Facebook Female Story - Sandberg

LEAN-IN idiocy of Jewish CEO Sheryl Facebook Sandberg

This Jewish girl works for FACEBOOK and has written some of the most idiotic books of my life.

Some other female idiot, journalist Bettina Weber in Zurich, wrote a positive critic about the book "Lean In - Success of Women", because this book would show how men AND women are responsible for women not having the same chances and careers in economics as men.

This is fact and somehow even true - but for completely other reasons than put forward by Sandberg and Weber:

The Crimes of the Women

Tages-Anzeiger shows the crimes of the women on the page 36 of March 28, 2013, some other facts, by coincidence on the same journal page as where the stupid critic of WEBER about Sandberg appeared:

- It shows how the experts and nerds of the internet, mainly FACEBOOK (an idea of Lady Sandberg?), find out about all characteristics of all consumers in the NET and uses that knowledge to their economic favour to make Jewish Cash for private firms of the richest junk, for our fine Wall Street and for the rotten Obama' politics.

In other words, the NERDS find with help of women like SANDBERG out, how stupid the billions of  consumer NERDS, men and women and children are, to destroy themselves plus their cash and savings, by giving for free all INFOS about their rotten lives.

And so was also done in criminal acts, by other Jewish women around Blythe Masters with her Wall Street invention of Morgan Bank, creating an ATOM BOMB around Jewish cripple Las Vegas Stock Exchanges, talking here of the derivative World built by Chicago School all around ABS, CDO and CDS found by Masters and other WEF Jews, destroying today - together with toxic STATE DEFICITS - the whole CAPITALISM until 2018 for sure.

Whenever women got political or cultural or economic POWER, they were worse in their behaviourism and works - than men. Behind each idiotic CEO or dictator or NGO or U.S. President stood a woman, being just as crazy as her husband or life friend. Sometimes or often, the women were even worse. And so, the powerful females destroyed our planet, our finances, our resources and our future just as much as men, but with the difference that women never understand what they are doing.

The Idiocy of Females

It is shown in the book of Sandberg and  the critic of Weber, that women would judge other women as being less interesting, less capable, less nice and more of blind mice than men - in the same position and having had the same career and being comparable in life. And so judge men the situation as well.

There is no wonder because it is an experience, any woman or man in lower position can make in all times:

Have a woman as CEO or as direct Chief and nothing will be logical about her behaviour. She would only look for HER interests and do, much worse than even men, about all, to destroy the company, the nations plus the finances - and this is so if the workers and employees and peasants would be men or women, because powerful women, especially Jewish women, are NUTS and without feelings for the needs of other inferior folks.

This is contrary to the general assumption, being the result of idiotic philosophies- the woman as the better human - just as any other theories about usefulness of U.S. presidents, bankers at Wall Street, scientists destroying our planet and writers not writing anything else than the same old and stupid book since 2000 years.

It is a little difficult to be understood, but the world is bound to die from stupidity, would it come from powerful and rich Men - or Women - there is only a difference in quality:

Women cannot guess what they do - Men guess but do it in spite of knowing better....

The whole Paranoia of "Femalism"

U.S. Political correctness ignores that half of the 7 billion of folks are PENIS carriers and the other half of the vagina hole carriers are not our holy Ghost, but some whores, whereas the men of the globe are not criminal violators in sex - but just the male party of the world, when at the same time, females as natural whores just think of sex and advantages brought by those, having responsibilities for the families of the world.

And therefore it is nuts to adore love stories of paranoid persons, with all artificial sexiness and the whole business of sexy films, porno, public relations and sexy books and advertisements - and at the same time pretend, the male part of the globe only are here to rape or violate women.

There are the real violators - but under the views of our Sandbergs and other Jewish female inventors of ABS, CDO and CDS, the women have taken over sexual intellectual power over the rest - and this must be one of the reasons, why Islamists put their females under towels and burqas, since somehow we have to find a new way - not the American one, to judge the real criminal deeds on women and men of the globe and not cheating by "political correctness" of U.S. highest dullness, leading by the end to convince the male part, that giving all rights to females in banks, internet and the WEF in Davos must have been their major idiocy in life-time.

A cripple World wanted by Women

The World wanted by Women is about the same as the world wanted by Pope FRANCIS and filmmaker MOORE or shit-president Obama bin Laden:

- People should behave better, have better families, more cash for work, better presidents and ministers, more of justice, more of equivalence, more of profits and growth and modernisms for all, more money and ideals for consumerism, less of factories breaking in pieces, more of Sharia democrazy in all lands of the globe - and then - and then - and then - oh great WONDER! - Humanity shall have a "Better world".

This is the behaviourism of all philosophers of all times and of the blind and stupid women on EARTH since Eve in the paradise, since Adam Smith, Jesus Christ, Mohammed and Ronald and GW Bush around Fukushima and Habermas.

Well, it is difficult to see what kind of world wanted the stupid female part of the world, but the part not able to think abstract wanted for sure:

- More of cash, more of chances, more of female CEOs and female Popes and female U.S. Presidents - plus for sure more Bankers and Jews at Wall Street. And most naturally: The founder of WEF in Davos should be known under Jew Klausine Mary Schwab, and the Blankfeins and Joe Ackermans of the world should be going in press by name of Sheryl Sandberg and Blythe Masters.

In fact, all women only wanted a kind family with happy lives, some happiness in sex, enough cash to consume, to travel around, with cars, planes, cruiser ships and atom rockets to make a "Better World" and never ever in whole human history - there was a female BRAIN capable to understand abstractedness in the Systems of MACROCOSM - in the End Game of human history - having started 1950 and being ended by 2050 on all fields you may think of.

The End of the Women and their rotten Mr. Doomsday's Fantasy-fictions

When even a CAT can see how the world, to say the planet and humanity, have come to their end and this happened in fact long time ago, in all fields of life, be it Finances, Economics, Geopolitics, Philosophies, Culture or Ecology, the masses may be wanting to look out for the reasons and perpetrators:

If they are clever and wise enough, they will not only look out for VIPs on the male side of science, politics, economy and philosophy, but also study the ROLE of the females in the absolute COLLAPSE in any field of human behaviourism and automatisms in the idiotic Systems of humans - such as Cash, capitalism, shareholder value, family life, truth about highest accounting of Delavy and the destruction of nations and the life-basis of a planet - and wonder, what women did to destroy our World from 1975 to 2025.

I am not going to repeat the Origins and Effects about human behaviourism in destroying a planet within less than 200 years as given in my books:

But I want never again hear that women were the "better humans", unfortunately being underpaid and undervalued and having more brains and better habits than our idiotic science world of rotten Men - got it?

A female world of wrong feelings and fast speaking any shit you want, is not better than the men one of wrong logics in science, finances and politics and any other fields of self-destruction.

How to translate the German word for "Weiber"? This is exactly, what women were - since Adam and Eve. And ask Sandberg and Masters and Weber, why fucking girls are of the nature, they are today and most probably were in the whole history since times, when Homo non-sapiens still was an Ape.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on March 29, 2013

And now read my new story "Meeting Mr. Doomsday in BELLAGIO"