Economy World-Crash

The big economic World-Crash

Under the German title of "Das Gegenteil ist wahr" (The Contrary is true) I wrote one of my most important texts ever, to demonstrate the situation of humanity around 2000 in finances, economics, politics, culture and ecology.

I wish to demonstrate the facts on the basis of a given U.S. Company in the IT business which stands for all companies of the world and demonstrates just one facet of the craziness of the given human systems, leading right away to hell, without one simple brain worldwide being aware about the happenings of complete idiotic systems, gone completely out of control.

The points of the German article were:

1. Progress = Retrogression

2. Technology = Voyage into one great Catastrophe

3. Cash = Triumph of Illusions

4. Democrazy = Dictatorship of dull Majorities

5. Globalisation = Idiocy out of Autonomy

6. Freedom = Prison of limited Thinking

7. Atom = Doom by exceeding any limits

8. God or Religion = Imagination of Esoterics for the Masses

9. Philosophy = Behaviourism of the Idiot is all we have

10. Intellect = Brainless attitudes of a given Species

11. Ethics = Maxims of dull VIPs to assure their Power

12. Conclusions based on the given theories

Without repeating just one of the theories, which anyway must be translated by other folks, I wish to demonstrate on the idea of a given Word-Company in IT, what these facts and systems may be.

1. Progress = Retrogression

Any normal person would say that the invention of the computer or the internet is progress. Yes, it is a machine to make money, for the Shareholders indeed. But it is known that such a company would not even deliver taxes on one per cent of profits worldwide. This is not really a catastrophe, just adds to the deficits of USA and other lands and brings all States into bankruptcy very soon.

Worse is the fact that the technology of computers and IT must have driven humanity into Retrogression, faster than any invention before. It made criminality explode, destroyed the finance world faster, gave idiotic possibilities to the mass-folks like Searching Machines, Security Devices, Facebook, Wikipedia, Twitter, Killer games and decreasing intellect in all brains of all humans of the Globe - even of mine. But what this point really means will be clear when reading on the other points.

There are expressions of the Devil, and since all humans are the best friends of the devil, they judge high such idiocy as: Profit, Growth, Competition, Stock Exchange, Shareholder Value, Derivatives and the Shit-in-Brains with all Politicians by Pragmatism. Humans are more stupid than any Ape or Dog - and don't know due to missing instinct.

2. Technology - Voyage into Disaster

For blinded folks this point is impossible to be explained: Any invention of humans, be it the wheel, the car, the motor, electricity, planes, atom works, computers or internet just gave an immense PUSH in direction of exhaustion of a planet, allowing the destruction of resources and transforming them alone with the aim to destroy our Geosphere for all times.

What seems to be clear with atom works or with one billion of cars or 100000 or planes, is a little bit difficult with computers and internet. Considering the fact that the world was dead and out around the year 2000 and only had to live for another 100 years before being massacred by itself, the computer and internet just accelerated the Craze of Progress = Retrocession into a line, which made computers and internet to the Nail of the coffin for humanity.

And so as a fine result of  the Elite of stupidity with cash, we now let crash us by all those computers plus the internet of Google, Apple, Facebook and the rest. Result: humanity will crash in finances, economics, idiocy of Growth and self-destructive "Progress" - within the next 20 years - and never come out of the trap, the Orwell world in favour of idiot black Niggers and Jews of USA having become true and the New Chinese are even duller.

3. Cash = Triumph of Illusions

Take this one big world-wide IT conglomerate paying no taxes and being governed by greedy idiotic Jews not killed by Hitler in Auschwitz and masses of experts, accountants and governments for the Rich Class, having made stupid the rest. This remark is necessary to bring relativity in human history on one side, and because it is true on the other. Hitler was an idiot, and so are the Jews.

Now, around the year 2000 under neoliberalism invented by the AIPAC wonders, all goes about CASH and profits and growth and nothing else. Beside the fact that any new invention will be taken over by the most cheap land, be it China or India, in production or application, making out of normal folks just slaves, the triumph of humanity with computers or internet never was natural richness, but illusions about possibilities ending in disaster, in order to bring humanity at the edge of feasibilities, in other words, to kill humanity faster than ever before, to be dead by 2099 at the latest. The time before 2000 was just the start ramp for the Nigger Drone, killing Humanity from 2013 to 2050.

