Responsibility of Media-World

or: Press, TV and Film-Industry keeping mankind blind and dull

This text here will prove beyond any doubt that for all times Media-World never came up to their responsibilities towards humanity - because Film, TV and Press just existed to keep the mass of folks blind and dull.

We will see if there was a PLAN behind - or just normal Stupidity of Elites and VIPs.

How come? Read this text and then start to think:

The media world in the past

In the past, people had the experience of telling verbally each other stories, about experiences, about life, about what happened before, about philosophy, about making function the world-machine in order to get food and water, arrange wars and torture, to let explode religions and their crimes and develop some sort of trade, consumption, voyages on foot, ships or on horses-back.

It was the eternal fight for power, richness, position and future conditions of life for our children. But most of the time, all what had to do with communication, was just for behaviourism and daily life.

It is true, a few geniuses made oeuvres for all times, but only in very limited fields of intellect, such as music, architecture, paintings, shadows of philosophies etc.

Then came the invention of PRINT and we got books about past history, about science, encyclopaedias, novels, writings about theories, philosophies, esoteric and religious destruction of mind about any assumed Gods and non-existent prophets and crimes based thereon.

What did they do - these books - before Press, Media, TV, Radio and Internet came?

Well they told stories about daily life, about human feelings, about the fate of humans, seldom about animals and nature as such, about science, they made work the procedures in techniques and explained inventions and they tried also to explain God and the functioning of all esoteric matters being done within our fine world-theatre.

But there was not one book - I repeat, not one book, telling the truth about reality, about the present overall State of affairs and the origins of things and the effects on the future of what was done in the past and during the present - wrong or right in view of future effects and results. This was so in the year 1450 and 1675 and 1945 and 2012.

All in media was just golden: Golden past, golden present, golden future. So the real purpose of books was to promise folks in all lands some future Lukrez or Habermas paradise on Earth, some "Best of all Worlds" possible, where individual freedom to do whatsoever only counts - no crisis, no stupidity and no END of a Species. - Even books of Orwell or Huxley were more of science-fiction than a true report about the origins of the catastrophes to come, based on the development of behaviourism in the past. Therefore, the fundamental lessons to stop any human Craze were never taken.

So, it is not a lie to say that not one book, not one novel, not one poem, not one philosophy and not one theory in economics or else, was telling to the elites and their masses the True State of Affaires about their present lives and conditions, all was kept apart of what was important for the outcome of the planet in future. And lies can and could only function, before mass-laws came into play since 1950.

And therefore it became worse with blindness and dullness of human mankind, the more power and technology humans tried to put into this World.

The modern media world with Press, TV, Film and Internet

a. What they did to keep all folks in all nations dull and blind

First came after the book our fine Press of Media. The purpose of the press, journals and newspapers, was to tell people, what's happening in a limited space of our world. Beyond this initial intent, never any sort of Media or Press ever came - the mind of humans stopped on the lowest possible level until this very day.

It is the fine opinion of the leaders in mind of the Globe, that Press and Media would have developed human intellect of mankind, for better understand the functioning of our global conditions - but the contrary was in fact the case.

The main purpose of media was to keep folks happy, to tell them optimistic stories in the name of the profiteurs and perpetrators, sensitive texts invented by editors and publishers with little brains. The result was therefore to keep all folks on Earth very dull and full of assumed "creative thinking" - when the small number, the few strong and rich persons could destroy all future of a Planet.

Due to dullness, in the meantime technology exploded, the mental gap between awareness and reality became a FACT, then due to lack of imaginative faculty there appeared the invention of cars, planes, engines, electricity, factories, machinery, electronics, sound and picture industry, rotten cash-world of banks, atom bombs and atom works and an explosion of folks from 2 to 8 billion in only 100 years. The outcome was frightening: Total explosion of a human world, in relation to all effects, followed by a normal spoiling and exhaustion of a planet within the same time, destruction of water, land, air, oceans, normality - preparing a collapse of climate, weather-machinery and all the rest.

