Dying Little Britain

England trying to survive

All started with Margaret Thatcher. And now England is dying and does not know.

But it is worse: Instead of England I could write USA, Europe and soon China and India, but to make understand what is going on, let's restrict to the deadly situation of Little Britain - England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Iceland and France.

Let's go:


England had a fine Commonwealth and a fine Industry in earlier times. Then they gave all rights to China, India, Germany and other Skunks and have now no export power anymore and a deficit in trade and commerce going up to hell.

Their education system is a crime, 50 percent of youth come out of School and cannot even properly have a shit. They could go in the Industry and learn a profession, but they prefer trying to become Rapper or Banker.

Thatcher started the Craze of Priority of the Cash-Business, Blair followed the Line and Cameron is the last hero of stupidity in this matter.

In the meantime, England does not like Europe or EU any longer and only want maintain all advantages of their rich bankers in their rotten City of London.

Money Crash

The whole world around the Junk-Jews of Wall Street under control of Popper, Friedman, Greenspan, Ronald, GW Bush und Obama think, to make business with zero-paper, Cash, hedge funds, ABS, CDO and CDS and other Scrap would be a good idea. Sure, it's the one of Pinochet, Thatcher, Blair, Cameron and therefore to make business with the Cash of the Workers, Employees, Whores and Pension Funds is a great achievement of the late 20th Century.

Now the whole quark goes down in the 21st Century to hell: USA is bankrupt, England and Ireland bankrupt, Greece and Spain and Italy bankrupt, followed by France, Germany, China and India - the perfect Storm of a Money-Crash - as never seen before in Human History.

The End of England without EU

England like Switzerland and USA is not a great friend of Europe. To say the greatest Crooks of the Breakdown of Systems, USA and England, want to tell the EU what to be done.

Well let's be very clear. Britain is dead with EU, without EU, and even if they decide again to go together with Pinochet, Ronald, GW Bush and other Crooks, England is in its Free Fall.

If the SUN, Guardian and other fine BBC would just bring one good Idea to prevent the End of England - I pay them immediately one million Pounds in their pockets. Take saving models or growth models, both today end in a SPIRAL of Debts, interest charges, rotten infrastructure and dying industry and Crash in Finance Business - increased by resources and energy stuff nobody anymore can pay.

The End of China

The End of China is near. There is now a race between USA, England, Greece and Europe, perhaps even of the BRIC States, who of them will first have to declare total bankruptcy and CRASH of their funny Systems.

China and India have no chances, due to over-pops. Germany, France, Italy and Spain can save themselves even when all CASH is gone. They have land reserves and are not yet totally paranoid. I see a misery for Switzerland, for Brazil, for Africa, for USA and above all for China and India and other over-pops nations. But this is another Story.

One big Laugh

By the end there is only one big Laugh to be pronounced. Friends - are you blind? Just don’t talk of Little Britain. It has become without any importance. It's the world as a whole in FREE FALL and whatever you try to do, is just a drop on a hot Stone.

You should have reflected about the situation around 1990 and have prevented the exhaustion of a Planet, killing the Geo-Sphere and creating an indebtedness that can never again be cured.

But now let's go into a PUB and drink a BEER, English are nice folks, I know them. It is a pity these idiots did not read my books when it was time to do it long before the predicted Collapse….

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on Mai 12, 2012