The gay homo JM Keynes said it: "At length we are all dead" - because this shit of man never had children. And so he invented the bankruptcy of States to cover the finance Jews' crimes - and Milton Friedman forbid nations the control of Jews in London, New York and in the White House of Washington, where low quality of intellect was the major program of Democrats, Republicans and Niggers, when White bring one million Blacks into jail for nothing, for their own crimes of Jews.

Somehow difficult to be understood, but only for those idiots who never read my books about the complete downfall of the human species - from 1900 to 2099.

4. Democrazy = Dictatorship of dull Majorities (Orakel 1995)

It is said that Computer business and Internet shit would be controlled by Democrazy, when in fact Demo-crazy does not even control itself, because it is the theory that the most dull factor of the Globe, the masses of average majorities are always right in destroying a planet within 100 years by Cash, Technology and Mass explosion of folks from 2 billion to 10 billion, without any Plan B.

And so to believe not the intellectual geniuses like Delavy would be right in judging the "World-Theatre", it is funny enough to wait for the idiots of Demo-Crazy in Egypt, Syria, Iran, North Korea, USA, Spain or Hitler-Germany to tell our Gods around Allah, how a rotten planet in its end-stage should be driven to hell, without any PLAN B in reserve.

When nobody can have control on the idiocy of Computerization about our Internet-Freaking, we finally got the great idiocy of missing State-Controls under Karl Popper and Milton Friedman, say Chicago School - and naturally the very, very dull Majorities of masses. The result is known: Bankruptcy of all nations and their Jewish bankers.

5. Globalisation = Idiocy out of Autonomy

It seemed that Globalisation would be a great idea: Let products being produced where it is most cheap, where the Chinese and Indian slavery habits, and the industry of USA, England, Italy, Africa and Brazil will not be destroyed. Any child could have foreseen that the contrary would going to happen.

And then the idiotic Freaks around Ronald, Thatcher, Greenspan, the Jews of Wall Street and City of London and Zurich Bahnhofstrass of WEF Davos were so happy to replace industry by the given finance industry of derivative JUNK, like ABS, CDO or CDS and deficit spending of State and still pretending today, this would bring wellness, Swissness, happiness and coolness in the world, when in fact it brought the very normal bankruptcy over USA, Europe, China and all the rest - and there is no plan or solution out of the complete downfall of globalisation by idiots without brains, under control of AIPAC and the Chinese Junk of intellect.

I wrote in PLADESNIEKANT that solely national autonomy or austerity could help to overcome the future collapses to come - or the abolishment of nations, banks, capitalism and the massacre on the Elite of dull and tax-free Skunks.

6. Freedom = Prison of limited Thinking

Freedom - not only for our IT Shit - has never existed. Freedom never was foreseen by nature and if at all, it was the privilege for the Few Criminals on this bloody bubble. And so, it was always the freedom of the Rich Class, covered by the Class of Power, to say rotten Politicians, to have all privileges and tax-freedom on legalized basis, driven to highest ARTS in Switzerland and other tax paradises wanted by 200 nations driven by the upper Class to be killed soon.

But this is only a little Sideway: The major thing was that the non-existent Middle Class (it was only an illusion from 1960 to 2000) and even more the Poor (soon being 99 per cent of humanity) never had any freedom, but only a prison of limited thinking, dictated by Popes, by U.S. Presidents, by prime ministers and all Berlusconis of the globe, those characters without ethics and morals.

In all times since Adam and Eve, there was only freedom for masses to be killed in wars, to be tortured to death by those having power and to work like slaves and by the end being dead or stolen by rotten IT Freaks, promising a better world, when it destroyed in fact all brains of children, of adults and of the poor - and even the idiotic "geniuses" of Dynamite Prizing fell into this TRAP, because intellect is very, very, very seldom.

7. Atom = Doom by exceeding any limits

When the Jew Einstein together with other Jews around Oppenheimer escaping Auschwitz found for Empire of cynical USA some atom bomb, this was not Hiroshima or Nagasaki, it was the beginning of the end of technologic era of idiots, called Homo idioticus.

Atom bombs, rockets or works are just a sign whereto idiocy leads, when JUNK of humans lead the world in favour of 10 billion of other idiots, believing in wonders and religions and books of lies, media of Murdoch and Berlusconi and worse.