Then came in midst of this very fast development of mind, much faster as development of humans' intellect going anyway in false directions, came first our RADIO, telling us stories about the functioning of the world without any sense in comments - just one big Bla-Bla-Bla, the whole day long. Telling in dullness that humans are what they are, is not wise explaining a reality behind pragmatism - not recognized by Elites and Masses.

Then came, to worsen the situation, the press of Murdoch, and I am naming here ALL Sun PRESS and Fox MEDIA of our globe without one exception, telling us lies on evident purpose and other big shit about our Condition humaine, during 365 days a year - and the dose of nonsense was increased during times.

But the worst came, when TV- and Film-Industry out of Hollywod and Bollywood were invented and driving all brains into an esoteric world of fantasy and bringing the 99 percent in total dependency of idiocy and paranoia. From now on, not only the words in press were lying, or the tones of our radios, but the picture of TV and Film allowed to a dull Elite, to increase the dose in making people also dull and blind to the max. It is not sure if it was intention - much more evident is the complete and not noticed idiocy of VIPs and scientists.

I wrote about the logics of intellect in my "8 Steps of Thoughts". Stupidity is not only the truth that folks are not understanding real facts and backgrounds, much worse is total human ignorance not recognized as such. Theories and systems not seized by the 99 Percent, cannot be explained to them in their paranoia, just by loudness of voice and a chaos in pictures. These measures always increased blindness and general stupidity.

Based on this logic, the whole day long with growing loudness of nothing, we were informed what "really" happened in the World - but never, absolutely never -- were given the real backgrounds and above all -- WHY! - why was done what was done - never such intellect was published in any sorts of scripts or tones. What we got instead:

- Good feelings all over, feminine touch of life, the beauty of human bodies, stupid stories about achievements, about animals and lands, showing the remainder of fine landscapes not yet destroyed, the eternal shit of the same was raining constantly on our heads, and all folks believed that "THIS" was the real STATE OF AFFAIRS of human life, of development on a given globe, of the sense of science, philosophy, economics, politics and culture. But never was explained, WHY it should be so, the blindly wanted and coming explosion of bubbles - but a golden future full of optimism was spread over our hollow heads by criminals with low intentions, even when all folks could have seen themselves the nearing End of the Story on Earth - if not made dull before.

All life being just a novel - to be optimized by a multitude of big LIES of almost no sense?

All has become human condition of the finest, and nothing was real origin and effects from a higher point of view. And the more the folks inclusive the Elites and VIPs got blind, the greater became the turmoil about nothing, an artificial world of feelings and behaviourism - put above the importance of unrecognized intellect.

On top came the last stroke, some shit-internet with Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter - and now humans could forget to become normal again. Girls were only looking at themselves and the chaps learned artificial killing - and all adults running now for Cash and Employment. And therefore, if the rest of the past was not sufficient, the humans were bound to kick the bucket full of shit and believing that the idiocies of the 99 percent would be - LIFE.

And what did the Film- and TV-Industries during all this time? They made us believe that God or Allah personally checked out all this shit of reality apparently in our favour, when poring out over our heads of funny APES an artificial science-fiction world, when Elites and rich Scrap not understanding one percent of our self-produced WORLD-THEATRE, only wanted maintain their privileges with the help of all Media.

b. Proofs for total Idiocy in World Media

I could mention 1000 examples of complete idiocy in World Media. I pay one million Dollars to any person that presents me just ONE newspaper or TV-Station of importance and truth:

1. Example: It is very important that Obama wins the US Presidency? This is idiocy: First, any person just continues the craze of GW Bush. Second, the Jews do what they want to destroy world finances. Third, the State USA is the forerunners in killing the world of finances, economy, culture and ecology. USA is responsible for the Finance Crash worldwide, for the ecologic disaster, for China and Israel and for the wars to come about resources and energy - a god-damn Crook of Drones.

2. Example: Humans have the choice of best investments guaranteeing high profits? This is idiocy: First, in a world where banks and nations tumble to hell, there are no great investments. Second, the profits on false basis were in the past killing our Globe. Third: The idea that Cash makes Happiness is one of the most stupid ideas ever written by Lukrez and Fukuyama.

