF, IMF, note banks, parliaments, democrazy, CERN, IPCC and all arts and philosophies we have today - but understanding not one simple origin and the reasons for deathly effects of present times, all this, as reality and daily life has ultimately led to the utmost of ignorance.

It was the will of the stupid and powerful Elite with rotten University and Chicago Schools, to lead humans in a TRAP by masses, out of which will not reach any pass. Let's name some of the traps:

- Explosion in masses of folks - outpowering our globe - using up all resources and water reserves - destroying the climate and weather mechanics for all times - invention of stupid things like atom bombs, derivative cash junk, banks, capitalism, systems killing humans by automatism - believing in wars, torture, a holocaust of animals, technology ending with the complete crash in all matters - the mounting ignorance and dullness of the masses, having reached today a level of 99,99 percent of humans being completely NUTS and without instinct and never understanding, that their 1st world has come to an ultimate conclusion.

The reasons that not one word of this report here is understood by humans, is the actual proof for the incredible paranoia and schizophreny. All folks on a globe, not only in USA and China, all are living today in a craze of unknown existence.

4. The End of a Planet is the End of the World

Naturally, humans were able to kill all mechanics on this globe in a time of about 5000 years, whereby only the time of 1800 to 2100 can be understood as the result of 5000 years of thinking by stupid brains, when humans were made incapable to get the way of developments, when destroying a planet within a very short time, as soon as human masses were reaching a certain number of heads and a given level of technology and belief in our God of Cash and Debts.

And so the End of the planet Earth is not the end of the World at all, not even of our planet, but only the end of existence of a dirty APE of higher intellect, who used his capabilities and his brain to kill his own grounds of existence in a nano second of his dirty "being here".


Is there any solution to come out of the given situation?

Sorry to say: Around 1975 I wrote some books not issued at that time to instruct folks whereto their voyage in self-destruction would be going very fast and irrevocably.

About the year 2000, I recognized that the humans gave full gas into a development, where the way of self-destruction became an automatism without any chances to stop the craze.

Our situation today is such, that already since some time all nations are bankrupt, the banks have lead us into the misery where money does not make anymore any sense, the stupidity of folks have reached so high a level, so that it has become impossible to change the dirty views of Elite and their Masses in the years to come, when the ecologic situation, going out of water, resources, nourishment have reached a level, where whatever measures will be taken, they will increase the disaster more and more instead of bringing a possibility back to normal daily life for masses on the way to hell.

Already today, there are no ways out of misery:

The example of Greece, here alone in matters of finance, shows the way, other lands are far ahead, especially some USA, Japan, BRICS and the rest, and this is only given about our true misery in finance.

Much worse are the mechanics in matters of world economy, stupidity in intellect of normal human beings and finally the self-destruction by a climate and life-conditions on a planet, that will reach by automatism higher and higher forces of self-destruction, even if today all planes, cars, mega-towns and atom works would be stopped and be standing still. Humans went over the edge and loved it to fly.

The disaster is complete, since humans were not able to understand what "reality" has been - even worse, they did not even get what they did themselves on a tiny little bubble called Earth, a little paradise they destroyed within some 5000 years with absolute easiness and great pleasure.

Still some questions - idiot?

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on June 14, 2015