Tsunamis of Self-Destruction

Tsunamis invented by human Mind


Until about 1990, the Book "10 Maximen zur Weiterexistenz" could have brought some relief to humanity about the fine Tsunamis to be mentioned below and described in the books "CHAOS" / "PLADESNIEKANT" and for example "Macht x Dummheit = Selbstzerstörung".

As it goes now, the situation is such:

- Whatever politics, science and economics do, the effects are destructive for following reasons.


Further Growth

The major reason for the complete breakdown of human systems is Growth. In other words:

- Explosion of Pops, growth in technology, progress, industry, destruction of a planet, exhaustion of resources and energy stuffs, of climate, of weather, of oceans, lands and all the rest, the planned destruction of a PLANET.

To say we need for saving the Euro or the Dollar more of the SAME, means to jump of WTC and shout on the way down: "Where is the second rocket to speed up the Fall?"

Growth in limited area like our Earth, in fields of finances, banks, national debts, bankruptcy of states etc. does not mean further profits, more taxes of the rich, who anyway will not pay their taxes in future -- and some other idiocy. More Growth means more Karl Popper, Milton Friedman, Greenspan, the dirty Jews of Wall Street, more Ronald and Thatcher and Pinochet, more of future tumbling of gigantic debt towers.

This is physics, this is accounting, this is logics, this is mathematics - based on a level about 10 times above the intellectual level of Dynamite Prize Idiots on our Globe.


When Nations and banks can prepare the downfall of finances for all times, we do not need a cut in deficit spending. What we need in USA, Greece, Japan, Europe etc. not to see all banks, pension funds, investments funds, insurance etc. going down the drain, are huge State Profits, to say Surplus, Exuberance - and this going on over 20 years at least.

Without such profits or surplus, the indebtedness towers will go to heaven with always higher interest spirals. The End is the destruction not of debts, but of the world fortune as such.

It is clear - by having no deficit spending to accelerate economics of Apes, the folks economics go down, also taxes and all the rest. But there is no other solution, except CUT of debts, destroying thus exactly to the same amount all fortunes and therefore it does not make any difference, if the losses are with Good or Bad Banks - a loss is a loss, not to be recovered by FED, IMF, Worldbank, ECB and ESM and other political Shit given by idiotic types like Obama, Putin, Merkel, Cameron, Hollande and other VIPs with shit in their brains.


Neo-liberalism according to Chicago School, applied in USA, Europe, Russia, India, China, Japan etc. led not to Lehman Brothers, but to 1000 Lehman Brothers all around the globe.

The fact of rating offices, hedge funds, investment banking, bonus bankers stealing the Cash of workers, the Rich not paying taxes, plus the trillions of Dollars in ABS, CDO and CDS and other rotten derivatives still in all banks and other organisations, killed the future of all finance possibilities already. - The PAST killed the FUTURE for all times.

According to "Highest Accounting of Delavy" (see some of my texts in the NET) there is no way out of this financial disaster, except writing off the whole shit and starting at ZERO again.

Capitalism and neo-liberalism are dead for all times, due to politics of USA, Arab States, Japan and stupid Europeans, when the CRAZE was taken over by the fools in Russia, China, India and Africa. Got that point?


More of the Same

Today's economics destroyed the future of all generations to come. The resources have become priceless and nobody knows. Technology and "PROGRESS" has not only killed the resources of a planet, but transformed it in deadly poison in all sorts in the air and water and soil, the geo-sphere, the oceans and in the heads of our youth, having become complete imbeciles as noted further down.

The Club of Rome - by far too late - showed the effect of limited possibilities, just at the moment, all systems of economics gave GAS to the MAX, with help of tumbling USA, and growing China and India. This was the starting sign, for how humanity will never again have the slightest chance to escape the complete implosion of all economic systems, invented by FOOLS like Adam Smith, Max Weber, von Hayek, Machiavelli, Descartes, Keynes, Marx, Friedman, Krugman, Soros and other god-damned JEWS of Wall Street.

Some other system

There have been the systems of Socialism and Marxism. They had been nothing else but a deviation of capitalism. Capitalism goes alone in favour of the richest Class. Socialism destroyed all lands plus resources plus energy etc. by the meaning, the folks and the Party should have the profit of self-destruction. Therefore, communism collapsed just 10 years ahead of capitalism. But the destruction of the second will have 20 times more destructive effect than the first one.