3. Example: The Iran must be stopped in the interest of the Israelis? This is idiocy: First, the WW II-Jews belong to Germany and not Middle East. Second, the Jews had the atom bomb first and threaten now Arabia. Third, the Iran would be destroyed if sending just one missile. And since 1967, the Jews held 750000 Palestinians in prison and UN and USA applauded like hell. No land could behave as criminal without punishment - as Israel, due to Hitler.

4. Example: China is a rich state and the power of the 21st Century? This is idiocy: First, the same was said of USA and Japan, both are bankrupt now. Second, China has no water, no resources, not enough land and stands in front of a terrible implosion and riots. Third, China is overpopulated like India. No State can survive when having masses, no water, not enough nourishment and only zero papers in reserve. China has missed all chances with socialism and is now in its Free Fall with neo-liberalism.

5. Example: The "Scientists" around IPCC tell us that we "risk" having 2 Degree higher in 2100 and the climate-sceptics tell this to be a lie and it would not matter? Both are idiocies of the highest: First, if we really get a fine springtime in Canada, Russia and Scandinavia - it would be great. Second, we have an exponentially growing massacre to come with climate and weather collapses, killing humanity. Third, our scientific idiots measure the physical conditions, based on the year 1960 - the real disaster comes around 2035 - 3 times worse than today.

6. Example: To prevent the bankruptcy of USA and Europe we need further GROWTH? This is idiocy: First, growth was the reason for Crash in finance, economy, ecology and end of Humanity. Second, growth means further explosion of debts and deadly interest charges in all States. Third, the experts of economy had shit in their brains from Smith over Marx, von Hayek, Schumpeter, Keynes, Popper, Friedman, Habermas and Fukuyama inclusive Krugman, their brains must be massacred by their victims. When living during 50 years on cost of future generations, someone had to pay the bill by the End. It is presented NOW...

7. Example: Switzerland is the best and most democratic land in Europe? This is idiocy: First, Swiss became rich on Tax Fraud and Bank secrecy to the benefit of the richest fools of the world and detriment of all the Poor. Second, Switzerland is not a democrazy but a dictatorship of anti-EU Shit around Blocher. Third, Switzerland had the chance to get all big tax-fraud companies here what keeps down unemployment, due to low taxes and nature-born high life quality. The Swiss are just some better Jews of Wall Street.

I could extend these proofs to any field: Culture, Philosophy, Religion, Politics, Economics and Ecology etc. what I did in my books and Gazettes, but there is no point in continuing the listing. The idiots of media will never get the real point of relativity and reality. You cannot buy IQ and understanding models of thinking never applied.

c. What should have happened to let wake up the 7 billion in 2012? 

It certainly is hard work, to explain what should have happened not to let run humanity in its fate of self-destruction that never again can be cured or corrected.

But I had time over 10 books and 1200 editors' letters to get the CLUE of WHY all happened, what are the origins in the past, what is the reason for the CHAOS in the present, and what will be the end of Life in the near future.

From the start, the human machinery and development took wrong ways:

Read what should have happened: Instead of putting the humans in the middle of all interests and to say what marvellous possibilities of development that SKUNK would have, if technology, science-fiction, Cash procedures and eternal GROWTH would explode, until nothing was left on an exhausted planet due to the stupidity of human mind - our fine Press, Media, Radio, TV, Film-Industry should NOT have promised much of a paradise by techniques - and then keep nothing.

All they could to some extent do was to explain some happenings. But never the elites were able to explain the limits of the Globe and what was really "done" on Earth in destruction power - because the major part of truth was missed during 2000 years:

- We are not living just because we are at life. We are living because our Planet Earth allows us to live within some given and narrow limits and lots of reasonableness - and this principle is today more true, important and essential than for any times in the past, because we have reached since 1940 the End of the story. So from the start, since Adam and Eve, latest since the Old Greek or Old Romans, the interest of our platform of living, the Earth, should have had the overall LEAD above all other matters of "interest" - concerning our Condition humaine.

