'Kiss of Death'

There is always a struggle between me and my girl-friend why humans treat themselves, the others, the animals and the planet the way they do. It gets on my nerves when hearing her tell, that all is being done for - CASH.

In my opinion, cash cannot be the sole and true reason. It's too small for what happens. There must be other facts as origin for the following events:

Why did it happen - for Cash?

- Why happened 9/11, why came some Arabs and bumped in 2 planes in two Skyscrapers in New York? Where had the terrorists found such hatred? What's the origin of what humans do?

- Why did all Popes of all religions burn witches alive for the interest of their Gods, when we do not know if a God exists? Was it fanatic religion and where does such craze come from?

- Why could Hitler convince a whole nation of culture to kill all the Jews, to start WW II and to start a mess that could have destroyed our planet?

- Why took the Jews revenge not on the Germans, but on all the Arabs, especially on the Palestinians? Why did they kill the British soldiers who were there in their interest? Why do they continue today in attacking the world with atom rockets and cash?

- Why did the USA attack Vietnam and kill 3 Mio. of folks without reason? Why did the U.S. let torture to death in South America great number of youth, allowed the Junk-Jews the greed on Wall Street, such making a mess in world finances without end? Just because of Cash? What could this cash be worth? Some "Kiss of Death"?

- Why did the capitalists develop measures in capitalism to kill first the world finances, then world economy, then world culture and the humanity as such? Was it just for greed and growth? And why should rotten Growth to kill the Earth be of some real use?

- Why did all humans explode in numbers and produce a holocaust on animals and nature and finally exhaust one planet? Just for the fun of collective suicide or for Cash?

- Why made Murdoch the whole Media world to get nuts and let editors writing shit about what happens on Earth - instead of explaining Reality? Just for Cash, just for profits, just for the pride of a hollow head without Ethics?

- Where did the hatred of Osama bin Laden come from and the one of Obama bin Barack to kill Americans in New York and else - respectively kill some fine Afghans and Iraqis for apparently no reasons at all?

Well, there must be answers, there must be reasons, there must be something true and intellectual - behind all of these effects. There must be reasons, why the males, especially the Islam males, despise all females - and the adults all children when killing their future basis of living since 1960. There must be upper reasons of God.

Forget it - it is much more simple - don't look back in anger.

All what happens is based on STUPIDITY

I think all of what happens is just a "Kiss of Death" from God.

Whenever my girl tells me that I should not be wondering about the behaviourism of philosophers, of Popes, of U.S. Presidents, of the Jews on Wall Street and Israel and any effects of killing our Planet -all would be based on CASH, as well as the easy wish to be richer than the rest, it must be said that there is some right to think in such terms of Cash or Capitalism.

But then I get always very sour about such restricted origins of terrible crimes and nonsense done by persons, organisations, banks, companies and nations - there must be a higher reason for seeing what happens with humanity since Adam and Eve.

And so I tell her each time, when she comes with her Cash-Argument:

Repeat - the Reason for human Crimes is - pure STUPIDITY

Sometimes I tell her that some matter is based on BLINDNESS. But blindness is given by GOD to humans, and since there is no GOD in heaven, to say in the darkness of an eternal frame of Times and within an endless Space, where Humanity would have been just a glimpse of the eyes, blindness is just the finest Excuse for the Popes and the Islamists and the Buddhists, to kill as many folks they can - but certainly not as real origin of the behaviourism of Humans.

When USA are on the edge of starting the final WW 3 against Ex-Soviet Union, just stopped by a decision taken by Russian Generals 5 seconds before pushing the button, during some idiotic manoeuvres in Poland of the NATO in 1983 under the lead of Ronald Reagan, there is nothing more to be mentioned - than coincidence within a frame of Stupidity - in fact a chance out of one hundred - a real Black Swan.

There certainly was no Cash, no God, no blindness - but pure stupidity that did not function this time to give our Globe the final "Kiss of Death".

But some years later, in 2006, it finally functioned - the end of humanity, when all of thinkable human STUPIDITY came together:

- The Jews had produced under neo-liberalism the final Finance Crash on Wall Street, bringing the whole finance business and Cash System of the Globe to tumble to hell.

- The Americans had convinced the Europeans and the Chinese to accept capitalism as sole concept of intellect - and so growth and greed could exhaust the planet from resources, energy and spoil the planet for good.

- The Bankers and Politicians could convince their pops to get in debts and build huge deficits and gigantic towers of indebtedness, financing all crimes of armies, infrastructures and mega-towns and finally, the nations started to crash in finances, economics, culture and worse in one big bankruptcy.

- The Gods, inclusive Allah and Buddha and Gandhi and Mandela convinced all humans on Earth to kill nature, resources, animals, water, climate, weather-machinery and humans themselves and the idiots on Earth did it, for what reason you believe?

Don't look twice, don't look out too far - the true reason is very near:

The reason for such "Kiss of Death" must be dullness, must be stupidity, accompanied by greed and growth and hollow brains in the heads of the 100 percent - minus ONE.

I shall never understand why Occupy and Pirates and Tea Party talk of the 99 Percent. There must be 100 percent, because the Craze is so evident, that not less than 100 percent must be paranoid and schizophrenic.

There can't be any other reason but human stupidity, since blindness given - by God - is too simple, and it further is impossible, since God does not exist - this idea is nothing but esoteric Shit of our Elites and useless Philosophers.

And it is exactly this Esoteric Shit that led finally to let become all humans dull and ready to believe they themselves would be little Gods and so they started to give our Planet a fine "Kiss of Death" - with Cash, Technology, Philosophy, Theories in Economics, greed of the Jews, fantasies of power and growth of the AMIS - and finally the craziness about democrazy for the dull masses and about human rights only for the richest tax-free Skunks and NGOs of a dying Planet.

Now, the present greatest Shit-in-Brains will come, to say today's philosophers of nothing - like Habermas, Levy, Fukuyama, Derrida, Huntington, Putin, Singh, Hu and Wen, Merkel and Obama inclusive Murdoch and Berlusconi and the rest of 1000 "philosophers of nuts" - and tell me that all of this is NUTS.

Well again - I pay to any person one million of Dollars in his hand, if he gives me a better reason for what happened since Jesus Christ to the year 2012 - a better reason than "human dullness and stupidity".

You know, such rotten VIP may with some effort be able to explain the difference of the two expressions, but never the true reasons for killing a planet including its humanity by suicide, if there would not have been on Earth some fine "Kiss of Death", not of God or Allah or Buddha, but of the Species of higher Apes themselves.

I am waiting - still waiting - you see, I told you.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on May 9, 2012