Great Sense of Humans

Final Lesson - Highest Nonsense on the Globe

What is highest Nonsense in the World around the year 2000?

Humanity is the greatest Nonsense and nothing else. - You want proofs?

Nothing easier than this - Friends - here they are - the proofs.

Planet Earth

The Planet Earth was just a reservoir for rotten fantasies of humanity. When technology exploded, it needed 150 years and everything on the planet was exhausted, the climate in collapse, the film of air creating weather catastrophes, the richest sacks got all cash and tax-freedom and will be massacred for this reason by masses going now into misery. Now the planet is in free fall and resources gone, the oceans gone, the humans gone - and this was it. The Human Law from the start was: The Planet sets the limits for humanity - but humans are just dirty junk to be thrown away if having brains full of shit - THIS in fact was the late program of humans and their philosophers and Jews.

Mass-Explosion of Pops

Not only the industries and traffic and transports and the killing of the planet exploded, but in only 120 years, the human scrap exploded from 2 billion on 10 billion. When we consider the U.S. and Chinese lifestyle under capitalism, any child knew from the start that more than 2 billion never could survive at length. With 8 and more billion, the planet and the economics were dead before the year 2050 will have come. In a PYRAMID of danger, the mass explosion of pops was always Number ONE of risks without end. Today we die on mass-laws and Black Swans - Idiots.

Technology and Industry

Even without the craze of modern slavery with cheap production in China and India, this Globe was dead under the influence of the US idiocy of market freedom and GROWTH, when towards the end, oil, gas and all other resources must be found in the depth of oceans, in the Arctic and Antarctic. It was from the start clear that technology of the kind of motors we had invented, the climate, the weather, the air and water and the rest must go to hell. Resources are becoming priceless and the environment is dead since some time too, and the end of humanity is coming in accelerating manner. By 2099, all is gone. For alternative technology, all trains went out of the station. Forget future growth of DEATH with alternatives, meant to be boiling hot a future explosion of POPS.

Finances and Cash

The best invention of Smith, Marx, Keynes, Popper, Friedman and other dirty Jews on Wall Street was the one of Cash, Stock exchanges, rotten banks and hedge funds, FED, IMF, WorldBank, WEF, ECB and other uselessness, allowing the Finance-Jews to invent some neo-liberalism, some ABS, CDO and CDS - and the rest of an immense downfall is history. All States and banks and pensions and insurances etc could be starting by 2010 to fall into bankruptcy - and not one solution was presented to stop this CRAZE, because such a stop was impossible. And the brains of the Elite and Masses were so paranoid and stupid that any reverse of the situation would come by 50 years too late. The Dollar is dead, same goes for USA, Euro, Europe, China, Japan, Australia, India, South America and all the rest. All are today in State of late bankruptcy and worthlessness to come - and nobody knows.

Philosophies and Theories in Economics

All Philosophers and Theorists in Economics of the Globe created, from the start with Adam Smith and Eve Thatcher until rotten Popper, Friedman, Krugmann, Levy, Huntington, Fukuyama, Kissinger, Bush, Negro Obama and the shit around the Jews on Wall Street and some idiocies of Keynes and Habermas, a total misery of feasibility and their ideas were without any sense. All philosophies were pure human behaviourism in the interest of the richest Skunks. Never any human rights or democrazy (dictatorship of dull majorities) for the poor masses misused as Slaves by the Class of power. And Middle class was financed for 30 years by free charge resources of the planet and the funds based on the destruction by States by indebtedness with cash. But not one person could see that these theories were pure instruments to kill the future of all coming generations - and no solutions would be there to save humanity from final misery.

Religions and other Esoterics

The greatest CRIMES were committed with help of a God or Allah or Buddha or other idiots, not existent when seeing the human wars, torture, holocaust of animals and killing of a planet. And therefore, religions for no reasons at all killed all original societies, burnt all women as witches and misused the poor folks in their interest only. All Catholics, Jews, Islamists, Evangelicans and Buddhists and Hindi and other deadly junk were dirty CROOKS and misused an imaginative GOD for the purpose to kill in Vietnam, Rwanda, Chile and Argentina and Israel in the name of Religion of Jews and other religions of higher believe in Allah, God, Buddha, Gandhi, Mandela, Negro Obama, Hitler, Stalin, Gorbachev, Kissinger and god-damn Dynamite Prize Holders of zero value, destroying a planet, plants, animals, air and water.

Culture and Arts

In Arts and Culture, the richest had towards the End all the cash when our fine Finance-World tumbled to hell, to finance idiots of making culture of the lowest in quality. We had the fine culture centuries ago, with Bach, Mozart, da Vinci, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Goethe, Dante, Maupassant and other types of higher geniality. What came later was to be sent into the basket. Who can name ONE single book or piece of ART after 1800, gets from me one million of rotten Dollars. Human culture has always been a myth. Judge the Globe from the End-Result and you will know the value of human arts, theatres, operas, musicals, Hollywood films, literature and philosophy. What served to kill all species of a planet cannot be taken for high culture - Friends.

Naturally, the principles of humans and the reality of a rotten Species on the planet EARTH were much worse and the situation should even be described around higher Nonsense than given here - but somehow, this text now had to come to an end, as will soon be the case for our worldwide Humanity as such.

René Delavy - Berlin and Bournemouth

written on May 28, 2012