- We should never have developed the technological cash- and profit-world without asking the whole day long, what were the origins of our life condition, what was the present state of affairs, not in the restricted field of nations or even towns, but on the total planetary surface as such, and to see without dullness and blindness, whereto the TGV voyage into the future MUST lead, when we developed a crazy world out of millions of options - and choosing the worst of them all.

The truth is that not one simple Philosopher or Pope ever declared what's really going on around this planet. It was not done in books, not in media and press, not in radio, TV, films, internet - all became one big lie around a multitude of stupidities, our reality was pure "Behaviourism". Never there was just developed one simple line on the nature of true origins and logic effects - except in my books - which again is the reason, why I am the sole person on this globe to write these lines here about the fine effects of the past, the destructive situation of the present and the inevitable collapses in the future of 100 years to come...

- The Past

I was writing now for only 30 minutes (without time for coming corrections), and in fact all has become clear for humans, that became completely incompetent in reading valuable texts. With shit in the brains, never any man or woman could understand a true and irrevocable text.

And so I can tell you, that in the past there was a HUGE GAP between reality on the planet and the presentation of "reality of fools" in books, in press, in the media, in films and on TV. About the internet I better keep quiet, this NET being one big mass of fraud and crimes and stupidity, in fact the final nail to our coffin, tout court.  

Did it have a deadly effect, this GAP in intellect? - Sure, it made us blind for the reasons, why the daily life only produced bubbles towards the End. It became without any interest what person or party would become President or PM for the lead of rotten governments and parliaments. And also organisations and NGOs became duller each new day, in pretending they would arrange a better world and save humanity from themselves, when shouting at the same time for more cash and terrible growth of self-destruction.

- The Present

Very funny our Present: The Finance Industry in Free Fall due to the foreseeable crimes of the Jews on Wall Street, some fine and "great" China and "overpops" India before implosion, destroying the rest of energy, resources, water of our geo-sphere - when making us believe, that we go towards a golden future with 10 planets in reserve....

Press, Radio, Film, TV and Internet - just make a huge FUSS about the daily happenings, the catastrophes anybody can see himself without media, fuss about the great marriages and deaths of shit-in-brains, telling what WEF-Experts would tell us as lies and the situation worsening from day to day. No, it's even worse: WEF idiots and their bankers, Jews, and Obamas and Putins and other scrap do not tell LIES. They are so dull and blind, that they are not aware of FACTS - and so they even believe themselves in their own Lies and wanted Misery in reasoning.

We have 7 billion of idiots and lots of scientists and many Dynamite Prize winners. But what happens? None knows how to get on - we leave the finance and other CRISIS (which in fact is the breakdown of all Systems, leaving no future to idiots), we leave the world problems to stupid Elites, governed by stupid folks without knowledge - we trust in zero heads like Merkel, Cameron, Hollande, Monti, Obama, Putin, Hu and Wen, Singh, Lula, Gandhi, Mandela, Maria, Jesus, Mohammed, the Popes and Priests and their experts and naturally God - short, real and invented VIPs with nothing but Shit in their brains - any child knows better before made blind.

How come science knows nothing, less know theorists in economics and totally nothing know the Creme de la Creme in politics?

But media and press cannot see these facts. They have "Murdoch" brains in between their shit of business and the real State of Affairs on Earth. They make a fuss about human affairs, national and stock exchange conditions, cash and profits and US bankruptcy, but never in my life - never in my life, I could read or hear or see a text that would have explained the true reasons, the true origins and the effects of the present CHAOS on this globe - unless I read my own books and letters.

- The Future

The Future has all gone. What should have happened in the past to make wake up all folks on Earth about Reality and the true State of Affairs - today?

Well easy enough to reply: Not lying with gigantic figures, not lying about the future effects of stupid inventions and "achievements" in technology, seeing the disaster to come which can be explained to any child of 7 years, before it was made dull by schools and universities. The impossible is very easy to be predicted, if the world would not be full of wrong feelings, lies, wars, torture, interest of the tax-free richest Class and their Slaves, the industry of politics and media - possessing an average IQ of far below 50 - and leading Middle Class into misery and making explode the Poor over 90 percent.