Let's face it: Long time ago, our planet could have been several times destroyed by a Third atomic World War. By coincidence, God (to say Delavy) prevented it by some wonder, being simply coincidence of the moment, since under Ronald, the Soviet Generals had the finger on the button.

No, atom wonders are not the nail to the human coffin, only one of the nice human possibilities, in addition to the esoteric bomb, the ecology bomb of self-destruction, the end of resources and the rottening of towns, infrastructures of 1000 trillion Dollars worldwide not to be renewed, plus the illusion that banks and of insurance companies or IT Freaking, all such low thinking would be of some higher value, when all this shit started in 1900 to destroy our planet Earth for all times to come, effective mainly from 2000 to 2099.

And so the invention of Atom by Einstein and other dirty Jews and Niggers, was a wanted act of self-destruction, allowed by Popes of all religions, by Politicians and those having the Power for tax-free profits to be stolen from the Poor masses.

8. God or Religion = Imagination of Esoterics for the Masses

Any person could know that God or Allah or other idiots never were in existence ever. And if yes, these assholes never ever protected the Poor from the idiocies of the Rich, powerful and religious Class of idiots.

There is no need of having a creator of an unknown universe, of which we shall never understand just one per cent of facts. But humans had the gift of a paradise, to say the planet Earth, and this planet was killed within 200 years totally and for all times, and still the Crooks of Media, of politics, of philosophy and rotten Literature tell us, that such an assumption would be pure idiocy - and this goes even in times of accelerated bankruptcy of all systems, humans had ever created, shouting towards the end a last time: "We are living in the Best of Worlds possible".

Imagine: All resources and energies gone, the climate and weather-machine collapsing for all times to come, humans more stupid than ever in history, IT firms with shit-in-brains telling wonders about children being made dull, bankers making the last Cash and profits before all currencies tumbling to hell, because the belief in cash will get lost before 2025 and leave paper currencies - and still talking of the "Best of possible Worlds" - this is CRAZE and nothing else. Religion and Esoterics were the means to bring humans of shit, right forward in this generals state of eternal dullness - but those having the final cash, before being worthless, still lie to the 99 per cent before being massacred.

9. Philosophy = Behaviourism of the Idiot is all we have

Philosophy never existed, except the one of Delavy. On the edge we could name perhaps JJ Rousseau, Camus, Bertrand Russell and the Old Greeks, but for the rest it was big Shit of Nothing. The intellectual world accepted all idiocies of philosophers because it was in line with their own idiocy of thinking. From Descartes up to Habermas, one big stupidity of thinking within the frame of deadly human illusions, leading to the killing one planet: "Humans are Gods - the planet Earth pure shit of mind".

You don't believe me? Let's face it - never philosophy explained the world, the origins and effects of human systems, the idiocy about religion and culture, of literature being a repetition of shit about Hollywood feelings in all times since Adam and Eve.

Worse, philosophy was proven by my books to have been just one thing: A lecture about history of philosophies itself - plus pure human behaviourism of idiots.

Take out IT Firms of rotten USA and check what they do: They want allow all idiots of the globe to be philosophers in total control of information. But explain to a worm how an atom power station would function and you know what I mean. Humans who have shit in their brains, can do nothing with the billions of infos given in the NET.

No, it's worse: When systems made by humans, such as Cash-World, a world of technology, socialism, capitalism, neoliberalism and Tea Party are the major wisdom of humans, the systems are self-destructing and behaviourism and feelings and literature and culture and all the rest can change nothing around the complete downfall to hell of humanity.

Whatever dirty Nigger would be in the White House, Pope of Rome, Allah-damned priest in Islamism or CEO in Technology of any IT firm - they know nothing, they have shit in their brains, they are blinded and the systems themselves lead all of lands over the abyss and forget any influence of parties of politicians, they just are administrating and accelerating the Craze of downfall - and nothing else. Systems are the macrocosm of abstraction - the idiocy of pragmatism was just a lie of Tax Fraud Skunks to blind those being financing the downfall of USA, Europe, China and the rest.

10. Intellect = Brainless attitudes of a given Species

Which intellect? The one of Delavy? Ah no? Your bright brain might have better sorts of intellect? Let's make a choice...

