Is this the END?

Future and End of Humanity

You know what geniality is?

Geniality is when I write since 30 years texts of which not one word is a lie.

Geniality is when world media believe to be intelligent when being completely nuts.

Geniality is when those idiots believe to read here a text of a mad-gone genius.

Geniality is when a human species planned and put in effect their own downfall.

Now, let's start with geniality and have a big laugh:

Delavy's Ultimatum

Some days ago, I wrote an Ultimatum to all governments of the globe. Either they would come and ask for advice until December 31, 2012, or I leave them never again any chance. In a German text "Der Sinn von Ultimaten", I explained that it is in fact too late for such consultation, but still some smoothing in the terrifying Breakdown of a World be kicked in the bucket could be possible.

By 1975, the saving of a globe as paradise had been possible following the solutions of my books. By 1990, still some ways out of danger and  total misery could have been planned. By 2010, the child has fallen into the well. The question is about, HOW humanity will kick the bucket until 2099. But now let's go into more details.


Agriculture of Humanity is dead. Reasons: No ground water anymore, coming climate and weather collapse. Globalized terrible droughts. Gene-manipulations must bring pandemics of plants, animals and humans, Monoculture helps for petrol, but it kills the masses. Buying land out of China is just the same illusion, like the Higgs of CERN saving the world, when bringing a Black Hole. Never 7 to 10 billion can be nourished. Not even, if all stress of the globe would be put on nourishment. Whatever humans do, the facts with climate, water, droughts and explosion of POPS made the situation clear to go to hell in shortest period of times.


As written in many of my texts, Internet - like TV, modern education, wrong-turned brains of youth etc. - considering the fact that facebook, twitter, smartphones and other scrap kills the intellect of folks, the fact is: Global Crimes of the NET exceed the possible valuable effects of the net by the factor of 10. To be proud of Occupy and Pirates when all is free of charge and intellect does no longer pay, is more stupid than the theories of Friedman and Popper in neo-liberalism and the idiocies of Keynes about letting starve Nations instead of private industry.



Well, the killing of all Jews by Hitler in Auschwitz would not have helped. It is true that up to 90 percent, the Jews planned and effected the financial Downfall of the world over Wall Street. But even without the misery of Cash in rotten banks and hedge funds, the following facts about America should be known:

USA is the forerunner of killing all systems by capitalism. The fine neoliberalism just was the PEAK OIL disaster. China, Japan, Europe and South Korea etc. assisted USA to have deadly Deficit Spending of Ronald, Bush, Clinton, Obama. USA has overall indebtedness of 250 trillions of Dollars and is today completely bankrupt. USA is the most hated Nation apart Israel of the globe. USA has killed more of the planetary ecology than any other nation. Infrastructure of USA is rotten. The brains of Americans are full of shit. The downfall not only of finances, but also in economics, culture and ecology is a must and will be completed by 2025.


I wrote recently a text, explaining why Switzerland will be the poorest nation of this Globe by 2030. Every word was true, but I did not tell that instead of Switzerland could be said: Switzerland and the other 30 States of Europe.

I wrote since 20 years that the deficit spending politics in Europe - being benefitting or not of the misery of an EURO - shall lead to the same situation, as with the accounting in a family, KMU, huge conglomerate, bank too big to fail or the State USA. It is not a question if the real estate idiots of Spain, the Berlusconi Junk of Italy, the idiotic schemes in Greece, the finance business in Ireland, City of London and Frankfurt are taken - all must have led by automatism into a complete crash of finances.

It is funny to see that the DILEMMA between deadly Growth and deadly Austerity was explained in my Book CHAOS to the last detail long before 2000. What is going to be: Under the given circumstances, all deficits will explode, nations go down to misery, East Europe becoming dictatorships, south not finding ways, Germany must not even try taking the losses of other lands on their charge - Germany would have gone into bankruptcy also without the effects of South Europe and USA.

China and India

China was allowed to take away all industry and export power by cheap production from other lands. But now, China is going as well to implode like Japan before.

Fact is that the next millennium drought will kill China. If not they have: Real Estate bubble, export and nourishment implosion, bankruptcy of banks and nation, riots in the whole land, the poor massacring the rich and the 3000 of Beijing.

