Are you suffering
from Burnout or a Depression?
Well, I have none of
them and am feeling fine. For some reasons-
If you have such a
psychological stress, just shout the following:
1. You are ALL great
2. I have only one
life and I want to feel fine!
4. I am responsible
for my psychological feeling. Only I count.
5. We are not living
in the best world, but I must accept what there is.
And in addition:
We must send an atom
bomb on Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, NSA and Amazon and the Silicon Valley, otherwise
we are the slaves of such shit our whole life in future.
Okay, take your lesson
and go to hell.
René Delavy - Berlin
and Bournemouth - written on March 25,
Important matters in Life
What is the "most important in LIFE"?
What is important in life?
When we ask the folks of soon 10 billion of heads, what for them would be the most important things in their lives, there would be as many answers as there would be texts to write:
Most folks would write, the most important could be:
- God, Jesus, religion, faith, the universe, the earth, nature, animals, water, human life, love, sex, the family, the own wife or the own children, good behaviour, culture of folks and nations, arts and literature, money, progress, growth, a job, a mission, health, having no wars, be nice together, have fun, have digital Silicon Valley, have a future, have travels by plane to any place in the world, huge mega-towns, all our infrastructure, politics, science, economics, dynamite prize idiots, bankers, richness, Ferrari, Apple, Facebook, Formula One, sports, Olympic medals, happiness and so on and on and on.
There are 10000 matters to find being the most important matter in life.
But unfortunately all this is wrong, stupid, basing on a lousy stupidity of 99,99 percent of folks without any brains, short before the global CRASH in finance, economics, culture, stupidity and the terrible collapse in environment and climate.
And all this will not happen in our future. It happened already, but it requires some time to recognize the FACTS.
Collapse of World Conditions
According to the scripts of Delavy, we could know that some time ago, all nations, all currencies, all towns, all conditions of life went down to hell.
Let's first concentrate on Time:
Swissair, Enron, IOS, Argentina, China, USA, all banks and currencies of the globe were bankrupt and worthless long-time before it became evident.
Today we have worldwide uncovered credits and debts, taken together all nations, towns, countries, rental systems, banks, insurance, dead infrastructure, private debts of all classes of together about 1000 Trillions of Dollars.
On the other side, we have fortunes and assets of zero value, when it comes to the crash of World Finance Industry and the evidence of all nations being dead and bankrupt since quite a long time.
All such fortunes like money, cash, bank accounts, insurance claims, rental systems, the value of currencies, of shares, of real estate, of arts and take what you want, would be zero.
With worthless Euro, Dollars, Yen, Yuan, Pound, SFR and other, you cannot even buy a worm.
As I have proven in my text "all banks are bankrupt" it is proven on the basis of "highest accounting rules" that since quite a long time, all banks, all nations, all conglomerates, all Chinese, U.S. idiots, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Indish folks, Brazil and Russia nationals and the rest are broken.
But as I said before, due to the stupidity of pragmatic 99,99 percent of idiots on Earth, people are not aware of the real facts and wait for the grounding to be pronounced by governments, to say the perpetrators, the Jews, the State Chiefs, the scientists and experts, who accepted capitalism, neoliberalism, all banks to play casino with all our savings and rents of the future.
The effect of the global Collapse of finances to come soon, will be in gravity 1000 times more of importance than the two World Wars including 9-11 and IS.
But it is clear that you won't get the point, because pragmatic thinking accepts any Status quo of death. This is natural.
The effects to come
Useless to say, that the global money CRASH just is the starting line of a complete human catastrophe in the 21st Century.
Now, think of it: When the finance industry collapses, followed by the breakdown of China, India, USA, Africa and the rest, there will come up some other ignored FACTS to your conscience:
- We have no cash, no sand, no resources to rebuild all mega-towns, all infrastructure and to maintain, what idiots had built since 1800 to today.
- We have used up all major resources of the globe, transformed in poison to kill the oceans, lands, water reserve, possibility to nourish some 10 billion of idiots.
- We have accepted the stupidity and enfeeblement of mind for wide over 99 percent of folks on Earth, by simply believing that the destruction of a planet, of our climate, of environment and of cash could be corrected by idiots, having accepted Systems to realize this CRAZE.
- We have in front of us not only the complete breakdown of world economics, but further there are no corrections in sight, no Plan B, no possibility to change one little bit on the coming CRASH of life conditions.
The Crimes of Media
All media today explain what happens on a daily basis in any kind of matters on this globe.