Okay - I pay you right away one million of Dollars if you give me the name of just one person on the globe of intellect. Let's pass through some of our greatest very Important Idiots:

- Einstein brought atom bomb, Mandela sold South Africa to London Jews and left the Niggers in misery, Gandhi told the poor to keep passive when tortured and killed by the Pinochets of the globe, the Nigger Obama continued GW Bush politics, the dirty WEF-Jews of philosophy brought the idea of planet-destructing finance instruments, the brainless Copy-Chinese and Japanese just brought slavery in the industry for cheap destruction of the last resources of a globe, the scientists brought rotten oceans and lands and original woods, plus infrastructure going into pieces just now and State going into bankruptcy before the year 2025 will have come.

Highest Culture in Literature and Arts? Forget it, low intellectual-culture is just showing today, how rotten the human world has become by now, without making one simple brain to be more intellectual. Books repeat the ever same shit about feelings, without explaining the true State of Affairs on this globe, the exception are the scripts of Delavy. And so if Hitler burnt all books by his NAZI, he was just not aware what he was doing, some goes for the gassing of Jews. The one was to destruct low intellect still above Nazi-brains - the other was to prevent the worldwide finance collapse and local Israel.

The World has gone nuts for all times, because it is more complex than the 99,999 per cent of dullness may think, but those scrap people are still able at least to manage a huge IT Company, destroying the rest of intellect on our Earth.

11. Ethics = Maxims of dull VIPs to assure their Power

Just don't think about the word of "Ethics" - my idiotic friends: You will never ever know what ethics mean. You don't even know what pragmatics mean, the greatest shit in human brains ever seen, being the adaptation to existing rotten systems of self-destruction. So don't talk to Delavy about your shitty "wisdom" about godly Ethics, idiot - just go to hell with wisdom for criminal Apes and burn some witches.

Ethics were an invention of those having the Cash and Power to govern all idiots of Poverty according to their schemes of making dull the majorities of IT skunks, to believe in computers, the internet, Bill Gates, the dirty Nigger Obama and in the Jews of WEF Davos, IMF, Worldbank, NGOs, G-20, rotten social congresses, ECB and other idiocy increasing the cash from millions to trillions, when the planet Earth was destroyed on purpose and leaving 10 billions of idiots without water, without food, without resources but on the contrary:

- With rotten not financable infrastructures, bankruptcy-States, banks too big to fail, geniuses without any brains and some Niggers following the shitty Whites, by politics killing us softly without leaving a trace, because all brains of the humans, at least to 99 per cent, were destroyed by technology, growth, feasibilities, rotten philosophies and religions - and the end came by "surprise" because it was forbidden by the Jews, to let explain the world by Delavy books.

But now you have this report, not one brain, being rotten and gone, will understand, because intellect had last been existing under the Old Greeks and a little bit left during the Era of "enlightenment" - but since the year 1900, there was not one brain ever, to understand the "world-theatre" as it was - except - you know by now - idiot.

12. Conclusions based on the given theories

What conclusion? Should I make an effort in view of those having destroyed my philosophy and my books? And for what good purpose when I wish the holocaust of animals and destruction of a paradise being stopped for all times to be replaced by death of the coming 25 billions of human deconstruction?

When I was younger, my illusions told me that I should help the Junk to come out of misery. But then came Popper, Friedman, Ronald, Thatcher, Bush, Obama, the Chinese and the mass idiots of the 99 per cent with their IT craze - and since, the only good conclusion can be, to see disappear such shitty Species of Homos and let them go away from the Universe as fast as ever possible. The God of the gods will never understand, why such shit as humans ever were in charge of the bubble called "Earth".

The funny thing for me was, to live in the period of time when the downfall in end of times happened and having had best of life-quality a human could dream of. When I recognized whereto the voyage of idiots would be going, I retired from giving advice to skunks and started to write books. It's a wonder I was able to keep my fortune under control and tried, not to be driven into the death machinery of those being responsible for human "freedom" and true craze.

And I was helped by the fact, that 99 per cent of humanity got completely idiotic, blind and shit-in-brains after 1960 and did not care about my literature. What I thought would be a personal catastrophe, proved to have been my saving, to live in peace without a stupid Rich and Powerful Class for advice, by asking me to help them in their massacre gaming, of - for example - some IT business, proving to have presented one last JUNK of mind - just for nothing, some last nail into the coffin of Humanity.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on July 7, 2013