Just one good example for blindness - just one: The invention of the CAR, driven by deadly poison.

This fine invention destroyed our atmosphere and energy of billions of years - and it was really seen at the beginning of what it was - a devils machine of idiocy. Then came the great industry in all countries, then competition in car production, then blindness in all respects, then greed of the tax-free Class, then the workers who wanted full employment, then the explosion of cars numbers to one billions of devils' machinery including China - and then the exhaustion of oil, gas, coal and all the rest.

You can see that I extended the question already on planes, cruiser ships, mass tourism, Chinese idiocy of coal and seldom earths, deadly industries and the fine electronic world, the only purpose of which was, to make folks even more idiotic, blind, dull and sick than ever before.

Under these conditions to talk of "Future" is just a Crime - by the year 2099 all will have gone.

Result and Conclusion on a rotten MEDIA-WORLD

The Result of past stupidity in all respects, is very easy to be foreseen

The concentration on female feelings and consumerism, to make happy by advertisements at least 50 percent of sexy humans, than the blindness towards male technology and wars, of a Jews' cash-world without any sense, lying about the coming bankruptcies of banks, nations and all savings of middle class and poor, producing the collapse of systems in nourishment, water supply, resulting in the exponential development of climate collapse where the idiots of IPCC measure today the effects of 1960, then as a result the coming explosion of millennium-droughts, water-floods, super-storms of any kind you may know and later to see some fine monster-waves going over oceans --- well, HOW would you expect to prevent the complete breakdown of all Systems on Earth and then a fine kicking the bucket of all humans?

I tell you some: You just should have asked in the past some WHY-Questions, asked for long and strong chains of origins and effects and wondered about the deadly result of human behaviourism, before resulting in WW I, WW II, torturing in Vietnam, Auschwitz, Rwanda, Chile, Argentina and all other lands. Then the most stupid state of all, USA, as forerunner of capitalism, a rotten system destroying any planet, for the rest of the globe, allowing all power to the free market and tax-free Jews on Wall Street, some fine advertisements about debt-industry with banks, nations, conglomerates and persons leaving one big CASINO of Las Vegas -- and then, then, then - some day - the Great Awakening in CRASHES could have come, without any PLAN B....

But Press, Murdoch Media (all media of the Globe), TV- und Film- and Internet-Industry prevented the development of brains, of realistic thinking, of reasonableness, when replaced by human optimism taken for God, plus models of wrong feasibilities and on top the cultivation of shit-in-brains like Ronald and Thatcher - and we are now wondering about the final result of such a SCRAP of humanity, running out of free will and full of stupidity into their own TRAP of SELF-DESTRUCTION.

I would keep my mouth shut if these rotten humans would not have rejected all of my books and editors letters. Then the TRUTH about the present State of Affairs will explode, I would rather not be one of the major perpetrators about this misery, of which the names are best known, and there are not only the Popes and other VIP persons mentioned in this text to be chased, but:

- today philosophers, today scientists, today writers, today editors, today politicians, today CEOs and NGOs and all the WEF SCRAP keeping the mass folks dull and happy, when the truth is given on these lines, however never given on to the most optimistic folks in the universe, having all done for a dead and rotten planet, now living on the residual reserves, just enough for survival for the next 20 years - idiots - how was it possible, such dullness and blindness?

Well, to write about Press, TV and Film is some FUN. But better would have been to be born in a normal Society on a normal Planet - without Lies and shit-in-brains taking themselves for VIPs. - Funny enough that I knew all about this effect around 1950 already, very young, very astonishing - and very normal already at the starting point of the given CRAZE, the greatest of it still to come....

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on May 8, 2012 

(This text here has been written in only 75 minutes, plus some 20 minutes for corrections and then the article can get in my Gazettes and per mail to the major blind Media of this rotten Globe...)

Finally I worked 3 hours on this text....