One other system could have been the "Zielgesellschaft" (Society by AIMS) of Delavy, but only to be implemented before reaching some 5 billion of idiots on Earth, and before all resources gone for ever, Climate destroyed for all times and Weather machinery out of order and not to be corrected by quadrillions of Euros or Dollars.

Some other System could be to be writing off Capitalism and replace it by a conservative system of protection of the planet, of oceans, of lands, of workers and employees - when killing the Master Class of dirty Elite of tax-free CROOKS, but such a revolution is not really what's intended by politics of the Pirates and Occupy. Therefore, the search for alternatives for capitalism may well start some day - without ever finding just ONE solution.


Internet and other electronics

The most stupid thing ever brought on this Earth was - aside the craze of technologies, such as cars, planes, cruiser chips, atom works and the politicians - our NET. Facebook and Zwitter and Google and other shit like iPhones or Smartphones will result in the highest criminality and destruction of intellect ever seen on Earth.

Wikipedia does not increase knowledge. Just to have terms for all, but not understanding one percent of the complete downfall of economics, finances, climate and humanity on a planet, is less of use than pissing in front of your house.

Assume that Hollande shits on the 14th of July in front of his Champs Elysee Parade. Thanks to TV and Internet you have the scandal in the world for all times, and it does not help let find Hollande some papers to get the shit in the basket. This is a synonym for what is going on with the incredibly stupid tooling with the human Internet. The Heap of Shit is there, the CRIMES exceeding the USE by the factor of TEN - and the explosion of the stupidity in the heads of Occupy, Pirates, ACTA, Politics and CEO and NGOs is a fact, not to be wiped out by LIES about the "usefulness" of an intelligence destruction machinery.

All the rest

The rest may be tourism, flying in 10000 planes all day and 1000'000'000 cars all day, when fuel goes out just now - and should be replaced by rotten electricity alternative, less damage for ecology, more damage in the balance of energy, considering all factors.

The rest is China and India just in Front of a terrible implosion wiping away both nations. USA since 1990 in free fall to hell and Europe on course of bankruptcy in all nations without any Plan B or C.

But all this is without any real interest in view of what comes NOW….



I said it - In times of building up huge debt towers and using up all resources given FOR FREE by the planet in favour of Jews, Bankers and tax-free SACKS, the nations fell into their bankruptcy situation by stupidity of politicians, scientists, philosophers, Elite and their Masses of Fools.

The crimes of the PAST dictate the FUTURE.

What is measured today in matters of ecologic damage in accelerating Climate catastrophes like droughts, water-floods, super-storms and monster-waves from storms in oceans, what is measured today, is the effect of self-destruction until 1960.

The self-destruction of 2050 will be the one of the behaviourism of humans until 2012 which means:

Oceans and Lands

- Oceans full of poison and plastic, all original forests gone, holocaust of animals completed, biodiversity in the basket, 10 billion of idiots without nourishment, water gone out of the ground - deserts growing from droughts. Plus all folks made completely nuts by FOX TV, Internet, TV-Media for fools and infotainment of the Best.

The Results of the PAST

There are fantastic Rules given in all of my literature:

- "times will stand still - and collapses of nature and else will mount to heaven"

- "democrazy = dictatorship of dull majorities" leading to utmost craziness of masses

- "pragmatism" = glorification of a totally crazy situation in the present State of Affairs

- "power x stupidity = self-destruction" (title of the 4th of my Books)

- "mass destruction x times = End of a planet and its humanity"

Now you may try to bring RELATIVITY in these descriptions by Dynamite Prize Idiots or Professors or experts or any other mental Shit.

I pay one million Dollars to any person, who can present one Shit-Head now, who would be able to present just ONE solution out of misery that would have a sound effect of one Tenth with regard to the future potential of self-destruction on our Planet - Friends.

Waiting for some idiots - but friends, don't bring again the shit-heads I have already destroyed in my books in the past. Bring some New proposals.

--- Waiting - still waiting - still waiting----

This is the present situation of Earth - all intellect killed for all times in the brains of exactly 7'144'896'011 heads - with a potential of 250 trillion Dollars of Debts to be written off…. what a fine Humanity my personal God was ready to make me as a GIFT during life-time - Allah damn it.


Until about 1990, the Book "10 Maxims for Continuation of Existence" could have brought some relief to humanity on the Tsunamis to be mentioned below and described in the books "CHAOS" / "PLADESNIEKANT" and for example "Power x Stupidity = Self-Destruction".

As it goes now, the situation is such:

Whatever politics, science and economics do, the effects are very funny - for reasons of:

- Tsunamis of Self-Destruction….

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on July 19, 2012