It's like with India - any overpops land of the globe is condemned by God, Allah and Buddha. Take it from Science or mathematics of simple logics and commonsense: It was a wonder, India and China did not implode BEFORE the world finance Crash. Americans may be dull to the max, the "rich" Chinese are duller. Dullest are Switzerland and Israel - the Swiss for the Tax Fraud and Israel for copying Hitler. The rest is a secret.

South America

Brazil may get some illusions with oil under oceans. What a crazy behaviour. Slums and crimes all over, original forests vanishing, monoculture like the idiots in Argentina, having no rights for the poor they killed in torture cellars under the dictate of U.S. congress some years ago, and still believing in a future. The ecologic collapse will hit South America like a giant hammer - the rest will be done by rotten politics of LULA and other French Frogs.


Africa has been brought to its end first by IMF and Worldbank - then continued by the greed of western conglomerates, false hopes with democracy bringing Sharia and finally selling the lands to China when steeling it from African peasants. What do you prefer? Kicking the bucket by missing water, climate collapse, financial bankruptcy, negroes killing some other negroes or Islamists - or simply the effects mentioned for Australia and Brazil?


This is a fine example like cash and idiocy in rotten brains of English prisoners functioned: A whole planet goes to hell: Using up and selling all mines, stinking to heaven, have no protection shield in OZON, then letting Chinese do the rest, have each year like the rest of the globe fast acceleration in water-floods and droughts and still believing in God, Christ, Maria and Al Qaida. Australia is the Aborigines Shit of the globe, as USA was the Red Indian Shit of the globe and Europe started to die, when believing in the Crimes of Religions, Popes, Hitler, Stalin, Thatcher, Blair, Kohl, Berlusconi, Merkel and Cameron inclusive the idiotic Hollande.

Anti-Semitism -  Anti-Feminism - Anti- Humanism

It may seem as if I was anti-semitic when writing that all Jews should have been killed in Auschwitz. Everybody can see that it is a provocation to make understand that the Jews in Israel and Wall Street provoked the Global Finance Crash, killing the Earth from the Money side. When political correctness counts more than truth, it is well done to see the Jews killing the rest of religious idiots.

It may seem as if I would not like women I fucked with greatest pleasure a life-time. The problem is that 100 percent of females cannot think in abstractedness, they are the arse creepers of VIPs and dictators, fully brainless consumers and only interested in bodies, faces and the cash of men. Don't forget that I wrote too that 99 percent of men can either think in abstractedness and are dull to the max. And the only really offense ever written, was about the stupidity of the ONE Percent of men and media, having shit in their brains and an ethic of apes - sorry animals - and are planning to kill softly a planet for all times to come.

The Ecologic Collapse

IPCC pretends we have a problem with 2 degrees over today's average temperature of the Globe? Bullshit: We have a climate collapse due to energetic overload of a planet, completed by the year 2000, still accelerated today for a long time with industry, consumerism of the masses, cars, planes, cruiser ships and all the rest inclusive the Craze of India and China.

Even if tomorrow all machinery would be stopped and all atomic works get rotten, humanity would not be killed by bankruptcies of nations or of banks, or the getting out of resources and oil, but simply by the ecologic crimes of the past, bringing all over millennium droughts, water-floods, super-storms and monster-waves in Oceans.

And if not - it made at least some fun to have written such FACTS in the year 1975 already in my ORAKEL 2099-- Still questions - Bullshit of Humans?

The Future and End of Humanity

This End will be achieved before the year 2099 - as I wrote in all of my texts since 1975.

When you want read the HISTORY of humanity from 1960 to 2099, you simply have to take just any book of mine and read 10 pages, on any pages you open, you can read the fate of a Species - got rotten and killed by itself from 1990 to 2099.

It is not my fault, but my geniality to have said and written, what the shit-in-brains of Dynamite Prize in the Red Cross, WEF in Davos, FED in Washington, UNO in New York, CERN in Geneva plus Club of Rome, IPCC and other NGO-shit would never have taken for granted. Geniality - forget it - you cannot even write the word properly.

Now pin this text over your Allah-damned computer and see, how your children are going to kick the bucket - and I still hope to levy my glass of Champagne on December 31, 2012, over my fine ULTIMATUM.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on July 6, 2012