However, they never mention the holocaust of animals, the terrible fact that each day thousands of folks are tortured to death, any day the destruction of the Earth goes on and water and air and our complete geosphere is destroyed.
There is no notion about the crime of credits uncovered and wrong statistics and the crimes of the Jews on Wall Street, City of London, the WEF disaster, the fact that no expert, no president, no CEO, no NGO and no Dynamite Prize idiot ever got to what extent our systems of neoliberalism, of casino-banking, of central bankers hiding the collapse of nations by billions of cash and plastic in the oceans and the fact, that nobody ever was able to describe the effects of the complete climate collapse to come with terrible droughts, floods, super-storms and monster waves in oceans.
It might well be that after the CRASH of finance and economics, the elements of crime, the tax-free class of rich idiots, will be eliminated by the masses having been the victims of the richness of fools, but this is only the peak of the iceberg.
With each environment catastrophe to be exploding in the 21st Century, there might be great number of survivors, but only for some time.
Why is this a quality of Life?
Already the fact having no money at disposal and such being complete lost in modern life, may show to great percentages of humans, to what extent our Status quo was a catastrophe and sense of life will go towards zero.
But when in addition come one by one disaster of weather mechanics, missing resources, missing water, towns and infrastructures going down the drain and revolts killing our Elite, there is little hope to change whatever to our fine Status quo, wanted by all idiotic philosophers, thinkers, Jews, bankers and theorists in economics of past history.
During the time since 1975, when Delavy warned in writing about the coming effects of our crimes, all editing companies of Germany and Switzerland rejected my books and editors letters were ignored.
And even the editors having issued the books against payment, were so stupid to declare, that such SHIT could never have success with their "dear public" wanting to read positive matters, lots about good feelings, nice stories, sex, crime, wars and a future to be glorious in any respect of stupid people able to think on lowest IQ level ever possible.
Should we prevent the FACTS?
No, there is the reason for my highest quality of Life:
- Whereas "normal folks" think to have quality in travelling, buying a car or a house, fucking some nice ladies or as woman to marry a stupid rich idiot... - I realized during this time that the highest quality in life could be to "read the World-Theatre" in full, predict the coming disasters and to have great fun in success, to say in seeing how any argument of my books was fulfilled in coming catastrophes and such not being the idiot, my other idiots believed to know.
In addition I could decide to whom to talk, to whom to write, whom to accept, to like the right persons and animals, mainly dogs, and to take profit of whatever was free of charge in life:
- nature, animals, lakes, oceans, mountains, wandering around, having travels, having best food and wine and roses, good sex, best views on lakes or mountains, the pleasure of writing books and editors letters, getting on the nerves of stupid media and folks and having the pleasure since 1975, to see all my predictions becoming true - one by one.
During this time, the survivors of the future will be confronted with next catastrophe of any kind, in finances, jobs, economics, missing rents, all savings killed by Jews, having stupid politicians, congresses without any value, professors and experts with shit in their heads and no future for our children anymore.
Good programme, indeed.
Why did I never commit suicide in knowing about FACTS?
Well, there is no sense it stopping the craze after birth, for which I did not ask for. Once I recognized the truth about all crimes in all banks, nations, conglomerates and congresses, I started to become interested and what could be of more interest than writing the truth about our terrifying Status quo, not understood by 99,99 percent of folks and media?
A normal man must be able to accept the world as it is, there is no other choice. The crimes on humans, animals, nature take place, if I want them to happen or not. The responsibility lies on those having today the power and the cash, before around 2020 all banks and nations go down into bankruptcy on global scale.
The Status quo is marvellous - for animals
We have built since 5000 years the present Status quo as described above.
It is not the fault of nature or animals, when humans by reaching highest knowledge in techniques and cash and science, destroyed themselves in the 21st Century.
They had the choice to build with about 100 million of folks a paradise on Earth and being nice to nature and animals and the future, without wars, torture, religion, a stupid God or Allah, fine Sharia and Burka and other shit of our popes and presidents of highest shit in mind.
We had the choice, but according to my "Das Buch der Kritiken" it is proven that all inventors, all engineers, all philosophers, all theorists in economics and cash wanted this final result of self-extermination.
To feel sorry about FACTS and Truth, is about the most stupid thing I could think of.
We have now this terrible Status quo of Fools never more to be influenced positively, and during reading in media worthless crap about persons and parties to win elections in a system tumbling to hell by automatism, I try to have a nice living as long as it gets.
Got it?
René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth
written on September 11, 2016