Human Absurdity

Absurd and foolish World

Today I stood up and thought:

"It is senseless and absurd for all folks on Earth to wake up, to go to work and not to know for one second what they are doing. The whole day they know NOTHING and in the evening the 99 Precent go to bed and still know nothing."

Funny idea - isn't it?

My FATE was it to see the Craziness of Humanity from Child to old Age and still, all folks of the 99 Percent still tell and wrote me:

"Your texts are foolish and do harm to folks. Your literature and your editors' letters are full of lies. You should be brought to jail and taken out of humanity. You are dangerous and an irrelevant idiot."

My files are full of nasty texts from editing companies rejecting my 10 books, of feuilletonists sending back my books, of idiots of all sorts of media and else, to warn me not to continue with my scripts.

Now, the question is by far too dangerous and important, just to be left out of sight.

Again, not one Human worldwide would understand just 10 percent of his own reality, whereas I always understood the State of Affairs on this Globe. How come - what am I talking about?

First an explanation what Reality means

At the beginning of any year, I could not know what job I could have at the end of year. Not even being married or having a child or another dog could be known. In the MICROCOSM of daily life, I was like anybody else - I did not have the slightest Idea where my voyage of life would go to in the next future.

But this is normal for any person on the globe. We simply cannot see into the future.

But from child I knew, for sure and without a shadow of a doubt, what makes that I have not to change one sentence on 3000 Pages of Books and 5000 Pages of Letters - not one word of anything ever written:

I simply know that the Earth goes to hell, capitalism and neo-liberalism will break into peaces, the world of our technology, jobs, industry, tourism, Style of living under conditions of explosion of POPS cannot work and that by the end we have:

- rotten infrastructures, all banks and nations in bankruptcy, world economy in pieces, no clear water and nourishment anymore, the ecologic situation totally out of control - producing droughts and floods and storms like never before in explosion, a CRAZE of nature and the END of humanity in very short time - my supposition is today - by 2099.

And people stood up in the morning, got to work, fucked around, had children, made wars, invented further growth in craziness of techniques and science and did not know that the whole human SHIT just around 2000 was in free fall.

Second what VIPs and 99 Percent don't know

Obama stands up in the morning and has not the slightest idea. He does not know, as his experts and ministers, what is going on with USA and the world in total.

Same goes for Putin, Xi, Singh, Lula, Merkel, Cameron, Hollande, Berlusconi and Monti and the 7 Dwarfs of Berne plus all politicians of the whole world - they know nothing of MACROCOSM of our planet.

Same goes for all philosophers, all technique freaks, all internet idiots, all CEOs, all VIPs, all "normal" persons, men and women and children of the whole globe, they all know nothing of MACROCOSM.

Whereas I - like anybody - know not much of MICROCOSM - to say the daily life of all humans on Earth - I know practically all about the functioning of our Globe in the past, in the present and in the future.

There are zero chances to come to mend the CRIMES of the past, and this is valid for all VIPs mentioned and not-mentioned, they have no solution to any problem we have on Earth in its Free Fall NOW:

Third what stupidity of the 99 Percent will result in

It is sure that I will not explain in this Letter, what the reason for foolishness and absurdity in existence of 7 billion of idiots would be. You idiots could have read my books and interpret with some minimal IQ - and not shit in your brains - my reports, instead of writing about my "crimes" of making folks without intellect unsure about their future.

But in very short time and space, I can explain like in the books, what will happen in the next 100 years with our humanity, without anybody, including ME, to change anything to the FACTS:

1. The idiocy of a Cash World of the Junk-Jews of Wall Street and else, will result in the bankruptcy of all banks, of all States and all persons on Earth. This is a bank. Such systems, once globalised, could not have functioned otherwise, especially when Popper and Friedman and Greenspan and other Jews got free hand to destroy capitalism. I assume that by 2018 this supposition will be a fact.

2. The idiocy of technology, industry, exhausting a planet within 100 years with a U.S. Life style to be searched in all lands of the globe, the breakdown of all infrastructures, tourism, functioning of cheap production in China and India will end with the implosion of those nations, but in fact of World Economics in total. My assumption is it that this process will be evident and perhaps ended by 2025.

3. The idiocy of media, internet, schooling and universities basing of foolishness in minds of the 99 Percent will end in total craze. In other words, about 2035 all folks, already totally paranoid and schizophrenic and dull and blind today, will increase this process in a way that all folks will be under influence of total foolishness and absurdity (Demenz) by 2035 and VIPs, Elite and Masses shall not know what's going on around us on Earth.

4. The idiocy of Growth and Greed and having 7 to 10 billions of idiots on a small planet will make that soon, because of former politics, water will have got out in mega-towns, nourishment going down rapidly, the ecologic time bomb will have made collapse not only our climate, but above all the weather-machine of the globe, as predicted in my "ORAKEL 2099" and 1000 pages of justifications and logics in my books. It is not a problem of normal day-thinking, but of MASS LAWS, mathematics, accounting, logics and philosophy, according to my phrases:

- "Time will stand still after 2000 - and the line of catastrophes mount to heaven like a Wall"

- Macht x Dummheit = Selbstzerstörung (Power x Stupidity = Self-destruction)

- Masse x Irrsinn = Ende des Planeten (Mass x Craziness = End of our planet)

- Democrazy = Dictatorship of dull Majorities (worst System of government)

- U.S. Lifestyle will kill the whole planet, when globalisation will have functioned.

- The Delavy rules of "Highest accounting" proved:

a. In finances and bankruptcies, families function like small business (KMU), like big conglomerates, like banks too big to fail, like States as USA or Europe or China.

b. The fundamental rule of Capitalism is that by the end ALL are poor, the rich without any fortunes, middle class vanished, poverty of the globe basing on 99 percent - and not one important idiot or any expertise can understand what happened.

c. The Craze of debts does insure that all fortunes of any kind in 200 nations will tumble to hell, not in line, but in much wider sense as to be expected, the elimination of debts in trillions of dollars would let explode the richness of humans down to hell in any nation.

d. Accounting rules, like the idiocy of letting deficit spending finance the future of all societies, made it possible to Jews, bankers, politicians and totally foolish folks of the 99 percent, to come to a limit, where there are zero measures out of the TUNNEL.

e. Austerity would be just as deadly with Keynes, as are Growth programs with Popper and Krugman and Friedman. Nothing would go, all would let explode the Craze built up from 1960 to 2010.

It's logical, but not one person standing today up in his bed and going to work, understands what the idiotic folks could read in this report here.

And be dead-sure that Obama and Putin and Xi and all other idiots of politics know not more than their experts, the Dynamite-Shitheads, the professors, the philosophers, the CEOs and bankers and the other 99 Percent of lost idiots, living just NOW on this BUBBLE.

And to be sure to 100 percent of what I was talking about just now, is the relevant difference of ME and the REST - and this was so already when I was a Child.

And this is the very reason for my books being financed by a German billionaire, cheating like hell the whole world in taxes with help of Swiss government, Swiss lawyers, Swiss Tax authorities in Berne, Zug, Zürich etc. and the criminal Accounting Firms throughout our whole World.

And in fact, the financing of my books is comparable to the financing of the CRAZE of humanity into the desert of empty brains, systems that could never work and the fact that the jug goes to the well until it breaks to pieces - what is happing NOW - and by 2099 all will be gone.

Well - all gone - but not in fact the rotten planet, but for sure all VIPs and their 99 Percent, plus great part of animals and nature - but this in fact is a detail within MACROCOSM of the Universe as such….

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on November 26, 2012