Steve Forbes and WEF self-destruction

Steve Forbes and WEF State Deficit Explosion

30 years after Popper and Friedman, we still have complete idiots in the world preaching the CRAZE of some U.S. Chicago School for preventing the complete Breakdown of all Systems on Earth.

The famous American Steve Forbes Jr. had the courage to have a paranoid Speech at the Swiss Economic Forum of WEF at Interlaken yesterday.

He did what all American stupids around Obama would tell:

- Europe is in the terrible situation, because they would not lower State taxes. Further the costs of States must be shortened by all means. Then Growth must be achieved by programs of State financing, to say deficit spending according to Keynes, giving cash like hell to industry, commerce and banks. All currencies should take Gold again as an old standard. We must have full freedom of markets and banking and further States should not interfere in any sorts.

It was a full repetition of a Speech my friend Karl Popper had in Zurich around 1980.

It is clear that the Swiss and international crowd clapped hands and had ovations like hell for the most foolish man of USA with name of FORBES - apart Ronald, GW Bush, Greenspan, the Junk-Jews of Wall Street and some Obama Kings.

This text here  is to show, why State Deficits had to explode since 30 years and why there is no way out of the total Collapse of Capitalism and Neo-Liberalism.

Explosion of Costs

Assume the States would not be something odd not conceivable thing, but simple the total of 10 million of families and now see at the expenses:

Useful expenses

There are useful expenses like education, health care, infrastructure, State administration, some sorts of science keeping up the planet, food, water, energy supply etc.

Completely stupid expenses

Which are: Highest interest charges for State debts, costs for armies making wars, Police because crimes exploded through politics, costs for insurance because of Pops explosion, higher risks due to sick behaviourism, like in Greece some armies of officials highly paid, plus financing the bankers, the Jews and the bonuses in a complete superfluous business such as banks and hedge funds, exploding costs for insurance due to greater number of population and higher costs for lost real estates and  technology cost explosion and mending the destruction of a planet, plus cost explosion for nourishment and clear water and security on streets, traffic, internet and finally some anti-terrorism and the rest of Steve Forbes idiocies.

Implosion of Income

Any person or family knows that all will go into pieces if the costs exceed for a long term the total income of this family. This is exactly what happened with USA, Europe and in fact all States of the Globe:

- Lowering taxes in any respects, helping the rich class not to pay their taxes with help of Switzerland and all tax paradises, no taxes on heritage and on all profits of finance business and transactions, tax freedom in all sorts of securities and cash activities, prevent custom income against Cheap production out of China, planned exports deficits in trillions of Dollars, giving all State Cash to the rich private systems of capitalism and neo-liberalism.

In fact the whole planning of U.S. Republicans, of all right-wing parties of the Globe, of Tea Party, the whole shit around Chicago School, was to make explode all sorts of costs of State and at the same time prevent income for States and finally, even "rich" China is in fact broke and does not know and will implode like USA, Europe and India and all 200 nations on Earth.

Explosion of State indebtedness and bankruptcy of USA and Europe

The idiots around GW Bush and Obama, Blair and Cameron, Kohl and Merkel, Putin, Singh, Hu and Wen, idiotic Japanese and the whole rest of Skunks never could imagine, that letting explode useless costs and prevent income, must lead to a complete breakdown and bankruptcy of banks, of States and of all private business - and when this is the case, there are no counter actions possible.

- And then should be added the system of Interests rates made by Rating Offices, plus real estate and other BUBBLES by fools of Stock exchange, plus the effects of Pops explosion plus the final destruction of the planet, its resources, oceans, forests, water and land and climate and weather-machinery - and the end result is given in the year now of 2012.

The End of Capitalism and of the Globe

The finance collapse given today in USA and Europe and tomorrow in China, Japan, India and all the rest is logical and cannot be stopped or reversed. Growth kills the globe and austerity kills the finance world - this is the final DILEMMA.

But this is in fact not the bankruptcy of States, but the logical End of Capitalism and of a Cash World of nuts and dreamers - effected in times before 2010 and ending in a disaster until the year 2020.

However, again, the misery is not the finance collapse, but the idiocies of eternal GROWTH and making Cash with Cash and having planned coldly the given catastrophe in State business, private business, family business and intellectual destruction of the brains of 99 percent of world POPS.

The end of history of humans is not only basing on the collapse of first Socialism and then some years later of our fine U.S. capitalism.

The major reason for the end of history is the number of folks on Earth, the system of cash and technology, the destruction of resources, climate and a weather-machinery, producing from now on in accelerating manner some fine Millennium droughts, water deluges, super-storms - leading to further cost explosion and finally, the result will be that billions of folks will be killed within the next 100 years and there is no PLAN B - nowhere in our rotten World of a rotten Elite, VIPs and tax-free Rich Sacks, protected by politicians and media without just one gram of ETHICS.

And Media write each day new shit of mind and are blind to the max.

And this was good so, said my personal GOD:

- Whoever believes in Steve Forbes at a WEF in Interlaken instead of believing in the Books and Letters of Delavy, shall die a terrible death - before the year 2050 will have come.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on June 9, 2012